Learning outcomes
Graduated Bachelors of linguistics and literary studies can define a linguistic or literary problem and reflect upon it. Based on their methodological knowledge they can formulate a solution to the problem and detect the relevant information efficiently. Finally they can place the problem and its solution in the correct cultural context and evaluate its social relevance and they can efficiently communicate about it.
In order to attain this objective, the Bachelors of linguistics and literary studies acquire the following core competences during their training:
1. they master the language(s) that is/are mentioned on their diploma actively and passively and are familiar with the contexts in which it/they is/are used. They can use this knowledge to communicate fluently and effectively.
2. they can read literary texts with insight and analyse them because they are familiar with different literary genres and they have a profound knowledge of the relevant literary theories. They also have the necessary insight in the historical evolution of the literature in the language(s) mentioned on their diploma and can place literary texts in a broader social context. Bachelors of theatre, film and literature can analyse theatre texts, performances and films, based on their insight in the main theories on these art forms and their evolution.
3. they have an overview of linguistic theories and current linguistic evolutions and of the set of concepts that has been developed in them. They also have insight in the (historical, geographical and socio-linguistic) variations of the language(s) mentioned on their diploma. Based on this knowledge they are able to analyse and critically interpret language phenomena.
4. they are familiar with the cultures related to the language(s) mentioned on their diploma, but also with western cultural, philosophical and artistic tradition. They can situate their research and theories studied in relation to other relevant fields of knowledge and evaluate its social relevance. Bachelors of theatre, film and literature can situate theatre and film in the context of general opinions about image culture and art.
5. coached by an experienced researcher, they are able to connect the acquired theoretical knowledge with current research methods. They can quickly and efficiently detect, process, interpret and critically evaluate information by using state-of-the-art heuristic tools.
Concretely, Bachelors of linguistics and literary studies acquire these competences by following a training programme in two languages, their literature and their culture or in one language combined with the major theatre, film and literature. This training programme encompasses a bachelor’s thesis in which the student can integrate the competences acquired.
The above mentioned core competences have been developed further into a list of 30 competences that together consitute a whole of knowledge, skills and attitudes. These competences are relevant both for students that wish to continue for a master’s degree and for students wishing to enter the labour market.
1. Bachelors have a thorough active and passive knowledge of the language(s) that is/are mentioned on the diploma.
2. Bachelors have an insight in the pragmatic conditions of this/these language(s) and commands different variants adapted to the different contexts in which the language(s) function(s).
3. Bachelors have general knowledge of the cultures associated with the chosen language(s) and their artistic expression forms (a.o. theatre and film).
4. Bachelors are familiar with the cultures associated with the language(s) that is/are mentioned on their diploma (a.o. through international exchange, internship, etc).
5. Bachelors have acquired global knowledge of the western cultural tradition from Antiquity to the Modern Times, of the philosophical insights in that tradition and the ideas on literature and art (in particular theatre and film).
6. Bachelors have a theoretical knowledge in relation to the three main genres (prose, poetry and drama) and can use this knowledge correctly when reading and analysing texts. They can situate particular literary texts in their literary tradition or movement.
7. Bachelors have developed considerable skills of text analysis and literary interpretation.
8. Bachelors have insight into the historical evolution of the language(s) mentioned on the diploma and of the literature written in this/these language(s).
9. Bachelors can situate the historical evolution of the literature(s) studied within the framework of western and non-western literature.
10. Bachelors can situate literature study in relation to other relevant science and knowledge domains such as philosophy, psycho-analysis, sociology, history, politicology, etc, and can apply these relations when interpreting and analysing literary texts.
11. Bachelors have an overview of different linguistic theories and are aware of the current evolutions in the domain of linguistics.
12. Bachelors know the current set of concepts in linguistics and are capable of focussed linguistic analysis using adequate and reasoned analytical methods.
13. Bachelors are able to apply linguistic insights to new language material and to critically deal with the interpretation of language phenomena.
14. Bachelors have insight in the relations between linguistics and other relevant science and knowledge domains such as philosophy, psychology, sociology, artificial intelligence and computer science and can apply these relations when analysing language phenomena.
15. Bachelors can identify, adequately formulate and solve scientific problems in their field with the most recent insights of research in linguistics and/or literature.
16. Bachelors have sufficient insight in current and contemporary reasoning and research methods in their scientific domain.
17. Bachelors are able to quickly and effectively gather, process, interpret and critically evaluate information.
18. Bachelors can adequately use bibliographies, repertoires, databases and other heuristic tools in their scientific domain.
19. Bachelors have problem-solving skills and combine the use of the information and insights mentioned in 15-18 with a capacity for creative thinking.
20. Bachelors have developed a critical attitude towards different theories and opinions in their subject area.
21. Bachelors are able to evaluate the social relevance of linguistic or literary research (or its object) and to check if it complies with the current requirements in society, humanities and ethics.
22. Bachelors are alert to new developments in the area of linguistics and literature but also in related scientific domains and within the general social and historical context in which linguistics and literature are studied.
23. Bachelors are able to produce scientific, vulgarising, journalistic and publicity texts.
24. Bachelors have the skill to report orally or to survey their research or different information in relation to language, literature or culture.
25. Bachelors have insight in and can reflect on language and communication skills in the language(s) mentioned on their diploma and can transfer this insight in formal and less formal contexts.
26. Bachelors can participate in the scientific debate within their discipline.
27. Bachelors can participate in the broader social debate about key issues such as ideology, the relation North-South or the relations between man, nature and society and can form a reasoned point of view.
28. Bachelors are able to start further studies, i.e. a master of linguistics and literature in the broad sense (including digital text analysis, linguistics, theatre and film studies, literature of the modernity, historical linguistics and literature, etc.) but also a master of business communication or training programmes with a finality in didactics.
29. Bachelors have the necessary flexibility and the necessary skills in relation to finding, processing and presenting information in order to start other further training to consolidate their position on the labour market.
30. Bachelors have an openness for other languages and cultures, a.o. through international exchange programmes (Erasmus, guest lectures, etc…).