Sustainability Engineering
Taught in Dutch
Model Path
Common Part
Business engineering fundamentals: 27 ECTS-credits preferably to include in part 1 of the master
Corporate Finance and Governance
Advanced systems dynamics
Introduction to time series analysis
Machine Learning for Business
Supply chain management
Sustainability management
Compulsory choice between 'business fundamentals' or 'economics fundamentals'
Business fundamentals: 15 ECTS-credits preferably to include in part 1 of the master
Ethical and Sustainable Business
Maritime and Port Economics
Strategic Management
Economics fundamentals: 15 ECTS-credits preferably to include in part 1 of the master
Applied Welfare Economics
Ethical and Sustainable Business
Macroeconomic Policy
Degree Profile Sustainability Engineering
18 ECTS-credits compulsory in part 1 of the master
Energy- and climate economics
Innovation Management and Business Modeling
Environmental economics
Generation and distribution of electric power
12 ECTS-credits compulsory in part 2 of the master
Economics of natural resources
Engineering risk management
Materials in a circular economy
1 Major (18 ECTS-credits spread over the 2 parts of the master) to choose from
Major Accounting
1. Compulsory courses
International Financial Reporting Standards
2. 6 ECTS-credits to choose from
Accounting ethics
Current Topics in Accounting
Financial Analysis and Business Valuation
Sustainability reporting and assurance
- - NNB
Major Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
Current Topics in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
'Data mining' or 'Machine learning' or 'Python for machine learning'
Data Engineering
'Data mining' or 'Machine learning' or 'Python for machine learning'
Data Science and Ethics
'Data mining' or 'Machine learning' or 'Python for machine learning'
Deep learning for business
'Data mining' or 'Machine learning' or 'Python for machine learning'
- - NNB
Tools and AI in Management and Communication
Major Digital Organisation
1. Compulsory courses
Digital Risk and Security
Digital Strategy and Governance
2. 6 ECTS-credits to choose from
Current Topics in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
'Data mining' or 'Machine learning' or 'Python for machine learning'
Data Engineering
'Data mining' or 'Machine learning' or 'Python for machine learning'
Data Science and Ethics
'Data mining' or 'Machine learning' or 'Python for machine learning'
Deep learning for business
'Data mining' or 'Machine learning' or 'Python for machine learning'
- - NNB
Digital Auditing
Digital Innovation
Major Economic Policy
Choose 18 ECTS-credits from the master's programme TEW: Economisch Beleid (excluding the master's thesis).
Major Finance: 18 ECTS-credits to choose from
Entrepreneurial Finance
Financial Risk Management
Insurance: Financial and Actuarial Methods
Major Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship: 18 ECTS-credits to choose from
'Onderhandelen (sem 1)' and 'Onderhandelen (sem 2)' must not be included together.
Digital Innovation
Entrepreneurial Finance
Negotiation (sem 1)
Bachel's thesis
Negotiation (sem 2)
Bachel's thesis
Product Innovation in Marketing
Intellectual property law
Strategic Professional Communication
The Entrepreneur and their International Environment
Transport innovation, digitalisation and entrepreneurship
Major International Exchange
18 ECTS-credits at a foreign university/institute to be taken in the framework of an exchange programme.
Major Marketing: 18 ECTS-credits to choose from
Consumer Behaviour
Marketing Communications
Marketing Research
Omnichannel and Digital Marketing
Product Innovation in Marketing
Services Marketing
Major Organisation, Strategy and International Business: 18 ECTS-credits to choose from
* the range of summer schools, winter schools and blended intensive programs of the Antwerp Summer Winter University, the Faculty Business and Economics. Summer schools be taken up in the academic year following the summer school attended.
* the list below
Business in the European Union
Current Issues in International Business
Organisation and Strategy: Special Issues
Organisational Development and Change Management
Organisational Theory and Design
Research Project in International Business
Internship (sem 1)
Internship (sem 2)
Strategic Professional Communication
Strategy, Structure and Management of the Multinational Enterprise
The Entrepreneur and their International Environment
Major Supply Chain Engineering: 18 ECTS-credits to choose from
Advanced supply chain management
'Supply chain management' or 'Operations and supply chain management'
Sustainable hinterland transportation
ICT in supply chain management
'Advanced supply chain management' or 'Operations and supply chain management'
Port strategies
Logistics and Distribution Management
Optimisation in logistics
Simulation techniques
Inventory management
Major Transport and Logistics
1. Compulsory courses
Air transport
Challenges in mobility
Operational aspects of maritime transport
Transport and location
Transport Modeling
2. 3 ECTS-credits to choose from
* 'Antwerp Inland Navigation School' or 'Antwerp Rail School' (offered alternately)
* the list below
Logistics and Distribution Management
Maritime Technology
Technologische keuze
At least 6 ECTS-credits to choose from the list below in part 1 or part 2 of the master
Biosphere: Air, Water and Soil
Data Engineering
'Data mining' or 'Machine learning' or 'Python for machine learning'
Deep learning for business
'Data mining' or 'Machine learning' or 'Python for machine learning'
- - NNB
Industrial chemistry
Introduction to Environmental Technology
- Siegfried Vlaeminck
- Tom Tytgat
- Johan Gemoets
- Alain Konings
Maritime Technology
Materials in a circular economy
Generation and distribution of electric power
Internship (sem 1)
Internship (sem 2)
Consulting project Accountancy
Consulting project Data science and artificial intelligence
Consulting project Digital organisation
Consulting Project
Consulting project Corporate finance
Consulting project Innovation management and entrepreneurship
Consulting project International business
Consulting project Marketing
Consulting project Research
Consulting project Strategy and organisation
Consulting project Transport and logistics
Transport innovation, digitalisation and entrepreneurship
Trends in finance and finance technology
Master Project Portfolio
Partim I: choose at least 3 ECTS-credits in part 1 or part 2 of the master
* from the range of summer school, winter schools and blended intensive programs of the Antwerp Summer Winter University, the Faculty Business and economics or the offer of partner universities (after approval and selection). Summer schools to be taken after the academic year following the summer school.
* from an internship (sem 1) or internship (sem 2) provided the internship takes place (partly) abroad or in a company within Belgium with a distinctly international culture. The student should coordinate this with
Internship (sem 1)
Internship (sem 2)
Partim II: Integration Project Business Engineering (6 ECTS-credits): compulsory in part 1 of the master
Integration project BE
Partim III: 15 ECTS-credits
Choose one of the two options. 'Masterproef: pre-doctoraal traject' only after approval of the master's thesis committee.
Master's thesis
Master's thesis: pre-doctoraal trajectory
Model Path
Common Part
Business engineering fundamentals: 27 ECTS-credits preferably to include in part 1 of the master
Corporate Finance and Governance
Advanced systems dynamics
Introduction to time series analysis
Machine Learning for Business
Supply chain management
Sustainability management
Compulsory choice between 'business fundamentals' or 'economics fundamentals'
Business fundamentals: 15 ECTS-credits preferably to include in part 1 of the master
Ethical and Sustainable Business
Maritime and Port Economics
Strategic Management
Economics fundamentals: 15 ECTS-credits preferably to include in part 1 of the master
Applied Welfare Economics
Ethical and Sustainable Business
Macroeconomic Policy
Degree Profile Sustainability Engineering
18 ECTS-credits compulsory in part 1 of the master
Energy- and climate economics
Innovation Management and Business Modeling
Environmental economics
Generation and distribution of electric power
12 ECTS-credits compulsory in part 2 of the master
('Economie van natuurlijke hulpbronnen' is not yet offered in 24-25)
Economics of natural resources
Integrated management systems
Materials in a circular economy
1 Major (18 ECTS-credits spread over the 2 parts of the master) to choose from
Major Accounting
1. Compulsory courses
International Financial Reporting Standards
2. 6 ECTS-credits to choose from
Accounting ethics
Current Topics in Accounting
Financial Analysis and Business Valuation
Sustainability reporting and assurance
Major Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
Current Topics in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
'Data mining' or 'Machine learning' or 'Python for machine learning'
Data Engineering
'Data mining' or 'Machine learning' or 'Python for machine learning'
Data Science and Ethics
'Data mining' or 'Machine learning' or 'Python for machine learning'
Deep learning for business
'Data mining' or 'Machine learning' or 'Python for machine learning'
Tools and AI in Management and Communication
Major Digital Organisation
1. Compulsory courses
Digital Risk and Security
Digital Strategy and Governance
2. 6 ECTS-credits to choose from
Current Topics in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
'Data mining' or 'Machine learning' or 'Python for machine learning'
Data Engineering
'Data mining' or 'Machine learning' or 'Python for machine learning'
Data Science and Ethics
'Data mining' or 'Machine learning' or 'Python for machine learning'
Deep learning for business
'Data mining' or 'Machine learning' or 'Python for machine learning'
Digital Auditing
Digital Innovation
Major Economic Policy
Choose 18 ECTS-credits from the master's programme TEW: economisch beleid (excluding the master's thesis).
Major Finance: 18 ECTS-credits to choose from
Entrepreneurial Finance
Financial Risk Management
Insurance: Financial and Actuarial Methods
Major Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship: 18 ECTS-credits to choose from
'Product innovation in marketing' and 'Innovation and entrepreneurship' must not be included together.
'Onderhandelen (sem 1)' and 'Onderhandelen (sem 2)' must also not be included together.
Digital Innovation
Entrepreneurial Finance
Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Negotiation (sem 1)
Bachel's thesis
Negotiation (sem 2)
Bachel's thesis
Product Innovation in Marketing
Intellectual property law
Strategic Professional Communication
The Entrepreneur and their International Environment
Transport innovation, digitalisation and entrepreneurship
Major International Exchange
18 ECTS-credits at a foreign university/institute to be taken in the framework of an exchange programme.
Major Marketing: 18 ECTS-credits to choose from
Consumer Behaviour
Marketing Communications
Marketing Research
Omnichannel and Digital Marketing
Product Innovation in Marketing
Services Marketing
Major Organisation, Strategy and International Business: 18 ECTS-credits to choose from
* the range of summer schools, winter schools and blended intensive programs of the Antwerp Summer Winter University, the Faculty Business and Economics. Summer schools be taken up in the academic year following the summer school attended.
* the list below
Business in the European Union
Current Issues in International Business
Innovation Management and Business Modeling
Organisation and Strategy: Special Issues
Organisational Development and Change Management
Organisational Theory and Design
Research Project in International Business
Internship (sem 1)
Internship (sem 2)
Strategic Professional Communication
Strategy, Structure and Management of the Multinational Enterprise
The Entrepreneur and their International Environment
Major Supply Chain Engineering: 18 ECTS-credits to choose from
Advanced supply chain management
'Supply chain management' or 'Operations and supply chain management'
Sustainable hinterland transportation
ICT in supply chain management
'Advanced supply chain management' or 'Operations and supply chain management'
Port strategies
Logistics and Distribution Management
Optimisation in logistics
Simulation techniques
Inventory management
Major Transport and Logistics
1. Compulsory courses
Air transport
Challenges in mobility
Operational aspects of maritime transport
Transport and location
Transport Modeling
2. 3 ECTS-credits to choose from
* 'Antwerp Inland Navigation School' or 'Antwerp Rail School' (offered alternately)
* the list below
Logistics and Distribution Management
Maritime Technology
Technologische keuze
At least 6 ECTS-credits to choose from the list below in part 1 or part 2 of the master
Biosphere: Air, Water and Soil
Data Engineering
'Data mining' or 'Machine learning' or 'Python for machine learning'
Deep learning for business
'Data mining' or 'Machine learning' or 'Python for machine learning'
Industrial chemistry
Introduction to Environmental Technology
- Siegfried Vlaeminck
- Tom Tytgat
- Johan Gemoets
- Alain Konings
Maritime Technology
Materials in a circular economy
Generation and distribution of electric power
Internship (sem 1)
Internship (sem 2)
Consulting project Accountancy
Consulting project Data science and artificial intelligence
Consulting project Digital organisation
Consulting Project
Consulting project Corporate finance
Consulting project Innovation management and entrepreneurship
Consulting project International business
Consulting project Marketing
Consulting project Research methodology
Consulting project Strategy and organisation
Consulting project Transport and logistics
Transport innovation, digitalisation and entrepreneurship
Trends in finance and finance technology
Master Project Portfolio
Partim I: choose at least 3 ECTS-credits in part 1 or part 2 of the master
* from the range of summer school, winter schools and blended intensive programs of the Antwerp Summer Winter University, the Faculty Business and economics or the offer of partner universities (after approval and selection). Summer schools to be taken after the academic year following the summer school.
* from an internship (sem 1) or internship (sem 2) provided the internship takes place (partly) abroad or in a company within Belgium with a distinctly international culture. The student should coordinate this with
Summer School 'Doing Business in South-East Asia'
Summer School Washington 'American Business Environment'
- Jo Mentens
- Koen Vandenbempt
- Tijmen van Kempen
Winter school sustainable transport, shipping and logistics
Winter School Transport and Logistics
Internship (sem 1)
Internship (sem 2)
Partim II: Integration Project Business Engineering (6 ECTS-credits): compulsory in part 1 of the master
Integration project BE
Partim III: 15 ECTS-credits
Choose one of the two options. 'Masterproef: pre-doctoraal traject' only after approval of the master's thesis committee.
Master's thesis
Master's thesis: pre-doctoraal trajectory
Model Path part 1
Common Part
Business Engineering Fundamentals: 18 ECTS-credits compulsory
Machine Learning
Advanced systems dynamics
Introduction to time series analysis
Supply chain management
- Inneke Van Nieuwenhuyse
- Kenneth Sörensen
Sustainability management
Compulsory choice between 'Business Fundamentals' and 'Economics Fundamentals'
Business fundamentals: 18 ECTS-credits compulsory
'Maritieme en haveneconomie': obligatory to be included in part 1 of the master (in case of an exchange in part 1 of the master: then to be included in part 2 of the master)
Ethical and Sustainable Business
Maritime and Port Economics
Strategic Management
Economics Fundamentals: 18 ECTS-credits compulsory (only in combination with the major 'Economic Policy')
Applied Welfare Economics
Ethical and Sustainable Business
Macroeconomic Policy
- Tim Buyse
Degree Profile Sustainability Engineering
9 ECTS-credits compulsory in part 1 of the master
Sustainable product design
Energy- and climate economics
Environmental economics
1 Major (18 ECTS-credits spread over the 2 parts of the master) to choose from:
Major Accountancy
1. Compulsory courses
International Financial Reporting Standards
2. 6 ECTS-credits to choose from
Current Topics in Accounting
Financial Statement Analysis
Major Finance: 18 ECTS-credits to choose from
Corporate Finance and Governance
Entrepreneurial Finance
Insurance: Financial and Actuarial Methods
Major Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship
Digital Innovation
Entrepreneurial Finance
Innovation Management and Business Modeling
Summer School: Experience Entrepreneurship. An Intensive Introduction
Product Innovation in Marketing
Strategic Professional Communication
The Entrepreneur and their International Environment
Major International Business
Current Issues in International Business
Research Project in International Business
Strategy, Structure and Management of the Multinational Enterprise
The Entrepreneur and their International Environment
Major Marketing: 18 ECTS-credits to choose from
Consumer Behaviour
Marketing Communications
Marketing Research
Omnichannel and Digital Marketing
- Xzavier He
Product Innovation in Marketing
Services Marketing
Major Strategy and Organisation
1. Compulsory courses: 12 ECTS-credits
Organisational Development and Change Management
Organisational Theory and Design
2. Optional courses: 6 ECTS-credits to choose from
Innovation Management and Business Modeling
Organisation and Strategy: Special Issues
Strategic Professional Communication
Strategy, Structure and Management of the Multinational Enterprise
Major Student Exchange
18 ECTS-credits at a foreign university/institute to be taken in the framework of an exchange programme.
Major Transport and Logistics
Logistics and Distribution Management
Maritime Technology
Operational aspects of maritime transport
Transport Law
Transport Modeling
Real Estate and Location
Major Economic Policy: 18 ECTS-credits to choose from
This major is only (and also mandatory) to include when choosing 'Economics Fundamentals'.
Industrial Organisations
- Jan Bouckaert
- Chen Li
Labour Economics
Monetary Economics
Public finance
1 Minor (12 ECTS-credits spread over the 2 parts of the master) to choose from:
The 'Practical Project' can be incorporated in each minor (after approval of the faculty). The 'Practical Project' has to tie in with the minor and can replace a course of choice (up to maximum 6 ECTS-credits).
Minor Accountancy: 12 ECTS-credits to choose from
Current Topics in Accounting
Financial Statement Analysis
International Financial Reporting Standards
Consulting project Accountancy
Minor Corporate Finance
Corporate Finance and Governance
Entrepreneurial Finance
Consulting project Corporate finance
Minor Business Practice
Compulsory: 'Stage' or 'Praktijkproject'
Innovation Management and Business Modeling
Intellectual property law
Strategic Professional Communication
Consulting project Business practice
Minor Data Science
Current Topics in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
'Data mining' or 'Machine learning'
Data Engineering
'Data mining' or 'Machine learning'
Data Science and Ethics
'Data mining' or 'Machine learning'
Consulting project Data science
Minor International Business
Strategy, Structure and Management of the Multinational Enterprise
The Entrepreneur and their International Environment
Consulting project International business
Minor Marketing: 12 ECTS-credits to choose from
Marketing Communications
Omnichannel and Digital Marketing
- Xzavier He
Product Innovation in Marketing
Services Marketing
Consulting project Marketing
Consumer Behaviour
Marketing Research
Minor Audit
Accounting ethics
Current Topics in Accounting
ICT assurance and audit
Consulting project Audit
Minor Special Topics in Management, Economics and Technology
12 ECTS-credits at a foreign university/institution to be taken within the framework of an exchange programme or 12 ECTS-credits optional courses to choose from the master programme Applied Economics: Business Administration/Economic Policy, Business Engineering or Social-Economic Sciences, Practical Project or Practical training. Master courses from other programmes are also possible with permission of the Enrollment Commission (Commissie Bijzondere Inschrijvingen en Studievoortgang).
Consulting project Special topics in management, economics and technology
Minor Strategy and Organisation
Organisational Development and Change Management
Organisational Theory and Design
Consulting project Strategy and organisation
Minor Transport and Logistics
Logistics and Distribution Management
Maritime Technology
Transport Modeling
Real Estate and Location
Consulting project Transport and logistics
Master Project Portfolio
Partim I: Summer Schools: at least 3 ECTS-credits to choose from the list below in part 1 or part 2 of the master (to be taken in the academic year after following the Summer School). Could also be replaced by an International internship. More information at
Partim II: Integration Project Business Engineering (6 ECTS-credits): compulsory in part 1 of the master
Partim III: Master's Thesis (15 ECTS-credits): compulsory in part 2 of the master
International Consulting Bootcamp GOA
Summer School 'Doing Business in South-East Asia'
Summer School Chongqing, China 'Transport and logistics in a changing economy'
- - NNB
Summer School: Experience Entrepreneurship. An Intensive Introduction
Summer School on Responsible Fashion Management
Winter School: from Mine to Finger. A Deep Dive in the World of Diamonds
Summer School 'Sustainability Engineering and Economics'
Summer School on Urban Logistics
Summer School Washington 'American Business Environment'
Winter School Transport and Logistics
Blended Intensive Programme on Leadership Development
Partim II: Integration Project Business Engineering (6 ECTS-credits): compulsory in part 1 of the master
Integration project BE
Model Path part 2
Degree Profile Sustainability Engineering
1. 9 ECTS-credits compulsory
Innovation management
Integrated management systems
2. 12 ECTS-credits to choose from
Industrial chemistry
Materials in a circular economy
- Karel J M Van Acker
Generation and distribution of electric power
1 Major (18 ECTS-credits spread over the 2 parts of the master) to choose from:
Major Accountancy
1. Compulsory courses
International Financial Reporting Standards
2. 6 ECTS-credits to choose from
Current Topics in Accounting
Financial Statement Analysis
Major Finance: 18 ECTS-credits to choose from
Corporate Finance and Governance
Entrepreneurial Finance
Insurance: Financial and Actuarial Methods
Major Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship
Digital Innovation
Entrepreneurial Finance
Innovation Management and Business Modeling
Summer School: Experience Entrepreneurship. An Intensive Introduction
Product Innovation in Marketing
Strategic Professional Communication
The Entrepreneur and their International Environment
Major International Business
Current Issues in International Business
Research Project in International Business
Strategy, Structure and Management of the Multinational Enterprise
The Entrepreneur and their International Environment
Major Marketing:18 ECTS-credits to choose from
Consumer Behaviour
Marketing Communications
Marketing Research
Omnichannel and Digital Marketing
- Xzavier He
Product Innovation in Marketing
Services Marketing
Major Strategy and Organisation
1. Compulsory courses: 12 ECTS-credits
Organisational Development and Change Management
Organisational Theory and Design
2. Optional courses: 6 ECTS-credits to choose from
Innovation Management and Business Modeling
Organisation and Strategy: Special Issues
Strategic Professional Communication
Strategy, Structure and Management of the Multinational Enterprise
Major Student Exchange
18 ECTS-credits at a foreign university/institute to be taken in the framework of an exchange programme.
Major Transport and Logistics
Logistics and Distribution Management
Maritime Technology
Operational aspects of maritime transport
Transport Law
Transport Modeling
Real Estate and Location
Major Economic Policy: 18 ECTS-credits to choose from
This mapor is only (and also mandatory) to include when choosing 'Economics Fundamentals'.
Industrial Organisations
- Jan Bouckaert
- Chen Li
Labour Economics
Monetary Economics
Public finance
1 Minor (12 ECTS-credits spread over the 2 parts of the master) to choose from:
The 'Practical project' can be incorporated in each minor (after approval of the faculty). The 'Practical project' has to tie in with the minor and can replace a course of choice (up to maximum 6 ECTS-credits).
Minor Accountancy: 12 ECTS-credits to choose from
Current Topics in Accounting
Financial Statement Analysis
International Financial Reporting Standards
Consulting project Accountancy
Minor Corporate Finance
Corporate Finance and Governance
Entrepreneurial Finance
Consulting project Corporate finance
Minor Business Practice
Compulsory: 'Stage' or 'Praktijkproject'
Innovation Management and Business Modeling
Intellectual property law
Strategic Professional Communication
Consulting project Business practice
Minor Data Science
Current Topics in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
'Data mining' or 'Machine learning'
Data Engineering
'Data mining' or 'Machine learning'
Data Science and Ethics
'Data mining' or 'Machine learning'
Consulting project Data science
Minor International Business
Strategy, Structure and Management of the Multinational Enterprise
The Entrepreneur and their International Environment
Consulting project International business
Minor Marketing: 12 ECTS-credits to choose from
Marketing Communications
Omnichannel and Digital Marketing
- Xzavier He
Product Innovation in Marketing
Services Marketing
Consulting project Marketing
Consumer Behaviour
Marketing Research
Minor Audit
Accounting ethics
Current Topics in Accounting
ICT assurance and audit
Consulting project Audit
Minor Special Topics in Management, Economics and Technology
12 ECTS-credits at a foreign university/institution to be taken within the framework of an exchange programme or 12 ECTS-credits optional courses to choose from the master programme Applied Economics: Business Administration/Economic Policy, Business Engineering or Social-Economic Sciences, Practical Project or Practical Training. Master courses from other programmes are also possible with permission of the Enrollment Commission (Commissie Bijzondere Inschrijvingen en Studievoortgang).
Consulting project Special topics in management, economics and technology
Minor Strategy and Organisation
Organisational Development and Change Management
Organisational Theory and Design
Consulting project Strategy and organisation
Minor Transport and Logistics
Logistics and Distribution Management
Maritime Technology
Transport Modeling
Real Estate and Location
Consulting project Transport and logistics
Master Project Portfolio
Partim I: Summer school: at least 3 ECTS-credits to choose from the list below in part 1 or part 2 of the master (to be taken in the academic year after following the Summer school). Could also be replaced by an International internship. More information at
International Consulting Bootcamp GOA
Summer School 'Doing Business in South-East Asia'
Summer School Chongqing, China 'Transport and logistics in a changing economy'
- - NNB
Summer School: Experience Entrepreneurship. An Intensive Introduction
Summer School on Responsible Fashion Management
Winter School: from Mine to Finger. A Deep Dive in the World of Diamonds
Summer School 'Sustainability Engineering and Economics'
Summer School on Urban Logistics
Summer School Washington 'American Business Environment'
Winter School Transport and Logistics
Blended Intensive Programme on Leadership Development
Partim III: Master's Thesis (15 ECTS-credits) compulsory in part 2 of the master
Master's thesis
Model Path part 1
Common Part
Business Engineering Fundamentals: 18 ECTS-credits compulsory
Data mining
Advanced systems dynamics
Introduction to time series analysis
Supply chain management
Sustainability management
Compulsory choice between 'Business Fundamentals' and 'Economics Fundamentals'
Business fundamentals: 18 ECTS-credits compulsory
Ethical and sustainable business
Maritime and port economics
Strategic management
Economics Fundamentals: 18 ECTS-credits compulsory (only in combination with the major 'Economic Policy')
Applied welfare economics
Ethical and sustainable business
Macroeconomic policy
- Tim Buyse
Degree Profile Sustainability Engineering
9 ECTS-credits compulsory in part 1 of the master
Sustainable product design
Energy- and climate economics
Environmental economics
1 Major (18 ECTS-credits spread over the 2 parts of the master) to choose from:
Major Accountancy
1. Compulsory courses
Advanced international financial reporting standards
2. 6 ECTS-credits to choose from
Financial analysis
Financial statement analysis
Tax management
- Dirk Van Stappen
Major Finance: 18 ECTS-credits to choose from
Corporate finance and governance
Entrepreneurial finance
Insurance: financial and actuarial methods
- Ann De Schepper
- Greet Geeroms
- Bart Heijnen
Major Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship
Digital innovation
Entrepreneurial finance
Innovation management and business modeling
Innovation & (intra-)entrepreneurshipbootcamp: a hands-on case-based experience
Product innovation in marketing
Strategic professional communication
The entrepreneur and their international environment
Major International Business
Current issues in international business
Research project in international business
Strategy, structure and management of the multinational enterprise
The entrepreneur and their international environment
Major Marketing: 18 ECTS-credits to choose from
Consumer behaviour
Marketing communications
Marketing research
Omnichannel & digital marketing
Product innovation in marketing
Services marketing
Major Strategy and Organisation
1. Compulsory courses: 12 ECTS-credits
Organisational development and change management
Organisational theory and design
2. Optional courses: 6 ECTS-credits to choose from
Innovation management and business modeling
Organisation and strategy: special issues
Strategic professional communication
Strategy, structure and management of the multinational enterprise
Major Student Exchange
18 ECTS-credits at a foreign university/institute to be taken in the framework of an exchange programme.
Major Transport and Logistics
Logistics and forwarding
Maritime technology
Transport Law
Transport models
Real estate and location
Transportation policy
Major Economic Policy: 18 ECTS-credits to choose from
This major is only (and also mandatory) to include when choosing 'Economics Fundamentals'.
Industrial organisations
Labour economics
Monetary economics
Public finance
1 Minor (12 ECTS-credits spread over the 2 parts of the master) to choose from:
The 'Practical Project' can be incorporated in each minor (after approval of the faculty). The 'Practical Project' has to tie in with the minor and can replace a course of choice (up to maximum 6 ECTS-credits).
Minor Accountancy: 12 ECTS-credits to choose from
Advanced international financial reporting standards
Financial analysis
Tax management
- Dirk Van Stappen
Consulting project Accountancy
Minor Corporate Finance
Corporate finance and governance
Entrepreneurial finance
Consulting project Corporate finance
Minor Business Practice
Compulsory: 'Stage' or 'Praktijkproject'
Innovation management and business modeling
Intellectual property law
Strategic professional communication
Consulting project Business practice
Minor Data Science
Case studies and trends in data science
'Data mining'
Data engineering
'Data mining'
Data science and ethics
'Data mining'
Consulting project Data science
Minor International Business
Strategy, structure and management of the multinational enterprise
The entrepreneur and their international environment
Consulting project International business
Minor Marketing: 12 ECTS-credits to choose from
Marketing communications
Omnichannel & digital marketing
Product innovation in marketing
Services marketing
Consulting project Marketing
Consumer behaviour
Marketing research
Minor Audit
Accounting ethics
Current topics in accounting
ICT assurance and audit
Consulting project Audit
Minor Special Topics in Management, Economics and Technology
12 ECTS-credits at a foreign university/institution to be taken within the framework of an exchange programme or 12 ECTS-credits optional courses to choose from the master programme Applied Economics: Business Administration/Economic Policy, Business Engineering or Social-Economic Sciences, Practical Project or Practical training. Master courses from other programmes are also possible with permission of the Enrollment Commission (Commissie Bijzondere Inschrijvingen).
Consulting project Special topics in management, economics and technology
Minor Strategy and Organisation
Organisational development and change management
Organisational theory and design
Consulting project Strategy and organisation
Minor Transport and Logistics
Logistics and forwarding
Maritime technology
Transport models
Real estate and location
Consulting project Transport and logistics
Master Project Portfolio
Partim I: Summer Schools: at least 3 ECTS-credits to choose from the list below in part 1 or part 2 of the master (to be taken in the academic year after following the Summer School). Could also be replaced by an International internship. More information at
Partim II: Integration Project Business Engineering (6 ECTS-credits): compulsory in part 1 of the master
Partim III: Master's Thesis (15 ECTS-credits): compulsory in part 2 of the master
International consulting bootcamp GOA
Summer school Beijing 'The business environment in China'
Summer school Chongqing, China 'Transport and logistics in a changing economy'
Innovation & (intra-)entrepreneurshipbootcamp: a hands-on case-based experience
Summer school on fashion management
Summer school: from mine to finger. A deep dive in the world of diamonds
Summer school 'Sustainability engineering and economics'
Summer school on urban logistics
Summer school Washington 'American business environment'
Winter school Transport and logistics
Partim II: Integration Project Business Engineering (6 ECTS-credits): compulsory in part 1 of the master
Integration project BE
Model Path part 2
Degree Profile Sustainability Engineering
1. 9 ECTS-credits compulsory
Innovation management
Integrated management systems
2. 12 ECTS-credits to choose from
Industrial chemistry
- Martine Wevers
Generation and distribution of electric power
1 Major (18 ECTS-credits spread over the 2 parts of the master) to choose from:
Major Accountancy
1. Compulsory courses
Advanced international financial reporting standards
2. 6 ECTS-credits to choose from
Financial analysis
Financial statement analysis
Tax management
- Dirk Van Stappen
Major Finance: 18 ECTS-credits to choose from
Corporate finance and governance
Entrepreneurial finance
Insurance: financial and actuarial methods
- Ann De Schepper
- Greet Geeroms
- Bart Heijnen
Major Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship
Digital innovation
Entrepreneurial finance
Innovation management and business modeling
Innovation & (intra-)entrepreneurshipbootcamp: a hands-on case-based experience
Product innovation in marketing
Strategic professional communication
The entrepreneur and their international environment
Major International Business
Current issues in international business
Research project in international business
Strategy, structure and management of the multinational enterprise
The entrepreneur and their international environment
Major Marketing:18 ECTS-credits to choose from
Consumer behaviour
Marketing communications
Marketing research
Omnichannel & digital marketing
Product innovation in marketing
Services marketing
Major Strategy and Organisation
1. Compulsory courses: 12 ECTS-credits
Organisational development and change management
Organisational theory and design
2. Optional courses: 6 ECTS-credits to choose from
Innovation management and business modeling
Organisation and strategy: special issues
Strategic professional communication
Strategy, structure and management of the multinational enterprise
Major Student Exchange
18 ECTS-credits at a foreign university/institute to be taken in the framework of an exchange programme.
Major Transport and Logistics
Logistics and forwarding
Maritime technology
Transport Law
Transport models
Real estate and location
Transportation policy
Major Economic Policy: 18 ECTS-credits to choose from
This mapor is only (and also mandatory) to include when choosing 'Economics Fundamentals'.
Industrial organisations
Labour economics
Monetary economics
Public finance
1 Minor (12 ECTS-credits spread over the 2 parts of the master) to choose from:
The 'Practical project' can be incorporated in each minor (after approval of the faculty). The 'Practical project' has to tie in with the minor and can replace a course of choice (up to maximum 6 ECTS-credits).
Minor Accountancy: 12 ECTS-credits to choose from
Advanced international financial reporting standards
Financial analysis
Tax management
- Dirk Van Stappen
Consulting project Accountancy
Minor Corporate Finance
Corporate finance and governance
Entrepreneurial finance
Consulting project Corporate finance
Minor Business Practice
Compulsory: 'Stage' or 'Praktijkproject'
Innovation management and business modeling
Intellectual property law
Strategic professional communication
Consulting project Business practice
Minor Data Science
Case studies and trends in data science
'Data mining'
Data engineering
'Data mining'
Data science and ethics
'Data mining'
Consulting project Data science
Minor International Business
Strategy, structure and management of the multinational enterprise
The entrepreneur and their international environment
Consulting project International business
Minor Marketing: 12 ECTS-credits to choose from
Marketing communications
Omnichannel & digital marketing
Product innovation in marketing
Services marketing
Consulting project Marketing
Consumer behaviour
Marketing research
Minor Audit
Accounting ethics
Current topics in accounting
ICT assurance and audit
Consulting project Audit
Minor Special Topics in Management, Economics and Technology
12 ECTS-credits at a foreign university/institution to be taken within the framework of an exchange programme or 12 ECTS-credits optional courses to choose from the master programme Applied Economics: Business Administration/Economic Policy, Business Engineering or Social-Economic Sciences, Practical Project or Practical Training. Master courses from other programmes are also possible with permission of the Enrollment Commission (Commissie Bijzondere Inschrijvingen).
Consulting project Special topics in management, economics and technology
Minor Strategy and Organisation
Organisational development and change management
Organisational theory and design
Consulting project Strategy and organisation
Minor Transport and Logistics
Logistics and forwarding
Maritime technology
Transport models
Real estate and location
Consulting project Transport and logistics
Master Project Portfolio
Partim I: Summer school: at least 3 ECTS-credits to choose from the list below in part 1 or part 2 of the master (to be taken in the academic year after following the Summer school). Could also be replaced by an International internship. More information at
International consulting bootcamp GOA
Summer school Beijing 'The business environment in China'
Summer school Chongqing, China 'Transport and logistics in a changing economy'
Innovation & (intra-)entrepreneurshipbootcamp: a hands-on case-based experience
Summer school on fashion management
Summer school: from mine to finger. A deep dive in the world of diamonds
Summer school 'Sustainability engineering and economics'
Summer school on urban logistics
Summer school Washington 'American business environment'
Winter school Transport and logistics
Partim III: Master's Thesis (15 ECTS-credits) compulsory in part 2 of the master
Master's thesis
Model Path part 1
Common Part
Business Engineering fundamentals: 18 ECTS-credits compulsory
Data mining
Advanced systems dynamics
Introduction to time series analysis
Supply chain management
Sustainability management
Compulsory choice between 'Business fundamentals' and 'Economics fundamentals'
Business fundamentals: 18 ECTS-credits compulsory (not for the major 'Economic policy')
Ethical and sustainable business
Market research
- Liesbet Van den Driessche
Strategic management
pconomics fundamentals: 18 ECTS-credits compulsory (only for the major 'Economic Policy')
Applied welfare economics
Ethical and sustainable business
- Mewael Tesfaselassie
Degree profile Sustainability engineering
9 ECTS-credits compulsory in part 1 of the master
Sustainable product design
Energy- and climate economics
Environmental economics
1 Major (18 ECTS-credits spread over the 2 parts of the master) to choose from:
Major Accountancy: 18 ECTS-credits to choose from
Advanced international financial reporting standards
Financial analysis
Intermediate international financial reporting standards
Tax management
- Dirk Van Stappen
Major European and International entrepreneurship
Current issues in international business
Research project in international business
Strategy, structure and management of the multinational enterprise
The economics and institutions of international business
Major Finance: 18 ECTS-credits to choose from
Corporate finance and governance
Entrepreneurial finance
Insurance: financial and actuarial methods
- Ann De Schepper
- Greet Geeroms
- Bart Heijnen
Major Marketing: 18 ECTS-credits compulsory
Marketing communication
Omnichannel & digital marketing
Product and price management
Services marketing
Major Strategy and organisation
1. Compulsory courses: 12 ECTS-credits
Organisational development and change management
Organisational theory and design
- 'Strategic management'
2. Optional courses: 6 ECTS-credits to choose from
Organisation and strategy: special issues
- 'Strategisch management'
Strategy, structure and management of the multinational enterprise
Major Student exchange
18 ECTS-credits at a foreign university/institute to be taken in the framework of an exchange programme.
Major Transport and logistics
1. Compulsory courses: 9 ECTS-credits
Logistics and forwarding
Maritime and port economics
2. Optional courses: 9 ECTS-credits to choose from
Maritime technology
Transport Law
Transport models
Real estate and location
Transportation policy
Major Economic policy: 18 ECTS-credits to choose from
This major is compulsory with the core 'Economics fundamentals'.
Industrial organisations
Labour economics
Monetary economics
Public finance
1 Minor (12 ECTS-credits spread over the 2 parts of the master) to choose from:
The 'Practical project' can be incorporated in each minor (after approval of the faculty). The 'Practical project' has to tie in with the minor and can replace a course of choice (up to maximum 6 ECTS-credits).
Minor Accountancy
Advanced international financial reporting standards
Intermediate international financial reporting standards
Tax management
- Dirk Van Stappen
Consulting project
Minor Corporate finance
Corporate finance and governance
Entrepreneurial finance
Consulting project
Minor Business practice
Entrepreneurship and corporate governance
Intellectual property law
Consulting project
Minor Data science
Case studies and trends in data science
- 'Data Mining'
Data engineering
- 'Data Mining'
Data science and ethics
- 'Data Mining'
Consulting project
Minor European and international entrepreneurship
Strategy, structure and management of the multinational enterprise
The economics and institutions of international business
Consulting project
Minor Marketing: 12 ECTS-credits to choose from
Marketing communication
Omnichannel & digital marketing
Product and price management
Services marketing
Consulting project
Minor Audit
Accounting ethics
Current topics in accounting
ICT assurance and audit
Consulting project
Minor Special topics in management, economics and technology
12 ECTS-credits at a foreign university/institution to be taken within the framework of an exchange programme or 12 ECTS-credits optional courses to choose from the master programme TEW BK, TEW EB, HI, HIB or SEW, Practical Pproject or Practical training. Master courses from other programmes are also possible with permission of the Board of Admission (CBI).
Consulting project
Minor Strategy and organisation
Organisational development and change management
Organisational theory and design
- 'Strategic management'
Consulting project
Minor Transport and logistics
Logistics and forwarding
Maritime and port economics
Real estate and location
Consulting project
Master Project portfolio
Partim I: Summer schools: at least 3 ECTS-credits to choose from the list below in part 1 or part 2 of the master (to be taken in the academic year after following the Summer school)
Partim II: Integration project BE (6 ECTS-credits): compulsory in part 1 of the master
Partim III: Master's thesis (15 ECTS-credits): compulsory in part 2 of the master
International consulting bootcamp GOA
Summer school Beijing 'The business environment in China'
Summer school Chongqing, China 'Transport and logistics in a changing economy'
Summer school: experience entrepreneurship. An intensive introduction
Summer school on fashion management
Summer school: from mine to finger. A deep dive in the world of diamonds
Summer school 'Sustainability engineering and economics'
Summer school on urban logistics
Summer school Washington 'American business environment'
Partim II: Integration project BE (6 ECTS-credits): compulsory in part 1 of the master
Integration project BE
Model Path part 2
Degree Profile Sustainability engineering
1. 9 ECTS-credits compulsory
Innovation management
Integrated management systems
2. 12 ECTS-credits to choose from
Industrial chemistry
- Martine Wevers
Generation and distribution of electric power
1 Major (18 ECTS-credits spread over the 2 parts of the master) to choose from:
Major Accountancy: 18 ECTS-credits to choose from
Advanced international financial reporting standards
Financial analysis
Intermediate international financial reporting standards
Tax management
- Dirk Van Stappen
Major European and international entrepreneurship
Current issues in international business
Research project in international business
Strategy, structure and management of the multinational enterprise
The economics and institutions of international business
Major Finance: 18 ECTS-credits to choose from
Corporate finance and governance
Entrepreneurial finance
Insurance: financial and actuarial methods
- Ann De Schepper
- Greet Geeroms
- Bart Heijnen
Major Marketing:18 ECTS-credits compulsory
Marketing communication
Omnichannel & digital marketing
Product and price management
Services marketing
Major Strategy and organisation
1. Compulsory courses: 12 ECTS-credits
Organisational development and change management
Organisational theory and design
- 'Strategic management'
2. Optional courses: 6 ECTS-credits to choose from
Organisation and strategy: special issues
- 'Strategisch management'
Strategy, structure and management of the multinational enterprise
Major Student exchange
18 ECTS-credits at a foreign university/institute to be taken in the framework of an exchange programme.
Major Transport and logistics
1. Compulsory courses: 9 ECTS-credits
Logistics and forwarding
Maritime and port economics
2. Optional courses: 9 ECTS-credits to choose from
Maritime technology
Transport Law
Transport models
Real estate and location
Transportation policy
Major Economic policy: 18 ECTS-credits to choose from
This mapor is compulsory with the core 'Economics fundamentals'.
Industrial organisations
Labour economics
Monetary economics
Public finance
1 Minor (12 ECTS-credits spread over the 2 parts of the master) to choose from:
The 'Practical project' can be incorporated in each minor (after approval of the faculty). The 'Practical project' has to tie in with the minor and can replace a course of choice (up to maximum 6 ECTS-credits).
Minor Accountancy
Advanced international financial reporting standards
Intermediate international financial reporting standards
Tax management
- Dirk Van Stappen
Consulting project
Minor Corporate finance
Corporate finance and governance
Entrepreneurial finance
Consulting project
Minor Business practice
Entrepreneurship and corporate governance
Intellectual property law
Consulting project
Minor Data science
Case studies and trends in data science
- 'Data Mining'
Data engineering
- 'Data Mining'
Data science and ethics
- 'Data Mining'
Consulting project
Minor European and international entrepreneurship
Strategy, structure and management of the multinational enterprise
The economics and institutions of international business
Consulting project
Minor Marketing: 12 ECTS-credits to choose from
Marketing communication
Omnichannel & digital marketing
Product and price management
Services marketing
Consulting project
Minor Audit
Accounting ethics
Current topics in accounting
ICT assurance and audit
Consulting project
Minor Special topics in management, economics and technology
12 ECTS-credits at a foreign university/institution to be taken within the framework of an exchange programme or 12 ECTS-credits optional courses to choose from the master programme TEW BK, TEW EB, HI, HIB or SEW, Practical Project or Practical Training. Master courses from other programmes are also possible with permission of the Board of Admission (CBI).
Consulting project
Minor Strategy and organisation
Organisational development and change management
Organisational theory and design
- 'Strategic management'
Consulting project
Minor Transport and logistics
Logistics and forwarding
Maritime and port economics
Real estate and location
Consulting project
Master Project Portfolio
Partim I: Summer school: at least 3 ECTS-credits to choose from the list below in part 1 or part 2 of the master (to be taken in the academic year after following the Summer school)
International consulting bootcamp GOA
Summer school Beijing 'The business environment in China'
Summer school Chongqing, China 'Transport and logistics in a changing economy'
Summer school: experience entrepreneurship. An intensive introduction
Summer school on fashion management
Summer school: from mine to finger. A deep dive in the world of diamonds
Summer school 'Sustainability engineering and economics'
Summer school on urban logistics
Summer school Washington 'American business environment'
Partim III: Master's shesis (15 ECTS-credits) compulsory in part 2 of the master
Master's thesis
Model Path part 1
Common Part
Business Engineering Fundamentals: 18 ECTS-credits compulsory
Data mining
Advanced systems dynamics
Introduction to time series analysis
Sustainability management
Supply chain management
Compulsory choice between 'Business Fundamentals' and 'Economics Fundamentals'
Business Fundamentals: 18 ECTS-credits compulsory (not for the major 'Economic policy')
Ethical and sustainable business
Market research
- Liesbet Van den Driessche
Strategic management
- Hendrik Opdebeeck
Economics Fundamentals: 18 ECTS-credits compulsory (only for the major 'Economic Policy')
Applied welfare economics
Ethical and sustainable business
- Roland Winkler
- Hendrik Opdebeeck
Degree profile Sustainability Engineering
9 ECTS-credits compulsory in part 1 of the master
Sustainable product design
Energy- and climate economics
Environmental economics
1 Major (18 ECTS-credits spread over the 2 parts of the master) to choose from:
Major Accountancy: 18 ECTS-credits to choose from
Advanced international financial reporting standards
Intermediate international financial reporting standards
Seminar financial analysis
Tax management
- Dirk Van Stappen
Major European and International entrepreneurship
Current issues in international business
International business research seminar
Strategy, structure and management of the multinational enterprise
The economics and institutions of international business
Major Finance: 18 ECTS-credits to choose from
Corporate finance and governance
Entrepreneurial finance
Insurance: financial and actuarial methods
- Ann De Schepper
- Greet Geeroms
- Bart Heijnen
Major Marketing: 18 ECTS-credits compulsory
Marketing communication
Product and price management
Services marketing
Omnichannel & digital marketing
Major Strategy and Organisation
1. Compulsory courses: 12 ECTS-credits
Organisational theory and design
- 'Strategic management'
Strategy implementation and control
- Toni Sfirtsis
2. Optional courses: 6 ECTS-credits to choose from
Organisation and strategy: special issues
- 'Strategisch management'
Strategy, structure and management of the multinational enterprise
Major Student Exchange
18 ECTS-credits at a foreign university/institute to be taken in the framework of an exchange programme.
Major Transport and Logistics
1. Compulsory courses: 9 ECTS-credits
Logistics and forwarding
Maritime and port economics
2. Optional courses: 9 ECTS-credits to choose from
Maritime technology (seminar)
Transport Law
Transport models
Real estate and location
Transportation policy
Major Economic Policy: 18 ECTS-credits to choose from
This major is compulsory with the core 'Economics Fundamentals'.
Industrial organisation
Labour economics
Monetary economics
- Roland Winkler
Public finance
1 Minor (12 ECTS-credits spread over the 2 parts of the master) to choose from:
The 'Practical Project' can be incorporated in each minor (after approval of the faculty). The 'Practical Project' has to tie in with the minor and can replace a course of choice (up to maximum 6 ECTS-credits).
Minor Accountancy
Advanced international financial reporting standards
Intermediate international financial reporting standards
Tax management
- Dirk Van Stappen
Consulting project
Minor Corporate Finance
Corporate finance and governance
Entrepreneurial finance
Consulting project
Minor Business Practice
Entrepreneurship and corporate governance
Contracts and intellectual property (seminar)
Consulting project
Minor Data Science
Case studies and trends in data science
- 'Data Mining'
Data engineering
- 'Data Mining'
Data science and ethics
- 'Data Mining'
Consulting project
Minor European and International Entrepreneurship
Strategy, structure and management of the multinational enterprise
The economics and institutions of international business
Consulting project
Minor Marketing: 12 ECTS-credits to choose from
Marketing communication
Omnichannel & digital marketing
Product and price management
Services marketing
Consulting project
Minor Audit
Accounting ethics
Current topics in accounting
ICT assurance and audit
Consulting project
Minor Special Topics in Management, Economics and Technology
12 ECTS-credits at a foreign university/institution to be taken within the framework of an exchange programme or 12 ECTS-credits optional courses to choose from the master programme TEW BK, TEW EB, HI, HIB or SEW, Practical Project or Practical Training. Master courses from other programmes are also possible with permission of the Board of Admission (CBI).
Consulting project
Minor Strategy and Organisation
Organisational theory and design
- 'Strategic management'
Strategy implementation and control
- Toni Sfirtsis
Consulting project
Minor Transport and Logistics
Logistics and forwarding
Maritime and port economics
Real estate and location
Consulting project
Master Project Portfolio
Partim I: Summer Schools: at least 3 ECTS-credits to choose from the list below in part 1 or part 2 of the master (to be taken in the academic year after following the Summer School)
Partim II: Integration Project BE (6 ECTS-credits): compulsory in part 1 of the master
Partim III: Master's Thesis (15 ECTS-credits): compulsory in part 2 of the master
International consulting bootcamp GOA
Summer school Beijing 'The business environment in China'
Summer school Chongqing, China 'Transport and logistics in a changing economy'
Summer school: experience entrepreneurship. An intensive introduction
Summer school on fashion management
Summer school: from mine to finger. A deep dive in the world of diamonds
Summer school 'Sustainability engineering and economics'
Summer school on urban logistics
Summer school Washington 'American business environment'
Partim II: Integration Project BE (6 ECTS-credits): compulsory in part 1 of the master
Integration project BE
Model Path part 2
Degree Profile Sustainability Engineering
1. 9 ECTS-credits compulsory
Innovation management
Integrated management systems
2. 12 ECTS-credits to choose from
- Sarah Lebeer
- Marianne van den Broek
Industrial chemistry
- Guido De Cleyn
- Bert Verlinden
- Martine Wevers
Generation and distribution of electric power
- Kevin Milis
- Herbert Peremans
1 Major (18 ECTS-credits spread over the 2 parts of the master) to choose from:
Major Accountancy: 18 ECTS-credits to choose from
Advanced international financial reporting standards
Intermediate international financial reporting standards
Seminar financial analysis
Tax management
- Dirk Van Stappen
Major European and International Entrepreneurship
Current issues in international business
International business research seminar
Strategy, structure and management of the multinational enterprise
The economics and institutions of international business
Major Finance: 18 ECTS-credits to choose from
Corporate finance and governance
Entrepreneurial finance
Insurance: financial and actuarial methods
- Ann De Schepper
- Greet Geeroms
- Bart Heijnen
Major Marketing:18 ECTS-credits compulsory
Marketing communication
Product and price management
Services marketing
Omnichannel & digital marketing
Major Strategy and Organisation
1. Compulsory courses: 12 ECTS-credits
Organisational theory and design
- 'Strategic management'
Strategy implementation and control
- Toni Sfirtsis
2. Optional courses: 6 ECTS-credits to choose from
Organisation and strategy: special issues
- 'Strategisch management'
Strategy, structure and management of the multinational enterprise
Major Student Exchange
18 ECTS-credits at a foreign university/institute to be taken in the framework of an exchange programme.
Major Transport and Logistics
1. Compulsory courses: 9 ECTS-credits
Logistics and forwarding
Maritime and port economics
2. Optional courses: 9 ECTS-credits to choose from
Maritime technology (seminar)
Transport Law
Transport models
Real estate and location
Transportation policy
Major Economic Policy: 18 ECTS-credits to choose from
This mapor is compulsory with the core 'Economics Fundamentals'.
Industrial organisation
Labour economics
Monetary economics
- Roland Winkler
Public finance
1 Minor (12 ECTS-credits spread over the 2 parts of the master) to choose from:
The 'Practical Project' can be incorporated in each minor (after approval of the faculty). The 'Practical Project' has to tie in with the minor and can replace a course of choice (up to maximum 6 ECTS-credits).
Minor Accountancy
Advanced international financial reporting standards
Intermediate international financial reporting standards
Tax management
- Dirk Van Stappen
Consulting project
Minor Corporate Fiinance
Corporate finance and governance
Entrepreneurial finance
Consulting project
Minor Business Practice
Entrepreneurship and corporate governance
Contracts and intellectual property (seminar)
Consulting project
Minor Data Science
Case studies and trends in data science
- 'Data Mining'
Data engineering
- 'Data Mining'
Data science and ethics
- 'Data Mining'
Consulting project
Minor European and International Entrepreneurship
Strategy, structure and management of the multinational enterprise
The economics and institutions of international business
Consulting project
Minor Marketing: 12 ECTS-credits to choose from
Marketing communication
Omnichannel & digital marketing
Product and price management
Services marketing
Consulting project
Minor Audit
Accounting ethics
Current topics in accounting
ICT assurance and audit
Consulting project
Minor Special Topics in Management, Economics and Technology
12 ECTS-credits at a foreign university/institution to be taken within the framework of an exchange programme or 12 ECTS-credits optional courses to choose from the master programme TEW BK, TEW EB, HI, HIB or SEW, Practical Project or Practical Training. Master courses from other programmes are also possible with permission of the Board of Admission (CBI).
Consulting project
Minor Strategy and Organisation
Organisational theory and design
- 'Strategic management'
Strategy implementation and control
- Toni Sfirtsis
Consulting project
Minor Transport and Logistics
Logistics and forwarding
Maritime and port economics
Real estate and location
Consulting project
Master Project Portfolio
Partim I: Summer School: at least 3 ECTS-credits to choose from the list below in part 1 or part 2 of the master (to be taken in the academic year after following the Summer School)
International consulting bootcamp GOA
Summer school Beijing 'The business environment in China'
Summer school Chongqing, China 'Transport and logistics in a changing economy'
Summer school: experience entrepreneurship. An intensive introduction
Summer school on fashion management
Summer school: from mine to finger. A deep dive in the world of diamonds
Summer school 'Sustainability engineering and economics'
Summer school on urban logistics
Summer school Washington 'American business environment'
Partim III: Master's Thesis (15 ECTS-credits) compulsory in part 2 of the master
Master's thesis
Model Path part 1
Common Part
Business Engineering Fundamentals: 18 ECTS-credits compulsory
Data Mining
Advanced Systems Dynamics
Introduction to Time Series Analysis
Sustainability Management
Supply Chain Management
Compulsory choice between 'Business Fundamentals' and 'Economics Fundamentals'
Business Fundamentals: 18 ECTS-credits compulsory (not for the major 'Economic policy')
Ethical and Sustainable Business
Market Research
- Liesbet Van den Driessche
Strategic Management
- Hendrik Opdebeeck
Economics Fundamentals: 18 ECTS-credits compulsory (only for the major 'Economic Policy')
Applied Welfare Economics
Ethical and Sustainable Business
- Roland Winkler
- Hendrik Opdebeeck
Degree profile Sustainability Engineering
9 ECTS-credits compulsory in part 1 of the master
Sustainable Product Design
Energy Economics
Environmental Economics
1 Major (18 ECTS-credits spread over the 2 parts of the master) to choose from:
Major Accountancy: 18 ECTS-credits to choose from
Advanced International Financial Reporting Standards
- Walter Aerts
- Jo Mentens
Intermediate international financial reporting standards
- Walter Aerts
- Jo Mentens
Seminar Financial Analysis
Tax Management
- Dirk Van Stappen
Major European and International entrepreneurship
Current Issues in International Business
International Business Research Seminar
Strategy, Structure and Management of the Multinational Enterprise
The Economics and Institutions of International Business
Major Finance: 18 ECTS-credits to choose from
Corporate Finance and Governance
Entrepreneurial Finance
Insurance: Financial and Actuarial Methods
- Ann De Schepper
- Greet Geeroms
Major Marketing
Business-to-Business Marketing
Current Topics in Marketing
Marketing Communication
Product and Price Management
Services Marketing
Major Strategy and Organisation
1. Compulsory courses: 12 ECTS-credits
Organisational Theory and Design
- 'Strategic management'
Strategy Implementation and Control
- Toni Sfirtsis
2. Optional courses: 6 ECTS-credits to choose from
Organisation and Strategy: Special Issues
- 'Strategisch management'
Strategy, Structure and Management of the Multinational Enterprise
Major Transport and Logistics
1. Compulsory courses: 9 ECTS-credits
Logistics and Forwarding
- - NNB
- Eddy Van de Voorde
Maritime and Port Economics
2. Optional courses: 9 ECTS-credits to choose from
Maritime Technology (Seminar)
Transport Models
Transport Law
Real Estate and Location
Transportation Policy
Major Economic Policy: 18 ECTS-credits to choose from
This major is compulsory with the core 'Economics Fundamentals'.
Industrial Organisation
Labour Economics
Monetary Economics
- Roland Winkler
Public Finance
1 Minor (12 ECTS-credits spread over the 2 parts of the master) to choose from:
The 'Practical Project' can be incorporated in each minor (after approval of the faculty). The 'Practical Project' has to tie in with the minor and can replace a course of choice (up to maximum 6 ECTS-credits).
Minor Accountancy
Advanced International Financial Reporting Standards
- Walter Aerts
- Jo Mentens
Intermediate international financial reporting standards
- Walter Aerts
- Jo Mentens
Tax Management
- Dirk Van Stappen
Practical Project
Minor Corporate Finance
Corporate Finance and Governance
Entrepreneurial Finance
Practical Project
Minor Business Practice
Entrepreneurship and Corporate Governance
Practical Project
Minor Data Science
Case Studies and Trends in Data Science
Data Engineering
- Dieter Devlaminck
Data Science and Ethics
Practical Project
Minor European and International Entrepreneurship
Strategy, Structure and Management of the Multinational Enterprise
The Economics and Institutions of International Business
Practical Project
Minor Marketing
Business-to-Business Marketing
Current Topics in Marketing
Marketing Communication
Services Marketing
Practical Project
Minor Audit
Accounting Ethics
Current Topics in Accounting
ICT Assurance and Audit
Practical Project
Minor Special Topics in Management, Economics and Technology
12 ECTS-credits at a foreign university/institute to be taken in the framework of an exchange programme or from the not chosen degree profiles.
Minor Strategy and Organisation
Organisational Theory and Design
- 'Strategic management'
Strategy Implementation and Control
- Toni Sfirtsis
Practical Project
Minor Transport and Logistics
Logistics and Forwarding
- - NNB
- Eddy Van de Voorde
Maritime and Port Economics
Real Estate and Location
Practical Project
Master Project Portfolio
Partim I: Summer Schools: at least 3 ECTS-credits to choose from the list below in part 1 or part 2 of the master (to be taken in the academic year after following the Summer School)
Partim II: Integration Project BE (6 ECTS-credits): compulsory in part 1 of the master
Partim III: Master Thesis (15 ECTS-credits): compulsory in part 2 of the master
International Consulting Bootcamp GOA
Summer School Beijing 'The Business Environment in China'
Summer School Chongqing, China 'Transport and Logistics in a Changing Economy'
Summer School: Experience Entrepreneurship. An Intensive Introduction
Summer School on Fashion Management
Summer School: From Mine to Finger. A Deep Dive in the World of Diamonds
Summer school 'International Environment and European Integration' - Faculty of Rijeka
Summer School 'Sustainability engineering and economics'
Summer School on Urban Logistics
Summer School Washington 'American Business Environment'
Partim II: Integration Project BE (6 ECTS-credits): compulsory in part 1 of the master
Integration Project BE
Model Path part 2
Degree Profile Sustainability Engineering
1. 9 ECTS-credits compulsory
Innovation Management
Integrated Care Systems
2. 12 ECTS-credits to choose from
- Sarah Lebeer
- Marianne van den Broek
Industrial Chemistry
- Guido De Cleyn
- Bert Verlinden
- Martine Wevers
Generation and Distribution of Electric Power
- Kevin Milis
- Herbert Peremans
1 Major (18 ECTS-credits spread over the 2 parts of the master) to choose from:
Major Accountancy: 18 ECTS-credits to choose from
Advanced International Financial Reporting Standards
- Walter Aerts
- Jo Mentens
Intermediate international financial reporting standards
- Walter Aerts
- Jo Mentens
Seminar Financial Analysis
Tax Management
- Dirk Van Stappen
Major European and International Entrepreneurship
Current Issues in International Business
International Business Research Seminar
Strategy, Structure and Management of the Multinational Enterprise
The Economics and Institutions of International Business
Major Finance: 18 ECTS-credits to choose from
Corporate Finance and Governance
Entrepreneurial Finance
Insurance: Financial and Actuarial Methods
- Ann De Schepper
- Greet Geeroms
Major Marketing
Business-to-Business Marketing
Current Topics in Marketing
Marketing Communication
Product and Price Management
Services Marketing
Major Strategy and Organisation
1. Compulsory courses: 12 ECTS-credits
Organisational Theory and Design
- 'Strategic management'
Strategy Implementation and Control
- Toni Sfirtsis
2. Optional courses: 6 ECTS-credits to choose from
Organisation and Strategy: Special Issues
- 'Strategisch management'
Strategy, Structure and Management of the Multinational Enterprise
Major Transport and Logistics
1. Compulsory courses: 9 ECTS-credits
Logistics and Forwarding
- - NNB
- Eddy Van de Voorde
Maritime and Port Economics
2. Optional courses: 9 ECTS-credits to choose from
Maritime Technology (Seminar)
Transport Models
Transport Law
Real Estate and Location
Transportation Policy
Major Economic Policy: 18 ECTS-credits to choose from
This mapor is compulsory with the core 'Economics Fundamentals'.
Industrial Organisation
Labour Economics
Monetary Economics
- Roland Winkler
Public Finance
1 Minor (12 ECTS-credits spread over the 2 parts of the master) to choose from:
The 'Practical Project' can be incorporated in each minor (after approval of the faculty). The 'Practical Project' has to tie in with the minor and can replace a course of choice (up to maximum 6 ECTS-credits).
Minor Accountancy
Advanced International Financial Reporting Standards
- Walter Aerts
- Jo Mentens
Intermediate international financial reporting standards
- Walter Aerts
- Jo Mentens
Tax Management
- Dirk Van Stappen
Practical Project
Minor Corporate Fiinance
Corporate Finance and Governance
Entrepreneurial Finance
Practical Project
Minor Business Practice
Entrepreneurship and Corporate Governance
Practical Project
Minor Data Science
Case Studies and Trends in Data Science
Data Engineering
- Dieter Devlaminck
Data Science and Ethics
Practical Project
Minor European and International Entrepreneurship
Strategy, Structure and Management of the Multinational Enterprise
The Economics and Institutions of International Business
Practical Project
Minor Marketing
Business-to-Business Marketing
Current Topics in Marketing
Marketing Communication
Services Marketing
Practical Project
Minor Audit
Accounting Ethics
Current Topics in Accounting
ICT Assurance and Audit
Practical Project
Minor Special Topics in Management, Economics and Technology
12 ECTS-credits at a foreign univeristy/institute to be taken in the framework of an exchange programme or from the not chosen degree profiles.
Minor Strategy and Organisation
Organisational Theory and Design
- 'Strategic management'
Strategy Implementation and Control
- Toni Sfirtsis
Practical Project
Minor Transport and Logistics
Logistics and Forwarding
- - NNB
- Eddy Van de Voorde
Maritime and Port Economics
Real Estate and Location
Practical Project
Master Project Portfolio
Partim I: Summer School: at least 3 ECTS-credits to choose from the list below in part 1 or part 2 of the master (to be taken in the academic year after following the Summer School)
International Consulting Bootcamp GOA
Summer School Beijing 'The Business Environment in China'
Summer School Chongqing, China 'Transport and Logistics in a Changing Economy'
Summer School: Experience Entrepreneurship. An Intensive Introduction
Summer School on Fashion Management
Summer School: From Mine to Finger. A Deep Dive in the World of Diamonds
Summer school 'International Environment and European Integration' - Faculty of Rijeka
Summer School 'Sustainability engineering and economics'
Summer School on Urban Logistics
Summer School Washington 'American Business Environment'
Partim III: Master Thesis (15 ECTS-credits compulsory in part 2 of the master