When enrolling, you sign a study contract. One of the conditions of this contract is the payment of the tuition fees. In most cases, your tuition fee is calculated based on how many credits you are using by registering for courses. You can find out how many credits each course is worth in the programme list. Go to the programme the courses are part of and then have a look at the study programme.

On this page you will find more information about the tuition fees you need to pay: what are the rates, how can you pay, and so on.

Payment at the time of enrolment

After enrolling, you need to put your course list together in the SisA selfservice module. In most cases, your tuition fee is calculated based on how many credits you are using by registering for courses. At the time of enrolment you haven't put your course list together yet, so your final tuition fee is not yet known. That's why you will be asked to pay an advance payment on your tuition fee (as soon as possible after (re-)registration).  This advance payment is equal to the fee for 60 credits of the programme you enrol on.  Consult the rates (see below) to know the fee per credit. Note that if exceptions apply (fee reduction, payment plan) the amount you actually pay after enrolment could be different.

Once you've paid after your (re-)enrolment has been processed, you will receive your student card by post and you can obtain your study certificates in the SisA selfservice module (for example to obtain a residence permit).  When your course list is complete and cannot be changed anymore (end of February), the tuition fee will be recalculated and if necessary a reimbursement will take place.

What should I do if I'm a...

  • ...PhD student? If you enrol as a PhD student, you will only pay tuition fees for the first year and the year in which you defend your thesis. Only pay the tuition fees when you receive notification from the registrar's office that they are due.
  • …postgraduate student? Postgraduate students should contact the organiser of the postgraduate programme for more information about tuition fees and payment.
  • …incoming exchange student? These students do not need to pay tuition fees at the University of Antwerp.

Practical details: how, when, reimbursements, etc.

How do I pay?

You can pay your tuition fees:

  • By bank transfer: After we have processed your enrolment form you will receive a document with the payment details. Don't forget the structured reference and only use the information on your own form! You can always find the payment details and the structured reference in your SisA selfservice account under 'Account summary'.
    VERY IMPORTANT: all bank costs associated with the transfer of money from outside of Belgium to the account of the university are at the expense of the student if your country is not part of SEPA (Single European Payments Area) and you do not have an international bank account number (IBAN). This means you should give the OUR instruction in the "Details of Charges"-field when making the (Swift) payment or otherwise indicate “Bank charges paid by the by-order”. This then means you pay all transfer charges. We receive all your payment. Otherwise, you will have an outstanding debt regarding your tuition fee and the expenses will go up if you have to make an additional transfer.
  • Using Visa or Maestro: If you are in Belgium and don't have a Belgian bank account yet, you can pay at the Registrar's Office using Visa or Maestro but only after making an appointment through the helpdesk.

It is not possible to pay in cash.

When do I need to pay?

  • We need to receive your advance payment as soon as possible after your enrolment.
  • After you have submitted and/or amended your study programme using the SisA selfservice module, SisA will recalculate your tuition fees overnight. You can check your balance in SisA the next morning and pay the outstanding balance. In any case, the balance is always due as soon as possible.

Why pay?

Upon enrolment, you sign a study contract with the university. One of the conditions of this contract is that you pay tuition fees. Not paying the tuition fees you owe does not mean your enrolment will be cancelled.  The tuition fee after enrolment is always required (based upon the credits in your course list), even if you decide to not attend lectures or end your enrolment.  If you do not pay the minimum amount due, you will not receive a student card or study certificates. You also will not be able to use the university's facilities. If your payment is incomplete, your access to Blackboard will be blocked at some point during the academic year.


Did you pay too much tuition? Or have your tuition fees been recalculated because of a change in your course list or because you ended your enrolment? The registrar's office will pay any excess tuition fees back into the account listed with your personal details in your SisA selfservice account. Always make sure that you have included your account number (both IBAN and BIC) in your selfservice account.  Keep in mind that the fixed amount of the tuition fee is never returned, even after ending your enrolment early.

Reimbursements are usually made after the enrolment period ends (i.e. from March onwards).


  • A payment will only be registered if you have enrolled. The payment itself does not entitle you to (re-)enrol and will not reverse a cancelled enrolment.
  • The registrar's office will send all communication about tuition fees to your UAntwerpen email address. Make sure you check your student email account regularly!

Paying your tuition fee in instalments

Students who receive a study allowance from the Flemish Government, tuition fee reduction or do not fulfil the conditions below cannot request a payment plan.

If you cannot pay the full tuition fee at the start of the academic year, you can submit a request for a payment plan in the international helpdesk after 1 August and before 15 November by submitting a ticket. Provide your UAntwerp-email address and correct student number in the appropriate fields. If you fulfil the conditions, a payment plan will then be drawn up in SisA, enabling you to pay your tuition fee over several months (in instalments of 1000, 2000 or 400 euro, depending on your total tuition fee). The payment plan can only be requested if the conditions are fulfilled before the deadline of the application period for the payment plan!  

You are eligible for a payment plan in academic year 2025-2026 if all conditions below are met:

  • you are already enrolled,
  • you study under a degree diploma contract for at least 54 study credits (non-EER nationals) or 40 study credits (EER nationals or long term Belgian residence permit-holders), as visible in SisA,
  • you own a tuition fee with a variable amount of,
    • non-EER nationals:
      • in the case of a bachelor, at least 45 EUR per credit and having already paid minimum 1000 EUR of your tuition fee
      • in the case of a master, at least 90 EUR per credit and having already paid minimum 2000 EUR of your tuition fee,
    • EER nationals or long term Belgian residence permit-holders:
      • 14.3 EUR per credit and having already paid minimum 400 EUR of your tuition fee
  • your first payment of 1000, 2000 or 400 EUR is already visible in your SisA selfservice.