Bridging Programme
Dutch-taught Master of Translation
Based on this application a personal and individual programme is put together using the courses listed below.
For this bridging programme, candidates are expected to have completed a prior programme with one or two foreign languages. The bridging programme consists of 54 to 90 ECTS-credits depending on previously obtained qualifications.
Students are required to select two language modules (B+B or B+C), which they want to study in their Master of Translation.
B-languages: German, English, French
C-languages: Chinese, Italian, Spanish
Attention: the programme aims to have as few overlaps of courses as possible in its planning of the timetable, however this cannot be guaranteed.
General discipline-related courses
Compulsory courses
Research Skills
Translation and Interpreting Studies
Translation Technology
Intercultural Communication
Compulsory courses depending on the assigned study programme
Deutsche Grammatik 1, die Basis: Einführung in die Grammatik des Deutschen
Deutsche Grammatik 2, Vertiefung und Erweiterung: Verb, Adjektiv und Präposition
Deutsche Sprachbeherrschung 1
Kommunikation und Gesellschaft im deutschsprachigen Raum
Deutsche Grammatik 3: Eine funktionale Betrachtung der wichtigsten Wortarten
Deutsch: Schriftliche und mündliche Kommunikation 1
Translation German–Dutch 1
Translation German–Dutch 2
Deutsche Kulturgeschichte
Gesellschaft, Kultur und Medien im deutschsprachigen Raum
Deutsch: Schriftliche und mündliche Kommunikation 2
Translation German–Dutch 3
Compulsory courses depending on the assigned study programme
Advanced English Grammar for English Language Professionals
Advanced English Proficiency 1
English Proficiency 2
Communication in English 1: Analysing Texts in Context
Advanced English Grammar and Proficiency
Communication in English 2: Contextual Text Analysis and Production
Translation English–Dutch 1
Introduction to British and American Culture
The Outsider in Global Anglophone Literature
To enroll the student must have obtained a credit (at least 10/20) for English: Culture and history
Communication in English 3: Advanced Text Production for English Language Professionals
Translation English–Dutch 2
Compulsory courses depending on the assigned study programme
Grammaire française
Maîtrise du français écrit et oral
Textes, genres, discours en langue française
Culture française, nation et globalisation
Translation French–Dutch 1
Communication professionnelle écrite en français
Culture et littérature françaises: contextes et œuvres
Communication scientifique écrite en français
Communication professionnelle et scientifique orale en français
Translation French–Dutch 2
Communication orale en français
Grammaire textuelle du français
Compulsory courses depending on the assigned study programme
Hanyu yufa: Chinese grammar 1
Hanyu du xie: Chinese Language Proficiency 1
Hanyu jiaoji: Chinese Communication and Social Media 1
Hanyu yufa: Chinese Grammar 2
Hanyu du xie: Chinese Language Proficiency 2
Hanyu jiaoji: Chinese Communication and Social Media 2
Hanyu yu wenhua: Chinese Language and Contemporary Culture
Zhongguo lishi: History, Culture and Political Economy of China
Hanyu du xie: Chinese Language Proficiency 3
Hanyu jiaoji: Chinese Communication and Social Media 3
Hanyu jiaoji: Chinese Communication and Social Media 4
Translation Chinese–Dutch
Compulsory courses depending on the assigned study programme
Italiano: Grammatica e pratica 1
Italiano: Grammatica e pratica 2
Italiano: Comunicazione e comprensione 1
Italiano: Comunicazione e comprensione 2
Italia: Stato e società
Grammatica e comunicazione in italiano
L’italiano contemporaneo: la comunicazione scritta
Translation Italian–Dutch 1
La bellezza in Italia: arti e storia 1
La bellezza in Italia: arti e storia 2
Civiltà italiana e produzione linguistica 1
Civiltà italiana e produzione linguistica 2
L’italiano contemporaneo: la comunicazione parlata
Translation Italian–Dutch 2
Compulsory courses depending on the assigned study programme
Gramática española 1
Gramática española 2
Lengua española: Destrezas básicas
Lengua española: Destrezas intermedias
Español: Comunicación profesional 1
Lengua española: Destrezas avanzadas
Translation Spanish–Dutch 1
Español: Comunicación profesional 2
Sociedad y cultura en España
Sociedad y cultura en España: Destrezas orales
Sociedad y cultura en Hispanoamérica
Sociedad y cultura en Hispanoamérica: Destrezas orales
Español: Estrategias de escritura profesional
Español: Estrategias de comunicación oral
Translation Spanish–Dutch 2
Based on this application a personal and individual programme is put together using the courses listed below.
For this bridging programme, candidates are expected to have completed a prior programme with one or two foreign languages. The bridging programme consists of 54 to 90 ECTS-credits depending on previously obtained qualifications.
Students are required to select two language modules (B+B or B+C), which they want to study in their Master of Translation.
B-languages: German, English, French
C-languages: Chinese, Italian, Spanish
Attention: the programme aims to have as few overlaps of courses as possible in its planning of the timetable, however this cannot be guaranteed.
General discipline-related courses
Compulsory courses
Research Skills
Translation and Interpreting Studies
- Nina Reviers
- Guillermo Sanz Gallego
Translation Technology
Intercultural Communication
Compulsory courses depending on the assigned study programme
German: Grammar 1
German: Grammar 2
German: Language Proficiency 1
German: Communication and Society
German: Grammar 3
German: Oral and Written Communication 1
German: Translation into Dutch 1
German: Translation into Dutch 2
German: Cultural History
German: Society and Culture
German: Oral and Written Communication 2
German: Translation into Dutch 3
Compulsory courses depending on the assigned study programme
English: Grammar
English: Language Proficiency 1
English Proficiency 2
English: Text and Communication 1
English: Grammar and Language Proficiency
English: Text and Communication 2
English: Translation into Dutch 1
English: Culture and History
English: Culture and Literature
To enroll the student must have obtained a credit (at least 10/20) for English: Culture and history
English: Text and Communication 3
English: Translation into Dutch 2
Compulsory courses depending on the assigned study programme
French: Grammar 1
French: Language Proficiency 1
French: Text and Communication
French: Grammar and Language Proficiency 2
French: Culture and Globalisation
French: Translation into Dutch 1
French: Professional Communication
French: Culture and Literature
French: Written Professional and Academic Communication
French: Oral Professional and Academic Communication
French: Translation into Dutch 2
Compulsory courses depending on the assigned study programme
Chinese: Grammar 1
Chinese: Language Proficiency 1
Chinese: Communication and Social Media 1
Chinese: Grammar 2
Chinese: Language Proficiency 2
Chinese: Communication and Social Media 2
Chinese: Language and Contemporary Culture
Chinese: History, Culture and Political Economy
Chinese: Language Proficiency 3
Chinese: Communication and Social Media 3
Chinese: Communication and Social Media 4
Chinese: Translation into Dutch
Compulsory courses depending on the assigned study programme
Italian: Grammar 1
Italian: Grammar 2
Italian: Language Proficiency 1
Italian: Language Proficiency 2
Italian: Communication and Society
Italian: Grammar and Language Proficiency 3
Italian: Professional Communication 1
Italian: Translation into Dutch 1
Italian: History, Literature and Visual Arts 1
Italian: History, Culture and Visual Arts 2
Italian: Text Creation 1
Italian: Text Creation 2
Italian: Professional Communication 2
Italian: Translation into Dutch 2
Compulsory courses depending on the assigned study programme
Spanish: Grammar 1
Spanish: Grammar 2
Spanish: Language Proficiency 1
Spanish: Language Proficiency 2
Spanish: Professional Communication 1
Spanish: Grammar and Language Proficiency 3
Spanish: Translation into Dutch 1
Spanish: Professional Communication 2
Spanish: Society and Culture in Spain
Spanish: Society and Culture in Spain - Seminar
Spanish: Society and Culture in Latin America
Spanish: Society and Culture in Latin America - Seminar
Spanish: Written Professional Communication 3
Spanish: Oral Professional Communication 4
Spanish: Translation into Dutch 2
Based on this application a personal and individual programme is put together using the courses listed below.
For this bridging programme, candidates are expected to have completed a prior programme with one or two foreign languages. The bridging programme consists of 54 to 90 ECTS-credits depending on previously obtained qualifications.
Students are required to select two language modules (B+B or B+C), which they want to study in their Master of Translation.
B-languages: German, English, French
C-languages: Chinese, Italian, Spanish
Attention: the programme aims to have as few overlaps of courses as possible in its planning of the timetable, however this cannot be guaranteed.
General discipline-related courses
Compulsory courses
Research Skills
Translation and Interpreting Studies
- Nina Reviers
- Guillermo Sanz Gallego
Translation Technology
Intercultural Communication
Compulsory courses depending on the assigned study programme
German: Grammar 1
German: Grammar 2
German: Language Proficiency 1
German: Communication and Society
German: Grammar 3
German: Oral and Written Communication 1
German: Translation into Dutch 1
German: Translation into Dutch 2
- Carola Strobl
- Hilde Keteleer
German: Cultural History
- Patricia Linden
- Jana Vijayakumaran
- Thomas Ernst
German: Society and Culture
German: Oral and Written Communication 2
German: Translation into Dutch 3
Compulsory courses depending on the assigned study programme
English: Grammar
English: Language Proficiency 1
English Proficiency 2
English: Text and Communication 1
- Nina Reviers
- Anna Gagiano
- Paula Gruppelaar
English: Grammar and Language Proficiency
English: Text and Communication 2
English: Translation into Dutch 1
- Nina Reviers
- Paula Gruppelaar
- Line Magnus
English: Culture and History
English: Culture and Literature
To enroll the student must have obtained a credit (at least 10/20) for English: Culture and history
English: Text and Communication 3
English: Translation into Dutch 2
Compulsory courses depending on the assigned study programme
French: Grammar 1
French: Language Proficiency 1
French: Text and Communication
French: Grammar and Language Proficiency 2
French: Culture and Globalisation
French: Translation into Dutch 1
- Kris Peeters
- Elena Fierens
French: Professional Communication
French: Culture and Literature
French: Written Professional and Academic Communication
French: Oral Professional and Academic Communication
French: Translation into Dutch 2
- Kris Peeters
- Elena Fierens
Compulsory courses depending on the assigned study programme
Chinese: Grammar 1
Chinese: Language Proficiency 1
Chinese: Communication and Social Media 1
Chinese: Grammar 2
Chinese: Language Proficiency 2
Chinese: Communication and Social Media 2
Chinese: Language and Contemporary Culture
Chinese: History, Culture and Political Economy
Chinese: Language Proficiency 3
Chinese: Communication and Social Media 3
Chinese: Communication and Social Media 4
Chinese: Translation into Dutch
Compulsory courses depending on the assigned study programme
Italian: Grammar 1
Italian: Grammar 2
Italian: Language Proficiency 1
Italian: Language Proficiency 2
Italian: Communication and Society
Italian: Grammar and Language Proficiency 3
Italian: Professional Communication 1
Italian: Translation into Dutch 1
Italian: History, Literature and Visual Arts 1
Italian: History, Culture and Visual Arts 2
Italian: Text Creation 1
Italian: Text Creation 2
Italian: Professional Communication 2
Italian: Translation into Dutch 2
Compulsory courses depending on the assigned study programme
Spanish: Grammar 1
Spanish: Grammar 2
Spanish: Language Proficiency 1
Spanish: Language Proficiency 2
Spanish: Professional Communication 1
Spanish: Grammar and Language Proficiency 3
Spanish: Translation into Dutch 1
Spanish: Professional Communication 2
Spanish: Society and Culture in Spain
Spanish: Society and Culture in Spain - Seminar
Spanish: Society and Culture in Latin America
Spanish: Society and Culture in Latin America - Seminar
Spanish: Written Professional Communication 3
Spanish: Oral Professional Communication 4
Spanish: Translation into Dutch 2
Based on this application a personal and individual programme is put together using the courses listed below.
For this bridging programme, candidates are expected to have completed a prior programme with one or two foreign languages. The bridging programme consists of 54 to 90 ECTS-credits depending on previously obtained qualifications.
Students are required to select two language modules (B+B or B+C), which they want to study in their Master of Translation.
B-languages: German, English, French
C-languages: Chinese, Italian, Spanish
Attention: the programme aims to have as few overlaps of courses as possible in its planning of the timetable, however this cannot be guaranteed.
General discipline-related courses
Compulsory courses
Research Skills
Translation and Interpreting Studies
Translation Technology
Intercultural Communication
Compulsory courses depending on the assigned study programme
German: Grammar 1
German: Grammar 2
German: Language Proficiency 1
German: Communication and Society
German: Grammar 3
German: Oral and Written Communication 1
German: Translation into Dutch 1
German: Translation into Dutch 2
German: Cultural History
- Patricia Linden
- Thomas Ernst
- Jana Vijayakumaran
German: Society and Culture
German: Oral and Written Communication 2
German: Translation into Dutch 3
Compulsory courses depending on the assigned study programme
English: Grammar
English: Language Proficiency 1
English Proficiency 2
English: Text and Communication 1
English: Grammar and Language Proficiency
English: Text and Communication 2
English: Translation into Dutch 1
English: Culture and History
English: Culture and Literature
To enroll the student must have obtained a credit (at least 10/20) for English: Culture and history
- Frank Albers
- Lauren Ottaviani
English: Text and Communication 3
English: Translation into Dutch 2
Compulsory courses depending on the assigned study programme
French: Grammar 1
French: Language Proficiency 1
French: Text and Communication
French: Grammar and Language Proficiency 2
French: Culture and Globalisation
French: Translation into Dutch 1
French: Professional Communication
French: Culture and Literature
French: Written Professional and Academic Communication
French: Oral Professional and Academic Communication
French: Translation into Dutch 2
Compulsory courses depending on the assigned study programme
Chinese: Grammar 1
Chinese: Language Proficiency 1
Chinese: Communication and Social Media 1
Chinese: Grammar 2
Chinese: Language Proficiency 2
Chinese: Communication and Social Media 2
Chinese: Language and Contemporary Culture
Chinese: History, Culture and Political Economy
Chinese: Language Proficiency 3
Chinese: Communication and Social Media 3
Chinese: Communication and Social Media 4
Chinese: Translation into Dutch
Compulsory courses depending on the assigned study programme
Italian: Grammar 1
Italian: Grammar 2
Italian: Language Proficiency 1
Italian: Language Proficiency 2
Italian: Communication and Society
Italian: Grammar and Language Proficiency 3
Italian: Professional Communication 1
Italian: Translation into Dutch 1
Italian: History, Literature and Visual Arts 1
Italian: History, Culture and Visual Arts 2
Italian: Text Creation 1
Italian: Text Creation 2
Italian: Professional Communication 2
Italian: Translation into Dutch 2
Compulsory courses depending on the assigned study programme
Spanish: Grammar 1
Spanish: Grammar 2
Spanish: Language Proficiency 1
Spanish: Language Proficiency 2
Spanish: Professional Communication 1
Spanish: Grammar and Language Proficiency 3
Spanish: Translation into Dutch 1
Spanish: Professional Communication 2
Spanish: Society and Culture in Spain
Spanish: Society and Culture in Spain - Seminar
Spanish: Society and Culture in Latin America
Spanish: Society and Culture in Latin America - Seminar
Spanish: Written Professional Communication 3
Spanish: Oral Professional Communication 4
Spanish: Translation into Dutch 2
Based on this application a personal and individual programme is put together using the courses listed below.
For this bridging programme, candidates are expected to have completed a prior programme with one or two foreign languages. The bridging programme consists of 54 to 90 ECTS-credits depending on previously obtained qualifications.
Students are required to select two language modules (B+B or B+C), which they want to study in their Master of Translation.
B-languages: German, English, French
C-languages: Chinese, Italian, Spanish
Attention: the programme aims to have as few overlaps of courses as possible in its planning of the timetable, however this cannot be guaranteed.
General discipline-related courses
Compulsory courses
Research Skills
Translation/Interpreting Studies
Translation Technology
Intercultural Communication
Compulsory courses depending on the assigned study programme
German Grammar 1
German Grammar 2
German proficiency 1
- Tanja Mortelmans
- Tom Smits
- Alex Haider
- Liselotte Van der Gucht
German Text and Communication 1
- Patricia Linden
- Alex Haider
- Liselotte Van der Gucht
German grammar 3
German Text and Communication 2
- Carola Strobl
- Alex Haider
- Liselotte Van der Gucht
German: Translation German > Dutch 1
German: Translation German > Dutch 2
History of German Culture
German Culture
German Text Creation
- Carola Strobl
- Alex Haider
- Liselotte Van der Gucht
German: Translation German > Dutch 3
Compulsory courses depending on the assigned study programme
English Grammar 1
English Grammar 2
English Language Proficiency 1
English Proficiency 2
English Text and Communication 1
English Grammar and Language Proficiency
English Text and Communication 2
English: Translation English > Dutch 1
English Culture and History
English Culture 2
To enroll the student must have obtained a credit (at least 10/20) for English: Culture and History
English Text and Communication 3
English: Translation English > Dutch 2
Compulsory courses depending on the assigned study programme
French Grammar 1
French Language Proficiency 1
French: Text and communication
French Grammar and Language Proficiency
French Culture 1
French: Translation French > Dutch 1
French Text Production 1
French Culture 2
French Text Production 2
French Text Production 3
French: Translation French > Dutch 2
Compulsory courses depending on the assigned study programme
Chinese Grammar 1
Chinese Language Proficiency 1
Chinese Communication and Media 1
Chinese Grammar 2
Chinese Language Proficiency 2
Chinese Communication and Media 2
Chinese Language and Culture
Chinese Culture
Chinese Language Proficiency 3
Chinese Communication and Media 3
Chinese Communication and Media 4
Chinese: Translation Chinese > Dutch
Compulsory courses depending on the assigned study programme
Italian Grammar 1
Italian Grammar 2
Italian Language Proficiency 1
Italian Language Proficiency 2
Italian Communication and Society
Italian Grammar and Language Proficiency
Italian Professional Communication 1
Italian: Translation Italian > Dutch 1
Italian Culture 1
Italian Culture 2
Italian Text Creation 1
Italian Text Creation 2
Italian Professional Communication 2
Italian: Translation Italian > Dutch 2
Compulsory courses depending on the assigned study programme
Spanish Grammar 1
Spanish Grammar 2
Spanish Language Proficiency 1
Spanish Language Proficiency 2
Spanish Professional Communication 1
Spanish Grammar and Language Proficiency
Spanish: Translation Spanish > Dutch 1
Spanish Professional Communication 2
Spain: Society and Culture
Society and Culture in Spain: Seminar
Latin America: Society and Culture
Society and Culture in Latin America: Seminar
Spanish: Professional communication 3
Spanish: Professional communication 4
Spanish: Translation Spanish > Dutch 2
Based on this application a personal and individual programme is put together using the courses listed below.
For this bridging programme, candidates are expected to have completed a prior programme with one or two foreign languages. The bridging programme consists of 51 to 87 ECTS-credits depending on previously obtained qualifications.
Students are required to select two language modules (B+B or B+C), which they want to study in their Master of Translation.
B-languages: German, English, French
C-languages: Chinese, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish
Attention: the programme aims to have as few overlaps of courses as possible in its planning of the timetable, however this cannot be guaranteed.
General discipline-related courses
Compulsory courses
Research Skills
Translation/Interpreting Studies
Translation Technology
Intercultural Communication
Compulsory courses depending on the assigned study programme
German Grammar 1
German Grammar 2
German proficiency 1
- Tanja Mortelmans
- Tom Smits
- Liselotte Van der Gucht
German Text and Communication 1
- Alex Haider
- Patricia Linden
- Carola Strobl
- Liselotte Van der Gucht
German grammar 3
German Text and Communication 2
- Alex Haider
- Patricia Linden
- Carola Strobl
- Liselotte Van der Gucht
German: Translation German > Dutch 1
German: Translation German > Dutch 2
History of German Culture
German Culture
German Text Creation
- Alex Haider
- Patricia Linden
- Carola Strobl
- Liselotte Van der Gucht
German: Translation German > Dutch 3
Compulsory courses depending on the assigned study programme
English Grammar 1
English Grammar 2
English Language Proficiency 1
English Proficiency 2
English Text and Communication 1
English Grammar and Language Proficiency
English Text and Communication 2
- Ingrid van de Wijer
- Anna Gagiano
English: Translation English > Dutch 1
- Ingrid van de Wijer
- Line Magnus
English Culture and History
English Culture 2
To enroll the student must have obtained a credit (at least 10/20) for English: Culture and History
English Text and Communication 3
English: Translation English > Dutch 2
- Ingrid van de Wijer
Compulsory courses depending on the assigned study programme
French Grammar 1
French Language Proficiency 1
French: Text and communication
French Grammar and Language Proficiency
French Culture 1
French: Translation French > Dutch 1
French Text Production 1
French Culture 2
French Text Production 2
French Text Production 3
French: Translation French > Dutch 2
Compulsory courses depending on the assigned study programme
Chinese Grammar 1
Chinese Language Proficiency 1
Chinese Communication and Media 1
Chinese Grammar and Language Proficiency
Chinese Communication and Media 2
Chinese: Translation Chinese > Dutch 1
Chinese Language and Culture
Chinese Culture
Chinese Text Creation 1
Chinese Text Creation 2
Chinese: Translation Chinese > Dutch 3
Compulsory courses depending on the assigned study programme
Italian Grammar 1
Italian Grammar 2
Italian Language Proficiency 1
Italian Language Proficiency 2
Italian Communication and Society
Italian Grammar and Language Proficiency
Italian Professional Communication 1
Italian: Translation Italian > Dutch 1
Italian Culture 1
Italian Culture 2
Italian Text Creation 1
Italian Text Creation 2
Italian Professional Communication 2
Italian: Translation Italian > Dutch 2
Compulsory courses depending on the assigned study programme
Portuguese Culture 1
- Gert Vercauteren
- - NNB
Portuguese Culture 2
- Gert Vercauteren
- - NNB
Portuguese Text Creation 1
- Ann Lecluyse
Portuguese Text Creation 2
- Ann Lecluyse
Portuguese: Translation Portuguese > Dutch 2
Compulsory courses depending on the assigned study programme
Spanish Grammar 1
Spanish Grammar 2
Spanish Language Proficiency 1
Spanish Language Proficiency 2
Spanish Professional Communication 1
Spanish Grammar and Language Proficiency
Spanish: Translation Spanish > Dutch 1
Spanish Professional Communication 2
Spain: Society and Culture
Society and Culture in Spain: Seminar
- Christiane Stallaert
- Carmen Alicia Nunez-Borja Luna
Latin America: Society and Culture
- Christiane Stallaert
- Carmen Alicia Nunez-Borja Luna
Society and Culture in Latin America: Seminar
- Christiane Stallaert
- Carmen Alicia Nunez-Borja Luna