Business and Economics

Double degree in Economic Policy

with Maastricht University

The University of Antwerp and Maastricht University join forces in a double degree, giving you the opportunity to study in two countries and obtain two Master’s degrees in just two years. Your first year will take place in Maastricht, your second in Antwerp.

Once you have successfully obtained all required credits, you will be awarded:

  1. from the University of Antwerp, a Master of Science in Applied Economics Sciences: Economic Policy degree
  2. from Maastricht University, a Master of Science in Economics, specialization: Education and Labour Economics or Global Challenges and Macroeconomic Policy of Market Regulation and Design

Both universities are ranked in the QS World University Ranking and the Times Higher Education World University Ranking, and score extremely well in Young University Rankings. Both also have multiple accreditations (AACSB and EFMD/EQUIS).

Unique combination

Both universities contribute to your academic and professional development in their own way and with their own strengths. 

  • The UMaastricht is known for its Problem-Based Learning (PBL): under supervision of a tutor, you work in small groups, engage in hands-on training and tackle real-life challenges.
  • At the UAntwerp, you will acquire the expertise to deal with a wide range of economic problems faced by policymakers, and dive deep into research methods and econometrics. 

This unique combination of soft and hard skills will make you more competitive in the job market and will transform you into a responsible, global-minded citizen.

International network

This programme gives you the opportunity to expand your global network and become part of not one, but two international classrooms. You get to discover Antwerp and Maastricht: both bustling and innovative cities with a lot of historical charm.

Thanks to their central location in Europe, you are in close proximity to Paris, London, Berlin,… and only 45 minutes away from Brussels, the heart of the EU and NATO.

What our students think...

If you ask us, obtaining a double degree is perfect if you want to challenge yourself academically while gaining a strong intercultural perspective at the same time.

But want to learn first-hand what our students thought about their international experience? Here's a day in the lives of students Christian and Anneleen...

The benefits of a double degree

according to student Christian

A day in the life of Anneleen

Double degree student

Practical information

Ready to start your application? That's great! Here are all the practical details you need to know...

Programme schedule

The programme consists of 2 main parts. You start following courses at Maastricht University in the first year.

Then you transfer to UAntwerp where you take part in the Master of Science in Applied Economics Sciences: Economic Policy. During the final part, you write a Master's thesis, that will be supervised in one university and assessed by the other.

Outline double degree programme SBE / University of Antwerp (for academic year 2023 - 2024)


Year 1 at SBE (Maastricht University)

Sep - Oct

Core Course Economics and Data
Nov - Dec
First specialization - course 1
Nov - Dec
Second specialization - course 1


Feb - Mar
First specialization - course 2
Second specialization - course 2
Apr - June
Course Data Visualisation
Feb - June
Feb - July
Floating thesis skills
Total ECTS credits year 1

Year 2 at University of Antwerp

I Antwerp

Compulsory Main Courses
  • Applied Econometrics (6 ECTS)
  • Applied Welfare Economics (6 ECTS)
  • Research Methods in Economics (5 ECTS)
  • Macroeconomic Policy (6 ECTS)

II Antwerp

III Antwerp
Jun - Jul
Master's thesis (Deadline submission: end period 5 + deadline defense: end period 6)
Total ECTS credits year 2

Remarks Maastricht University (55 ECTS)

Students choose two (out of the three) specializations during the first year of the Maastricht program..The three available specializations and the associated courses are:

  1. Inequality and social inclusion
    1. Inequality, fairness, and policy goals
    2. Managing inequality
  2. Sustainable and resilient economies
    1. Causes and consequences of systemic risk
    2. Case studies of sustainability problems
  3. Technology, markets and societal change
    1. Opportunities and threats from new technologies
    2. Responsible (governmental) reaction to new technologies​

Remarks University of Antwerp (65 ECTS)

Students choose a major (15 ECTS) and minor (12 ECTS) during the second year of the Antwerp program.

Major (choose one option and choose 15 ECTS from the list of your option)
1. Macroeconomic Policy and Financial Markets

Financial Econometrics
Financial Intermediation and regulation
Monetary Economics
Public Finance
Choose max. 6 ECTS from Internship Project, Internship, International Consulting Bootcamp Goa, Summer School or Winter School,  Blended Intensive Programme Leadership Development*
2. Public Policy

Health Economics
Industrial Organisation
Labour Economics
Choose max. 6 ECTS from Internship Project, Internship, International Consulting Bootcamp Goa, Summer School or Winter School, Blended Intensive Programme Leadership Development*
Minor (Choose one option, 12 ECTS)
1. Macroeconomic Policy and Financial Markets

Financial Intermediation and Regulation
Monetary Economics
Applied Welfare Economics
2. Public Policy

Industrial Organisation
Labour Economics
3. Minor Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

Current topics in data science and artificial intelligence
Data Science and Ethics 
Python for Machine Learning
4. Socio-economic issues

Seminar Socioeconomic Analysis
Political Economy of Development

*A student needs to follow the selection procedure for the summer schools and the guidelines for the internship project and internships.

Entry requirements

Students are selected based on academic merit, past work and extracurricular experiences, as well as a demonstration of strong motivation. Per academic year a maximum of 5 UAntwerp students can be selected for the double degree programme.

The following students are eligible

  1. From UAntwerp: Bachelor in de Toegepaste Economische Wetenschappen: Economisch Beleid (Bsc Applied Economic Sciences: Economic Policy), Bachelor in de Toegepaste Economische Wetenschappen: Bedrijfskunde (Bsc Business Economics) or Bachelor in de Sociaal-economische wetenschappen (Social and Economic Sciences). Students with a bachelor degree in Handelsingenieur (Business Engineering) and Handelsingenieur in de Beleidsinformatica (Business Engineering: Digital Business Engineering) with an interest to specialize in economics in their masters can also apply.
  2. From UMaastricht: Bachelor in economics with a specialization in Education and Labour Economics or Global Challenges and Macroeconomic Policy or Market Regulation and Design.
  3. From other institutions: students with an academic bachelor's degree in Economics or an equivalent degree. Eligibility of the degree is determined by the selection committee.

To be admitted, you need to fulfill the admission requirements of both partner universities:

As a consequence of 'de harde knip' in the Netherlands (full explanation on this page), students need to have finished their bachelor's degree by August 31 in order to be able to start the double degree programme in September. For UAntwerp students that means that they should complete their bachelor in the first examination session (June). 

Application procedure

The application procedure consist of the following four steps. We strongly advise you to start the process well in advance.

  1. Prepare all required documents in a single file (zip or pdf) before the application deadline (*further explanation below).
    1. Diplomas from previous studies
    2. Transcripts from previous studies
    3. Course descriptions (if applicable)
    4. Proof of English language proficiency (if applicable)
    5. Applicant CV
    6. Application motivation letter
    7. Copy of valid ID
    8. GMAT / GRE test result (if applicable)
  2. Send all the application documents in a single email to You will receive an automatic reply confirming that your application has been received. Questions with regard to application documents and deadlines can also be directed to this email address. Applications sent after the deadline will automatically be considered as ineligible. If your application file is incomplete, your application will also be considered as ineligible.
  3. Applications will be reviewed by the admission board. If successful, you will contacted by the admission board to confirm your interest.
  4. Finalise your enrolment in both institutions, following local rules and requirements.

*All required documents:

  • Diplomas from previous studies: A (scanned) color copy of the official diploma of each academic degree obtained. Accepted languages include Dutch, English, French or German. If the diploma is in another language than those listed, two versions must be submitted: the original and a certified translation. If you are enrolled in your final bachelor year you should, instead of the degree, submit a copy of an original and signed letter from your college or university confirming that you are expected to complete the program at the end of the current academic year.
  • Transcripts: An official transcript or mark list of the courses from all universities you have attended, for all study years. Transcripts or mark lists may be in Dutch, English, French or German. If the documents are in another language than those listed, two versions must be submitted: the original and a certified translation. Applicants in their final bachelor year submit up-to-date authenticated transcripts with the results of the previous years.
  • Students that have obtained their bachelor outside of the EU should attach (translated) course descriptions in Dutch, English, French or German.
  • Proof of English proficiency: See requirement for language certificates. Proof of previous studies in English should be signed and stamped by the degree-awarding institution.
  • Applicant CV: a summary of your educational and professional background as well as any other information that might be relevant.
  • Applicant motivation letter (one page at most): state the reasons why you have chosen to apply for the program at this particular time in your studies and/or career. The letter should outline career goals and how graduating from the program would help you toward achieving these. The letter can also highlight formal and personal achievements as well as any relevant experience that you would like to bring to the attention of the admission board.
  • Copy of valid Passport/ID: a scanned copy of your passport or official ID with all relevant information clearly readable. Passports must be valid for the entire duration of the programme.


Applicants must submit their email application by May 15 of the previous academic year at the latest.

Tuition fees and scholarships

During your first year, you pay the full tuition fee at UMaastricht. During the second year, you pay the full tuition fee at UAntwerp. You can find all information related to the tuition fees at the respective websites of UMaastricht and UAntwerp.

Financial support

UAntwerp, students can apply for financial support via the Office for Student Affairs (STIP).​


At UAntwerp, international students can apply for a reduced tuition fee or a Mastermind Scholarship.

About Maastricht University

and the application procedure