Understanding the legal status of online logistics platforms in Europe: a decision framework for service providers improving legal certainty in the platform context
Journal of Shipping and Trade - ISSN 2364-4575-10:1 (2025) p.
Enhancing the regulatory framework for platform-based mobility services: facilitating the transition from cars in urban mobility
Transportation Research Procedia - ISSN 2352-1465-82 (2025) p. 1529-1549
Economic and legal impacts of delayed containers
Journal of Shipping and Trade - ISSN 2364-4575-9:1 (2024) p. 1-33
Managing the powers of digital platforms through platform law, contract law and consumer law
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Europese rechtspraak "Rechten van de mens" in kort bestek: ECSR, 14 september 2022, nr. 155/2017, Confédération générale du travail (CGT) t. Frankrijk
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