Quality assurance and figures
Quality assurance
At the University of Antwerp we ensure the quality of our programmes. Every programme goes through a quality assurance cycle of six years.
In year three, we review the quality assurance of the programme during the internal process monitoring and control. In the autumn of 2019 this was done for the master of Physics.
A peer review in year six concludes the cycle. The study programme conducts a self-reflection and has discussions with internal and external experts and with an independent student. On 27th and 28th of April 2022 the peer review team visited the master of Physics and decided to confirm its confidence in the programme.
Conclusions of the peer review team
The physics programme at UAntwerp can compete nationally and internationally with similar programmes. The bachelor is a broad academic programme and has a strong link between teaching and research.
The programme is small-scale, with about 30 new students entering every year. As a result, the programme places strong emphasis on student guidance and feedback. The programme aims to encourage students to take more and more control of their learning process throughout the programme. Several lecturers combine both digital learning and on campus teaching.
A particularly nice initiative is the project 'A little uni in the classroom'. Students from 3rd bachelor present their bachelor's thesis in secondary school, developing presentation skills to communicate a scientific subject in an accessible way.
Alumni report having developed broadly employable skills that allow them to move into various positions at short notice.
Students have many choices: modules, electives and a wide range of topics for the bachelor’s and master's thesis. At the suggestion of the review team, the programme is further developing information and guidance for students on these choices.
The programme has already made a strong commitment to the internationalisation of the programme, e.g. by offering an English-language master's degree, and will take additional initiatives such as giving international researchers more prominence in the programme, further investigating the possibilities of YUFE and supporting internationalisation more administratively as well.
Facts and figures
The website 'opleiding in cijfers' gives you more detailed information about all programmes in Flemish university colleges and universities.