Meet our alumni
Find out where their degree brought them
If you choose to study Business Economics, you'll become a global student and citizen. Over the past decade, we've had graduates from 39 different countries such as Vietnam, China, Germany, Turkey, Greece, Germany, Mexico, Canada, and so on.
Our alumni work in 36 countries all over the world. More than 85% found a job within 6 months after graduation. Some became consultants, business developers, auditors, managers... for organisations like the European Commission, PwC, Deloitte, Katoen Natie and The National Bank. Others became researchers at top universities or founded their own company.
Their stories
Read more about some of our students' experiences or ask them a question yourself.
is an international student from Cameroon

is an international student from Vietnam

Ting (China)

Meet Ting from Beijing, China. She is the founder of a marketing agency called RedderUp, which helps European fashion and luxury brands grow their presence in the Chinese market. In 2019, she graduated from the Master of Science in Business Economics.
"Time flies! Those days at UAntwerp are still very vivid in my memory. The city of Antwerp is magical. It wears so many different hats: the center of the world’s diamond trade, a major fashion hub, a large port, so much art and history... I fell in love right away."
Is there one memory you’ll never forget about Antwerp?
Ting: “Good question. I’ve had many beautiful moments. One of them is that I encouraged some of my classmates to join an entrepreneurial event in Brussels with me. On the train, we practiced self-introduction and overcame our fears of showing up in a business environment as students. That was fun and definitely memorable.
Besides that, my classes mainly took place in the city campus, located in the historical city center. I remember the buildings looked exactly like those in Harry Potter.”
How was it, moving from China to Belgium?
Ting: “I traveled quite a lot before moving to Belgium, so it was easy to adapt to living in Belgium. The only ‘new’ thing for me was that most shops close on Sunday. I’m used to the fast-paced lifestyle in Beijing, where shops are open till 10 P.M. every day. It’s a demonstration of the work-life balance in Belgium.
You now have your own marketing company, RedderUp. Did you always have that entrepreneurial side in you?
Ting: "I think I’ve always known that starting a company was the best way to achieve my goals. If you have a creative mindset, are willing to take control of life, and have a desire for monetary rewards, being an entrepreneur can be very rewarding.
But the Business Economics program helped develop that side. During my studies, I worked with several marketing agencies, global department stores, and local Belgian brands on multiple marketing and strategy topics. These experiences drove me to the fashion and luxury sector.
Meanwhile, I also interviewed C-level marketing directors and CEOs in Asia, Europe, and the US for my Master’s thesis on digital marketing. That triggered my entrepreneurial mindset even more."
RedderUp helps European fashion and luxury brands boost their presence in China. Did Antwerp play a role in the development of your company?
Ting: “Antwerp played an important role in my entrepreneurial journey. I’ve always loved fashion, and Antwerp has its unique fashion vibe with plenty of cool brands. I saw an opportunity: Why not help these brands reach out to customers in China, the second-largest luxury market in the world?
So, RedderUp was born. Starting in the Chinese market can be challenging, so we walk brands through the zero-to-one stage and help them keep growing. By understanding both Chinese customers and European culture, we balance and connect with brands and customers. Just like our slogan, RedderUp was inspired in Antwerp, created in Beijing, and powered in Milan. Not surprisingly, my first client was a Belgian fashion brand."
Cansu (Turkey)

Cansu is originally from Turkey and is now working in Antwerp as a Marketing Operations Specialist at Tennant Company.
“My study abroad experiences has transformed me into a competitive player in the marketplace by building up international mindset. Nowadays, companies seek candidates who are open to new challenges and experiences, value differences, can work in teams crossing cultural boundaries and can easily adapt to new workplace settings."
Mirella (Hungary)

Mirella is a Marketing Specialist at DSV, one of the leading global transport and logistics companies. “As part of the Business Development team, I am responsible for marketing and involved in all commercial areas. My job is a very exciting mix of different commercial responsibilities and projects connected to sales, marketing and account management. As the marketing responsible for the contract logistics division in Belgium, I manage the local content on our website and social media accounts, as well as support our HR team in employer branding. I work together with our sales organisation on improving sales communication, on understanding better our prospects' needs and creating value based and targeted commercial offers.
Internship to full time job
"Luckily for me, finding a job after my studies worked out perfectly thanks to the University. As part of our European Trade and Integration course, the class has been involved in a project with DSV. Following the successful work we did during the semester, the company granted summer internships to some students, including myself.
Three years later I am still here. My responsibilities expanded, my role has evolved and I am still fostering a great collaboration with the manager who hired me in 2017! It is quite difficult to find a job in Belgium without speaking Dutch or French, however, the university project gave me the chance to showcase my motivation and skills, which proved to be enough to convince the company to give me a chance. Since then, with their ongoing support, I started to learn Dutch."
International experience
Mirella majored in Marketing with a minor in International & European Management, which was a perfect combination to provide her with the academic background for her current work environment. “The content of the courses was very up-to-date and reflected on the current hot topics around the world. Actually, the entire year was an international experience. After finishing my undergraduate degree in Hungary, I started my professional career by doing internships in Antwerp and London.
Coming back to Belgium to start a Master’s degree was a very important life decision, and a great one - Antwerp is a vibrant, culturally exciting European city, where I feel like I am at home and on a great adventure at the same time. From a professional standpoint, Belgium is an important hub in the global transportation industry. International mobility during and after my studies enabled me to experience different communities and have a better understanding of where I want to live and work."
an international student from India

an international student from Turkey

Antwerp is a vibrant European city, where I feel like I am at home and on a great adventure at the same time.