Study programme
Dutch-taught Master of Applied Economics: Economic Policy
This programme is taught in Dutch. On these pages, and for informational purposes only, we provide basic information about this programme in English.
We do offer this programme in English. Were you looking for the English equivalent of this programme? Take a look at the study programme of the English-taught programme
Model Path
Common Part
Applied Econometrics
Applied Welfare Economics
Macroeconomic Policy
Research methods in economics
'Applied econometrics'
Master's Thesis
Choose one of the two options. 'Masterproef: pre-doctoraal traject' only after approval of the master's thesis committee.
Master's Thesis
Master's thesis: pre-doctoraal trajectory
1 Module (21 ECTS-credits) to choose from:
'Macroeconomic Policy and Financial Markets' and 'Public Policy'.
Module 1: Macroeconomic Policy and Financial Markets
Financial econometrics
Financial intermediation and regulation
Monetary Economics
Public finance
Module 2: Public Policy
Economic Analysis of Inequality with Capita Selecta
Health economics
Industrial Organisations
- Jan Bouckaert
- Chen Li
Labour Economics
Within each module, you can replace up to 9 ECTS-credits of your choice with a course
* from the other module
* from the Master TEW-Bedrijfskunde
* from the Master Business Economics
* from the Master of Teaching in Economics: Economic Policy
* at a foreign university in the framework of exchange
* from a selection of courses from the UYFE Student Journey (after approval)
* previously obtained credits from a master offered by the Faculty of Business and Economics (upon request submitted through the Helpdesk)
* from the offer of summer and winter schools and blended intensive programs organized by the faculty. You will find the full offer in the student portal. For summer schools, you need to be selected the previous academic year
* from the list below
Consulting Project
Consulting project Research
Internship (sem 1)
Internship (sem 2)
Model Path
Common Part
Applied Econometrics
Applied Welfare Economics
Macroeconomic Policy
Research methods in economics
'Applied econometrics'
Master's Thesis
Choose one of the two options. 'Masterproef: pre-doctoraal traject' only after approval of the master's thesis committee.
Master's Thesis
Master's thesis: pre-doctoraal trajectory
1 Module (21 ECTS-credits) to choose from:
'Macroeconomic Policy and Financial Markets' and 'Public Policy'.
Module 1: Macroeconomic Policy and Financial Markets
Financial econometrics
Financial intermediation and regulation
Monetary Economics
Public finance
Module 2: Public Policy
Economic Analysis of Inequality with Capita Selecta
Health economics
Industrial Organisations
- Jan Bouckaert
- Chen Li
Labour Economics
Within each module, you can replace up to 6 ECTS-credits of your choice with a course from the other module, an internship (3 ECTS-credits), internship project 6 ECTS-credits), and/or the offer of summer and winter schools and blended intensive programs organized by the faculty. You will find the full offer in the student portal. For summer schools, you need to be selected the previous academic year.
Blended Intensive Programme on Leadership Development
Consulting Project
Consulting project Research methodology
Internship (sem 1)
Internship (sem 2)
Summer School 'Doing Business in South-East Asia'
Summer School on Responsible Fashion Management
Summer School on Urban Logistics
Summer School Washington 'American Business Environment'
- Jo Mentens
- Koen Vandenbempt
- Tijmen van Kempen
Winter School: from Mine to Finger. A Deep Dive in the World of Diamonds
Winter school sustainable transport, shipping and logistics
Winter School Transport and Logistics
Model Path
Common Part
Applied Econometrics
Applied Welfare Economics
Research methods in economics
'Applied econometrics'
- Luca Paolo Merlino
- Elsa Leromain
Macroeconomic Policy
- Tim Buyse
Master's Thesis
Master's Thesis
1 Module (21 ECTS-credits) to choose from:
'Macroeconomic Policy and Financial Markets' and 'Public Policy'.
Module 1: Macroeconomic Policy and Financial Markets
Financial econometrics
Financial intermediation and regulation
Monetary Economics
Public Finance
Module 2: Public Policy
Economic Analysis of Inequality with Capita Selecta
Health economics
Industrial Organisations
- Jan Bouckaert
- Chen Li
Labour Economics
Students can replace 1 or more courses from the chosen module by 1 or more from the list below. This is limited to 6 ECTS-credits.
Students need to follow the selection procedure for the summer schools and the guidelines for the consulting projcet and interships.
Studenten dienen de selectieproceduren van de summer schools te volgen en de richtlijnen voor het praktijkproject en de stage.
Blended Intensive Programme on Leadership Development
Consulting Project
International Consulting Bootcamp GOA
Summer School 'Doing Business in South-East Asia'
Summer School: Experience Entrepreneurship. An Intensive Introduction
Summer School on Responsible Fashion Management
Winter School: from Mine to Finger. A Deep Dive in the World of Diamonds
Summer School on Urban Logistics
Summer School 'Sustainability Engineering and Economics'
Summer School Washington 'American Business Environment'
Winter School Transport and Logistics
Model Path
Common Part
Applied econometrics
Applied welfare economics
Research methods in economics
- 'Applied econometrics'
- Luca Paolo Merlino
- Elsa Leromain
Macroeconomic policy
- Tim Buyse
Master's Thesis
Master's Thesis
1 Module (21 ECTS-credits) to choose from:
'Macroeconomic Policy and Financial Markets' and 'Public Policy'.
Students can replace 1 or more courses from the chosen module by 1 or more mastercourses at the Faculty Business and Economics (including a Summer School, Practical Project or Practical Training) with permission of the faculty Enrolment Board in Consultation with the programme coordinator. This is limited to 6 ECTS-credits.
Module 1: Macroeconomic Policy and Financial Markets
Financial econometrics
Financial intermediation and regulation
Monetary economics
Public finance
Module 2: Public Policy
Economic Analysis of Inequality with Capita Selecta
Health economics
Industrial organisations
Labour economics
Model Path
Common Part
Applied econometrics
Applied welfare economics
Research methods in economics
- 'Applied econometrics'
- Mewael Tesfaselassie
Master's Thesis
Master's Thesis
1 Module (21 ECTS-credits) to choose from:
'Macroeconomic policy and financial markets' and 'Public policy'.
Students can replace 1 or more courses from the chosen module by 1 or more mastercourses at the faculty BE (including a Summer School, Practical Project or Practical Training) with permission of the Faculty enrolment board in consultation with the programme coordinator. This is limited to 6 ECTS-credits.
Module 1: Macroeconomic policy and financial markets
Financial econometrics
Financial intermediation and regulation
Monetary economics
Public finance
Module 2: Public policy
Economic Analysis of Inequality
Health economics
Industrial organisations
Labour economics
Socio-economic policy
- Luca Paolo Merlino
Model Path
Common Part
Compulsory: 24 ECTS-credits
Applied econometrics
- Roland Winkler
Graduate seminar in economics
Applied welfare economics
Master's Thesis
Compulsory: 15 ECTS-credits
Master's Thesis
1 Module (21 ECTS-credits) to choose from:
'International Economics and Finance' and 'Economics of Public Policy Issues'.
Students can replace 1 or more courses from the chosen module by 1 or more mastercourses at the faculty BE (including a Summer School, Practical Project or Practical Training) with permission of the Faculty enrolment board in consultation with the programme coordinator. This is limited to 6 ECTS-credits.
Module 1: International Economics and Finance
Financial econometrics
Financial intermediation and regulation
Monetary economics
- Roland Winkler
Public finance
Module 2: Economics of Public Policy Issues
Students choose either for 'Transport, mobility and the environment' (English) or for 'Transport, mobiliteit en het milieu' (Dutch).
Economic Analysis of Inequality
Health economics
Industrial organisations
Labour economics
Transport, mobility and the environment
Transport, mobility and the environment
Model Path
Common Part
Compulsory: 24 ECTS-credits
Applied Econometrics
- Sofie Cabus
- Sunčica Vujić
- Roland Winkler
Graduate Seminar in Economics
Applied Welfare Economics
Master Thesis
Compulsory: 15 ECTS-credits
Master Thesis
1 Module (21 ECTS-credits) to choose from:
'International Economics and Finance' and 'Economics of Public Policy Issues'.
Students can replace 1 or more courses from the chosen module by 1 or more mastercourses at the faculty BE with permission of the Board of Admission. This is limited to 6 ECTS-credits.
Module 1: International Economics and Finance
Financial Econometrics
Financial Intermediation and Regulation
Monetary Economics
- Roland Winkler
Public Finance
Module 2: Economics of Public Policy Issues
Economic Analysis of Inequality
Health Economics
Industrial Organisations
Labour Economics
Transport, Mobility and the Environment
- Inge Mayeres