Quality assurance and figures

Quality assurance

At the University of Antwerp we ensure the quality of our programmes. Every programme goes through a six-year quality assurance cycle.

In year three, we review the quality assurance of the programme during the internal process monitoring and control. In fall 2018, this was done for the Master of Political Science.

A peer review in year six concludes the cycle. The study programme conducts a self-reflection and has  discussions with internal and external experts and with an independent student.

On 16-17 November 2022, the peer review team visited the Master of Political Science and decided to confirm its confidence in the programme.

Conclusions of the peer review team

The master’s programme is characterized by a research-driven curriculum with attention for analytical skills and critical thinking. Students have extensive options that enable them to set their own accents. This profile is also much appreciated by the working field. The English Master of Political Science is organized since 2017-2018. The international context thus created, is an enormous enrichment for all students.

The strong social-scientific and methodological profile can be used more clear in all communication towards (new) students. This way students can become more aware of their learned competences and skills to start more self-secure in the working field.

All courses are designed by a team of passionate lecturers with an open and self-critical attitude. The lecturers take many initiatives that contribute to a varied group of used work and assessment methods. Students f.e. are very enthusiastic about the compulsory course ‘Skills lab’ where they also have to participate in an online negotiation seminar.

The programme intends to pay more attention to non-western conceptual frameworks and political contexts. They also want to focus on community building to increase the social cohesion between students. In addition they want to involve alumni more often.

Facts and figures

The website ‘opleiding in cijfers’ gives you more detailed information about all programmes in Flemish university colleges and universities.