Climate Change as a Societal Challenge
Develop an understanding of climate change as a governance challenge involving multiple actors
Climate change is to a large extent driven by societal factors (causes). It has an impact on people’s lives (effects). And it is influenced by decisions taken every day by individuals, companies, local communities, national governments and international institutions (response).
Because of the close interlinkages between our natural and societal systems, this microcredential focuses on the societal challenges of climate change.
Even though climate change has gained importance on the societal agenda, it is still a challenge to put and keep climate change on the political agenda, and to move toward coherent policies. In this microcredential we try to explain why.
This microcredential will help you to see climate change as a multi-actor and multi-level governance problem, in which we have to learn and deal with scientific uncertainties, institutional inertia and various societal stakes.
Who for?
The programme is designed for an international and multidisciplinary audience. It suits individuals, professionals and students in developing their knowledge, skills and professional career.
We welcome participants from universities, research institutions, public institutions and private companies.
The diversity of the audience has proven to be a significant factor of learning, widening scope and enhancing capabilities.
Professor Ann Crabbé explains what this course is about

Alumnus Bart Dewaele talks about his experiences with this micro-credential

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