Preparatory programme
for the Master of Science in Business Economics
The preparatory (pre-master) programme for the Master in Business Economics consists of a maximum of 54 ECTS-credits. Students may receive some exemptions in the preparatory programme based on the obtained credits in their prior study programme(s). All possible exemptions will be assessed case per case by the board of admissions upon admission approval. Depending on the load of the preparatory programme, students may be allowed to combine the preparatory programme with certain courses of the master.
Students cannot directly apply for a preparatory programme. Students apply for the master's programme and the board of admissions will then put together a customised preparatory programme.
Cluster Business Management (36 ECTS-credits)
The course 'Principles of marketing' can be taken in semester 1 or in semester 2.
Digital organisation
Foundations of international business
Introduction to financial markets
Introduction to financial reporting and analysis
Introduction to managing and organising
Principles of financial management
Principles of management accounting
Principles of marketing
Principles of marketing
Cluster Economics (6 ECTS-credits)
Introduction to economics
Cluster Research Methodology and Mathematics (12 ECTS-credits)
Mathematical methods
Multivariate Analysis
Cluster Business Management (36 ECTS-credits)
The courses 'Principles of financial management' and 'Principles of marketing' can be taken in semester 1 or in semester 2.
Digital organisation
Foundations of international business
Introduction to financial reporting and analysis
Introduction to financial markets
Introduction to managing and organising
Principles of financial management
Principles of financial management
Principles of management accounting
Principles of marketing
Principles of marketing
Cluster Economics (6 ECTS-credits)
Introduction to economics
Cluster Research Methodology and Mathematics (12 ECTS-credits)
Mathematical methods
Multivariate Analysis
Model Path
Cluster Business management
Digital organisation
Foundations of international business
Introduction to financial reporting and analysis
Introduction to financial markets
Introduction to managing and organising
- Stefanie Weil
- Tim Peeters
- Dan Xiang
Principles of financial management
Principles of financial management
Principles of management accounting
Principles of marketing
Principles of marketing
Cluster Economics
Introduction to economics
Cluster Research methodology and mathematics
Mathematical methods
Multivariate Analysis
Model Path
Cluster Business management
Business in the European Union
Introduction to financial reporting and analysis
Introduction to financial markets
Introduction to managing and organising
- Stefanie Weil
- Tim Peeters
- Vicky Van Woensel
Principles of financial management
Principles of management accounting
Principles of marketing
Cluster Economics
- 'Introduction to economics'
- 'Mathematical methods'
- 'Introduction to economics'
- 'Mathematical methods'
Cluster Research methodology and mathematics
Mathematical methods
Multivariate Analysis
Model Path
Cluster Methodology
Introduction to econometrics
- 'Descript. stat. and prob. theory' or 'Statistics I'
- 'Statistics II'
- 'Microeconom.' (or included in study programme)
- 'Macroeconom.' (or included in study programme)
Cluster Business and Economics
Principles of financial management
Principles of international business
Principles of management accounting
Principles of marketing
Model Path
Cluster Methodology
Introduction to econometrics
- 'Beschrijvende statistiek en kansrekenen' or 'Statistiek I'
- 'Statistiek II'
- 'Micro-economie' (or included in study programme)
- 'Macro-economie' (or included in study programme)
- Sunčica Vujić
- Sofie Cabus
Cluster Business and Economics