To complete your application, you will need to provide five documents:

a transcript of records, a language certificate, a passport photo, a proof of identification and one of the three types of learning agreements.

Documents for all students

All students must upload a transcript of records, a language certificate, a passport photo and a proof of identification.

Transcript of records

All students must provide this document.

This document is a list of all courses you have taken in your academic career so far. You can request a transcript of records from your home institution.

Your official transcript of records must be in English
If your institution cannot provide an English version, you must translate the document yourself and have the document signed and stamped by the international office of your home institution.

If you are a master's student applying for an exchange programme, you need to provide a transcript of records of both your bachelor's degree and your master's degree.

Language certificate

All students must provide this document.

If your first language is not English, you must provide evidence that your spoken and written command of English is adequate, by uploading the results of one of the following language tests. This requirement is there to ensure that your academic progress is not hampered by language difficulties and that you are able to communicate with teachers and administrative staff.

Approved language certificates

You must upload the results of one of the following language tests during your application:

  • Certificate issued by the Erasmus Plus Online linguistic support website (OLS) CEFR B2. Everybody can take a test here by clicking on 'join the community' and creating an account.
    Note that this test is mandatory for all Erasmus students, making it the easiest certificate to provide.
  • TOEFL iBT Certificate, with a minimum score of 79-80
  • Cambridge First Certificate
  • IELTS Certificate, with a minimum score of 6.5
  • Certificate issued by the language centre of your home institution or any other official language school in your country, testifying that your level of English is at least CEFR B2


If you are eligible to be exempt, you must upload a Word or PDF file to your application workflow in Mobility Online instead of a language certificate, containing a short declaration about your personal situation and an explanation as to why you do not need to upload the Certificate of English Knowledge. There is no template for this, you must create a document yourself.

You are exempt and do not need to provide an English language certificate if:

  1. Students who are only attending courses in Dutch and who have a good command of the Dutch language. One (or more) of the following statements must apply to these students:
    • Their mother tongue is Dutch
    • They are currently enrolled in a study programme that is taught in Dutch​
    • They come to the University of Antwerp within the framework of Erasmus Belgica
  2. Students with a good command of the English language. One (or more) of the following statements must apply to these students:
    • Their mother tongue is English
    • They have studied in an English-speaking country before
    • They are currently enrolled in a study programme that is taught in English

If it turns out, upon your arrival, that your English skills do not match the level indicated on the document you submitted as proof, the University of Antwerp may decide not to admit you after all.

Passport photo

All students must provide this document.


Make sure to immediately upload a proper photo that meets these requirements!
Additionally, the photo must be between 0-410 x 0-530 pixels.

Please note: a passport photo is not a photo of your passport! It is the photo that is printed on your passport or other ID documents.

Without a correct picture, you cannot receive a student card, which is essential for access to specific buildings, rooms, a bike storage, etc., but also for taking exams. 

Proof of identification

All students must provide this document.

You must upload a proof of identification. This is a PDF document which contains a copy of your passport or ID card. Other types of documents are not accepted.
If you upload a copy of your ID card, please add front and back.

Optional document

If you have a functional impairment, you have the option to upload a document listing the facilities you receive at your home institution. For questions regarding which facilities can be requested, please contact

Learning Agreement

There are three types of learning agreements, find out below which type is applicable to you.
Note that everybody must upload a learning agreement.

Digital Learning Agreement (Erasmus Study)

This document is required for Erasmus students whose main purpose is to study.


The learning agreement contains the courses you are planning to take and the corresponding ECTS credits. All parties signing the agreement commit to honouring all of the arrangements it contains, thereby ensuring that you will receive the proper recognition for the studies carried out in Antwerp.​


  • Fill out the Erasmus code for the University of Antwerp: B ANTWERP01
  • Fill out the courses. It is advised to choose between 21-30 ECTS credits per semester 
  • Fill out the course unit code (e.g. 6101OIWIDI)
  • Fill out the course title (e.g. Introduction to didactics)
  • The responsible person on your learning agreement is the international coordinator of your faculty at UAntwerp


Attention: As per the guidelines of the Erasmus programme, we don't accept paper or PDF versions of the Learning Agreement anymore, but only work with the new Digital Learning Agreements

Please follow the steps below to create a Digital Learning Agreement:

  1. Prepare your Digital Learning Agreement as part of your application at the University of Antwerp. First contact your home institution’s  international coordinator to ask which tool you should use to create the Digital Learning Agreement. This can be the OLA tool or any other institution-specific digital solution.
  2. You fill in the Digital Learning Agreement and sign it online
  3. Your home institution will receive a notification about your digital learning agreement once you have signed it. You home institution then needs to sign the agreement. 
    Attention: Your DLA must be signed by yourself and your home institution before the application deadline.
  4. The University of Antwerp receives a notification once your home institution has signed the agreement.
    Note that the University of Antwerp will only sign the agreement after acceptance, which is after the application deadline.
  5. Once the University of Antwerp has signed the digital learning agreement, it is finalised.

Learning Agreement (non-Erasmus exchange students)

This document is required for non-Erasmus students whose main purpose is to study.


The learning agreement contains the courses you are planning to take and the corresponding ECTS credits during your study exchange. It must also include all the learning outcomes you are expected to achieve during the exchange. All parties signing the agreement commit to honouring all of the arrangements it contains, thereby ensuring that you will receive the proper recognition for the studies carried out abroad without having to meet any further requirements.


  • Fill out the courses. It is advised to choose between 21-30 credits per semester.
  • Fill out the course unit code (e.g. 6101OIWIDI)
  • Fill out the course title (e.g. Introduction to didactics)
  • The responsible person on your learning agreement is the international coordinator of your faculty at Uantwerp


  1.  Generate the Word document from your personal workflow in Mobility Online as part of the step ‘Print Learning Agreement’.
  2.  Fill in the responsible person at the receiving institution.
  3.  Fill in your courses that are available to exchange students.​
  4.  Upload the Learning Agreement signed by you and by your home institution coordinator to your workflow in Mobility Online, before the application deadline.
    Note that the University of Antwerp will sign the agreement after acceptance, which is after the application deadline.

Learning Agreement for Traineeships (Erasmus Traineeship)

This document is required for Erasmus students whose main purpose is a traineeship.


The Learning Agreement for Traineeships, which we will call a training agreement from now on, formalises the arrangements that you’ve made and safeguards the quality of your placement. It describes your tasks, the knowledge and skills you will acquire, the arrangements that have been made regarding monitoring and evaluation, etc.

The agreement must be signed by yourself, your home institution and the relevant international coordinator at the University of Antwerp before the start of your work placement. It is designed to guarantee admission at the University of Antwerp and full recognition of your placement at your home institution. 

Contact your home institution for a template; you can also find a template on the website of the European Commission. After completion, upload the agreement to Mobility Online.

What about workplace accident insurance? 

Students participating in Erasmus placement are not covered by the workplace accident insurance, so they must be insured by their home institution. Therefore, all boxes in the training agreement should be checked as insured by the home institution, not by UAntwerp.