The students take courses for 36 ECTS-credits from two sections: select 18 ECTS-credits from the general linguistics courses and 18 ECTS-credits for French of which at least 6 ECTS-credits in linguistics and 6 ECTS-credits in literature.
Master thesis
Master's Thesis
General linguistics
18 ECTS-credits to choose from:
The Sociolinguistics of Online Communication
Language Variation and Change in Adults
Language and the City
Fieldwork in English Linguistics
French: linguistics
Choose at least 6 ECTS-credits.
Interactional linguistics
French: linguistics 1 - to be confirmed
French: linguistics 2
French: literature
Choose at least 6 ECTS-credits.
French: literature - to be confirmed
French Literature out of France (Middle East, Africa, Caribbean)
Namur: Discovering Campus and City
Electives/Free choice
Students choose 6 ECTS-credits from the courses belonging to the Master¹s programme in Linguistics and Literature on the condition that these courses are related to their Bachelor¹s language combinations.
Courses that belong to a different master¹s programme than ³Linguistics and Literature", including master¹s programmes organised by another Faculty, will first have to be approved by the Education Board.
Scientific Internship
Namur: Discovering Campus and City
Professional Communication (French)
The students take courses for 36 ECTS-credits from two sections: select 18 ECTS-credits from the general linguistics courses and 18 ECTS-credits for French of which at least 6 ECTS-credits in linguistics and 6 ECTS-credits in literature.
Master thesis
Master's Thesis
General linguistics
18 ECTS-credits to choose from:
The Sociolinguistics of Online Communication
Language Variation and Change in Adults
Language and the City
Fieldwork in English Linguistics
French: linguistics
Choose at least 6 ECTS-credits.
Interactional linguistics
French: linguistics 1 - to be confirmed
French: linguistics 2
French: literature
Choose at least 6 ECTS-credits.
French: literature - to be confirmed
French Literature out of France (Middle East, Africa, Caribbean)
Namur: Discovering Campus and City
Electives/Free choice
Students choose 6 ECTS-credits from the courses belonging to the Master¹s programme in Linguistics and Literature on the condition that these courses are related to their Bachelor¹s language combinations.
Courses that belong to a different master¹s programme than ³Linguistics and Literature", including master¹s programmes organised by another Faculty, will first have to be approved by the Education Board.
Scientific Internship
Namur: Discovering Campus and City
Professional Communication (French)
The students take courses for 36 ECTS-credits from two sections: select 18 ECTS-credits for linguistics and 18 ECTS-credits for French of which at least 6 ECTS-credits in linguistics and 6 ECTS-credits in literature.
Master thesis
Master's Thesis
18 ECTS-credits to choose from:
Grammar Vetted
The Sociolinguistics of Online Communication
Language Variation and Change in Adults
Language and the City
Fieldwork in English Linguistics
French linguistics and literature
18 ECTS-credits to choose of which at least one course in literature and one course in linguistics
Grammaticalisation Processes
Semantics Evidential and Modal Marking in French
- Thomas Hoelbeek
Current and Fascinating Issues in French Linguistics
- Thomas Hoelbeek
- Anne Vanderheyden
How Words Create Worlds
- - NNB
- Marie Steffens
- Jessica Van de Weerd
Literature and Media
French Literature out of France (Middle East, Africa, Caribbean)
Contemporary Trends in French Literary Criticism
Electives/Free choice
Students choose 6 ECTS-credits from the courses belonging to the Master¹s programme in Linguistics and Literature on the condition that these courses are related to their Bachelor¹s language combinations.
Courses that belong to a different master¹s programme than ³Linguistics and Literature", including master¹s programmes organised by another Faculty, will first have to be approved by the Education Board.
Scientific Internship
The Educational Challenge(s): Discovering the Campus and the City
The students take courses for 36 ECTS-credits from two sections: select 18 ECTS-credits for linguistics and 18 ECTS-credits for French of which at least 6 ECTS-credits in linguistics and 6 ECTS-credits in literature.
Master thesis
Master project
18 ECTS-credits to choose from:
Grammar vetted
Phonetics and phonology
The sociolinguistics of online communication
Language Variation and Change in Adults
Language and the City
Fieldwork in English Linguistics
French linguistics and literature
18 ECTS-credits to choose of which at least one course in literature and one course in linguistics
Grammaticalisation processes
Semantics. Evidential and modal marking in French
Current and fascinating issues in French linguistics
How words create worlds
- Walter De Mulder
- Marie Steffens
- Jessica Van de Weerd
Literature and media
French literature out of France (Middle East, Africa, Caribbean)
Contemporary trends in French literary criticism
Electives/Free choice
Students choose 6 ECTS-credits from the courses belonging to the Master¹s programme in Linguistics and Literature on the condition that these courses are related to their Bachelor¹s language combinations.
Courses that belong to a different master¹s programme than ³Linguistics and Literature", including master¹s programmes organised by another Faculty, will first have to be approved by the Education Board.
Scientific internship
The Educational Challenge(s): Discovering the Campus and the City
The students take courses for 36 ECTS-credits from two sections: select 18 ECTS-credits for linguistics and 18 ECTS-credits for French of which at least 6 ECTS-credits in linguistics and 6 ECTS-credits in literature.
Master thesis
Master project
18 ECTS-credits to choose from:
Grammar vetted
Phonetics and phonology
Methodology and statistical data analysis
The sociolinguistics of online communication
Language Variation and Change in Adults
Language and the City
Fieldwork in English Linguistics
French linguistics and literature
18 ECTS-credits to choose of which at least one course in literature and one course in linguistics
Grammaticalisation processes
Semantics. Evidential and modal marking in French
Current and fascinating issues in French linguistics
Literature and media
French literature out of France (Middle East, Africa, Caribbean)
Contemporary trends in French literary criticism
Electives/Free choice
Students choose 6 ECTS-credits from the courses belonging to the Master¹s programme in Linguistics and Literature on the condition that these courses are related to their Bachelor¹s language combinations.
Courses that belong to a different master¹s programme than ³Linguistics and Literature", including master¹s programmes organised by another Faculty, will first have to be approved by the Education Board.
Scientific internship
The students take courses for 36 ECTS-credits from two sections: select 18 ECTS-credits for linguistics and 18 ECTS-credits for French of which at least 6 ECTS-credits in linguistics and 6 ECTS-credits in literature.
Master thesis
Master project
18 ECTS-credits to choose from:
Grammar vetted
Phonetics and phonology
Methodology and statistical data analysis
The sociolinguistics of online communication
Language Variation and Change in Adults
Lexical semantics
Fieldwork in English Linguistics
French linguistics and literature
18 ECTS-credits to choose of which at least one course in literature and one course in linguistics
Grammaticalisation processes
Semantics. Evidential and modal marking in French
Current and fascinating issues in French linguistics
Literature and media
French literature out of France (Middle East, Africa, Caribbean)
Contemporary trends in French literary criticism
Electives/Free choice
Students choose 6 ECTS-credits from the courses belonging to the Master¹s programme in Linguistics and Literature on the condition that these courses are related to their Bachelor¹s language combinations.
Courses that belong to a different master¹s programme than ³Linguistics and Literature", including master¹s programmes organised by another Faculty, will first have to be approved by the Education Board.
Scientific internship
The students take courses for 36 ECTS-credits from two sections: select 18 ECTS-credits for linguistics and 18 ECTS-credits for French of which at least 6 ECTS-credits in linguistics and 6 ECTS-credits in literature.
Master thesis
Master project
Compulsory course
Methodology and statistical data analysis
- Marije Lesterhuis
12 ECTS-credits to choose from:
Comparison of linguistic models
Phonetics and phonology
The sociolinguistics of online communication
Language Variation and Change in Adults
- Peter Petré
- Lynn Anthonissen
- Sara Budts
French linguistics and literature
18 ECTS-credits to choose of which at least one course in literature and one course in linguistics
Contemporary trends in French literary criticism
Grammaticalisation processes
Text and context
Current and fascinating issues in French linguistics
Literature and media
French literature out of France (Middle East, Africa, Caribbean)
Electives/Free choice
Students choose 6 ECTS-credits from the courses belonging to the Master¹s programme in Linguistics and Literature on the condition that these courses are related to their Bachelor¹s language combinations.
Courses that belong to a different master¹s programme than ³Linguistics and Literature", including master¹s programmes organised by another Faculty, will first have to be approved by the Education Board.