Study programme
Model Path
Context Courses
'Summer school on responsible fashion' only after selecction and to be taken in the academic year after following the summer school. This replaces ' Cultural entrepreneurship and innovation' in the student's program.
Policy and context of cultural management
Cultural entrepreneurship and innovation
- Walter Van Andel
- Leonie Delaey
- Pia Van Cauwenbergh
Financial and management accounting in the cultural and creative sectors
- Rita De Graeve
- Leonie Delaey
- Pia Van Cauwenbergh
Forum culture management
- Annick Schramme
- Leonie Delaey
- Pia Van Cauwenbergh
The legal framework of the cultural sector
Summer School on Responsible Fashion Management
Management Courses
'Summer school on culture policy and governance' only after selection and to be taken in the academic year after following the summer school. This replaces 'Critical reflection on arts and culture' in the student's program.
General and strategic cultural management
- 'Financial management'
- 'Marketing and communication management'
- 'Human resources management'
- Bruno Verbergt
- Leonie Delaey
- Pia Van Cauwenbergh
Critical reflections on arts and culture
- Peter Verhezen
- Leonie Delaey
- Pia Van Cauwenbergh
Sustainable human resources management
- 'General and strategic cultural management'
- 'Financial management'
- 'Marketing and communication management'
- Sofie Jacobs
- Leonie Delaey
- Pia Van Cauwenbergh
Financial management
- 'Human resources management'
- 'General and strategic cultural management'
- 'Marketing and communication management'
Marketing and communication management
- 'General and strategic cultural management'
- 'Financial management'
- 'Human resources management'
Research methods
Summer school on cultural policy and governance
- Annick Schramme
- Leonie Delaey
- Pia Van Cauwenbergh
Master Project
Master's thesis part 1: practical component including internship
'Master's thesis, part 2: thesis'
- Annick Schramme
- Leonie Delaey
- Laura D'hoore
- Pia Van Cauwenbergh
Master's thesis, part 2: thesis
- Annick Schramme
- Edwin van Hassel
- Leonie Delaey
- Laura D'hoore
- Pia Van Cauwenbergh
Model Path
Context Courses
Policy and context of cultural management
Financial and management accounting in the cultural and creative sectors
Forum culture management
The legal framework of the cultural sector
3 ECTS-credits to choose from
Students can choose 'Summerschool on Fashion Management' only with permission of the programme coordinator.
Cultural entrepreneurship and innovation management
Summer School on Responsible Fashion Management
Management Courses
'Summer school on Culture policy and governance' only after selection and to be taken in the academic year after following the summer school. This replaces 'Critical reflection on arts and culture' in the student's program.
General and strategic cultural management
- 'Financial management'
- 'Marketing and communication management'
- 'Human resources management'
Critical reflections on arts and culture
Human resources management
- 'General and strategic cultural management'
- 'Financial management'
- 'Marketing and communication management'
Financial management
- 'Human resources management'
- 'General and strategic cultural management'
- 'Marketing and communication management'
Marketing and communication management
- 'General and strategic cultural management'
- 'Financial management'
- 'Human resources management'
Research methods
Summer school on cultural policy and governance
Master Project
Master's thesis part 1: practical component including internship
'Master's thesis, part 2: thesis'
Master's thesis, part 2: thesis
Model Path
Context Courses
Policy and context of cultural management
Financial and management accounting in the cultural and creative sectors
Forum culture management
The legal framework of the cultural sector
3 ECTS-credits to choose from
Students can choose 'Summerschool on Fashion Management' only with permission of the programme coordinator.
Cultural entrepreneurship and innovation management
Summer school on fashion management
Management Courses
General and strategic cultural management
- 'Financial management'
- 'Marketing and communication management'
- 'Human resources management'
Financial management
- 'Human resources management'
- 'General and strategic cultural management'
- 'Marketing and communication management'
Human resources management
- 'General and strategic cultural management'
- 'Financial management'
- 'Marketing and communication management'
Critical reflection arts and culture
Marketing and communication management
- 'General and strategic cultural management'
- 'Financial management'
- 'Human resources management'
Research methods
Master Project
Master's thesis part 1: practical component including internship
'Master's thesis, part 2: thesis'
Master's thesis, part 2: thesis
Model Path
Context Courses
Policy and context of cultural management
Financial and management accounting in the cultural and creative sectors
Forum culture management
The legal framework of the cultural sector
3 ECTS-credits to choose from
Students can choose 'Summerschool on Fashion Management' only with permission of the programme coordinator.
cultural entrepreneurship and innovation management
Summer school on fashion management
Management courses
General and strategic cultural management
Financial management
Human resources management
Critical reflection arts and culture
Marketing and communication management
Research methods
Master Project
Master's thesis part 1: practical component
- 'Masterproef, deel 2: scriptie'
Master's thesis, part 2: thesis
Model Path
Context Courses
Compulsory: 18 ECTS-credits
Policy and context of cultural management
Financial and management accounting in the creative and cultural sectors
Forum culture management
The legal framework of the cultural sector
3 ECTS-credits to choose from
Students can choose 'Summerschool on Fashion Management' only with permission of the programme coordinator.
Seminar innovation management and cultural entrepreneurship
Summer school on fashion management
Management courses
Compulsory: 24 ECTS-credits
General and strategic cultural management
Financial management
Human resources management
Marketing and communication management
Critical reflection arts and culture
Seminar research methods
Master Project
Compulsory: 15 ECTS-credits
Master's thesis part 1: practical component
- 'Masterproef, deel 2: scriptie'
Master's thesis, part 2: thesis
Model Path
Context Courses
Compulsory: 21 ECTS-credits
Students can replace 'Innovatiemanagement en cultureel ondernemerschap' by 'Summer School on Fashion management' with permission of the programme coordinator.
Policy and Context of Cultural Management
Financial and Management Accounting in the Creative and Cultural Sectors
Forum Culture Management
Innovation Management and Cultural Entrepreneurship
- Annelies Thoelen
- Nathalie Verboven
The Legal Framework of the Cultural Sector
Management courses
Compulsory: 24 ECTS-credits
General and Strategic Cultural Management
Financial Management
Human Resources Management
Marketing and Communication Management
Seminar Critical Reflection Arts and Culture
Seminar Research Methods
Master Project
Compulsory: 15 ECTS-credits
Master Project Part 1: Practical Component
- 'Masterproef, deel 2: scriptie'