Heritage Tomorrow: an Introduction in 24 Hours

Heritage Tomorrow: an Introduction in 24 Hours


Solid base for contemporary and future heritage management and policy. Introduction to the heritage paradigm that shapes the heritage field in Europe, Belgium and Flanders. A bold and ambitious series of heritage micro-credentials.


In the 21st century the concept heritage / patrimoine / erfgoed is used to refer to evolutions in the world of museums, monuments, landscapes, collectors, archives, libraries, popular culture, et cetera… The broad heritage concept today includes all cultural heritage; movable and immovable heritage, intangible and digital heritage.

At the same time methods used in analysis, assurance and appreciation of our heritage evolved in a socially responsible and sustainable way.

This complex evolution makes an update and/or broadening of skills, attitudes and knowledge absolutely necessary for everybody working (or aiming to work) in the field of heritage.

The micro-credentials focusing on different aspects of heritage, offer a qualitative and relevant upgrading of talents to shape the heritage sector and tackle future challenges.

This micro-credential ‘Heritage Tomorrow: an Introduction in 24 Hours’ can be completed with the micro-credential More and More: Pasts, Presents, Futures, ‘Heritage’.

Who for?

This micro-credential offers a firm base/refresher or up to date course for professionals (to be) and all interested parties in an ever evolving heritage field. In this course, we focus on and explore the frames offered by or via UNESCO and European institutions, among others in the form of conventions, recommendations, programmes, results frameworks and other policy tools.

Center for Working and Studying

For information and advice on combining work and study, contact Center West. Students who register for a micro-credential in combination with a job can also register as a working student to apply for additional facilities.