Learning outcomes

Dutch-taught Bachelor of Bioscience Engineering


1. The Bachelor has profound knowledge, insight and skills in relation to the foundations and the applications of mathematics and natural sciences and the interactions between living matter and the abiotic environment. The Bachelor can apply this knowledge and insights at an advanced level in one of the fields of knowledge and application (majors) offered.

2. The Bachelor can schematically represent and model processes and systems in bio-engineering sciences.

3. The Bachelor can use and integrate knowledge, insight and skills from the different disciplines in natural sciences and from engineering courses when developing simple research projects and experiments.

Engineering attitude

4. The Bachelor can think, design, develop and creatively innovate in a system-oriented and analytical problem solving way.

5. Within a set framework the Bachelor can, under supervision and in a group, conceive, plan and develop a bio-engineering project in a meticulous and result-oriented way. The Bachelor assesses the risks and feasibility of the proposed approach or solution, taking into account the technical, economic and social pre-conditions and the business implications.

Research attitude

6. The Bachelor can select research, design and solving methods, apply these adequately, scientifically process their results, critically interpret them and formulate conclusions.

7. The Bachelor can purposefully search for, evaluate and process (inter)national scientific and technical information and refer to it correctly.

Language proficiency

8. The Bachelor can correctly use the scientific and discipline-specific terminology in the languages relevant for the programme (mainly Dutch and English).

9. The Bachelor can correctly communicate the results of technical and scientific work orally, in writing and graphically and present them to a peer group. The Bachelor can clearly answer scientific questions and argue and justify the answer.

Positioning in a team, the professional field and society

10. The Bachelor can function as a team member in different roles and takes responsibility for determining and attaining the targets of the team.

11. The Bachelor has basic knowledge of the professional field in bio-engineering sciences.

12. The Bachelor can act in an ethical, socially sound and sustainable way, taking into account technical, economic, social and environmental aspects.