Natalia, an international student from Mexico

Here's her story

When I first arrived in Antwerp, in the Central Station, I remember feeling like I was in Harry Potter. 

The aesthetic of the building is magical. To then get from the station to the campus is a mere ten-minute walk. Five minutes even if you’re running… if you’re late for class, for instance. What I like about Antwerp is that the city is very walkable and bikeable. In my hometown, we don’t really have a bicycle culture, but here, everybody bikes everywhere. 

Discver Europe

And due to the city’s central location, it can be a gateway for you to explore different countries in Europe. You’re only a train ride away from Amsterdam, Cologne, Paris, London, and so on. I also love that whenever the weather is nice, you can see the ‘Antwerpenaars’ having a beer or eating fries in one of the many bars or restaurants. It’s like a celebration as soon as the sun comes out.

Heart of Antwerp

As I mentioned, the campus is located in the heart of the city. It is made up of medieval-looking buildings with a classical architecture that was kept throughout the years. However, as soon as you go inside, the buildings are surprisingly modern. In the beginning of the year, the University of Antwerp organizes a Welcome Week for international students. This allows you to get to know fellow students from all different parts of the world. That week is where I met my friends, who have actually stayed my friends this whole time.

If I can give one final tip, don’t be scared of the language. Everybody here speaks fluent English, and since it’s such an international city, you’re not even going to miss the food from home. You can easily find it here. So don’t worry too much, just be prepared to have a great time.