The students take, in addition to the master's thesis (18 ECTS-credits), electives (6 ECTS-credits), Theory of Literature (12 ECTS-credits), creative writing and literary course of the followed languages from the bachelor (6 ECTS-credits) and 18 ECTS-credits for English, wherein at least one course English literature and linguistics one course should be followed.
Master's thesis
Master's Thesis
General literary theory
Writers at Work: Textual Genetics and Text Editing
Creative Non-Fiction: Theories, Genres, Methods
- - NNB
- Melina Ghassemi Nejad
Creative writing or literary course of the followed languages in the bachelor
6 ECTS-credits to choose: creative writing or a literature course of the followed languages from the bachelor
Creative Writing
- Bart Eeckhout
- Maud Vanhauwaert
Constructing Age in Modern Literature
French: literature - to be confirmed
Contemporary Dutch Literature
Spanish-language Literature and Culture 2
English: literature
choose at least 6 ECTS-credits
Beckett Seminar
Stevens Seminar
New York City 1880-2020: Cultural History & Literary Representations
Constructing Age in Modern Literature
Joyce Seminar
Children's Literature Summer School
Digital Humanities Summer School
American Fiction Now: The Newest of the New
English: linguistics
choose at least 6 ECTS-credits
Language and the City
Curriculum and Syllabus Design
Language change in time and space
English Sociolinguistics
Fieldwork in English Linguistics
Text Editing: Making Texts Communicate Effectively
Electives/Free choice
Students choose 6 ECTS-credits from the courses belonging to the Master¹s programme in Linguistics and Literature on the condition that these courses are related to their Bachelor¹s language combinations.
Courses that belong to a different master¹s programme than ³Linguistics and Literature", including master¹s programmes organised by another Faculty, will first have to be approved by the Education Board.
Scientific Internship
The students take, in addition to the master's thesis (18 ECTS-credits), electives (6 ECTS-credits), Theory of Literature (12 ECTS-credits), creative writing and literary course of the followed languages from the bachelor (6 ECTS-credits) and 18 ECTS-credits for English, wherein at least one course English literature and linguistics one course should be followed.
Master's thesis
Master's Thesis
General literary theory
Writers at Work: Textual Genetics and Text Editing
Readers at Work: Post-Classical Narratology
- - NNB
- Melina Ghassemi Nejad
Creative writing or literary course of the followed languages in the bachelor
6 ECTS-credits to choose: creative writing or a literature course of the followed languages from the bachelor
Creative Writing
- Bart Eeckhout
- Maud Vanhauwaert
Constructing Age in Modern Literature
French: literature - to be confirmed
Contemporary Dutch Literature
Spanish-language Literature and Culture 2
English: literature
choose at least 6 ECTS-credits
Beckett Seminar
Stevens Seminar
New York City 1880-2020: Cultural History & Literary Representations
Women Writers in Modern British Literature
Constructing Age in Modern Literature
Joyce Seminar
Children's Literature Summer School
Digital Humanities Summer School
The American Historical Novel since 1950
English: linguistics
choose at least 6 ECTS-credits
Language and the City
Curriculum and Syllabus Design
Language Variation and Change in Adults
English Sociolinguistics
Fieldwork in English Linguistics
Text Editing: Making Texts Communicate Effectively
Electives/Free choice
Students choose 6 ECTS-credits from the courses belonging to the Master¹s programme in Linguistics and Literature on the condition that these courses are related to their Bachelor¹s language combinations.
Courses that belong to a different master¹s programme than ³Linguistics and Literature", including master¹s programmes organised by another Faculty, will first have to be approved by the Education Board.
Scientific Internship
The students take, in addition to the master's thesis (18 ECTS-credits), electives (6 ECTS-credits), Theory of Literature (12 ECTS-credits), creative writing and literary course of the followed languages from the bachelor (6 ECTS-credits) and 18 ECTS-credits for English, wherein at least one course English literature and linguistics one course should be followed.
Master's thesis
Master's Thesis
General literary theory
Writers at Work: Textual Genetics and Text Editing
Readers at Work: Post-Classical Narratology
Creative writing or literary course of the followed languages in the bachelor
6 ECTS-credits to choose: creative writing or literature course of the followed languages from the bachelor
Creative Writing
- Bart Eeckhout
- Maud Vanhauwaert
Constructing Age in Modern Literature
Contemporary Trends in French Literary Criticism
Contemporary Dutch Literature
Spanish-language Literature and Culture 2
- María del Rocío Ortuño Casanova
- Nettah Yoeli-Rimmer
English linguistics and literature
18 ECTS-credits to choose of which at least one course in literature and one course in linguistics
Beckett Seminar
Stevens Seminar
The American Historical Novel since 1950
New York City in Twentieth-Century Literature
Women Writers in Modern British Literature
Constructing Age in Modern Literature
Joyce Seminar
Children's Literature Summer School
Digital Humanities Summer School
Language and the City
Curriculum and Syllabus Design
Language Variation and Change in Adults
English Sociolinguistics
Fieldwork in English Linguistics
Text Editing: Making Texts Communicate Effectively
Electives/Free choice
Students choose 6 ECTS-credits from the courses belonging to the Master¹s programme in Linguistics and Literature on the condition that these courses are related to their Bachelor¹s language combinations.
Courses that belong to a different master¹s programme than ³Linguistics and Literature", including master¹s programmes organised by another Faculty, will first have to be approved by the Education Board.
Scientific Internship
The students take, in addition to the master's thesis (18 credits), electives (6 credits), Theory of Literature (12 credits), creative writing and literary course of the followed languages from the bachelor (6 credits) and 18 credits for English, wherein at least one course English literature and linguistics one course should be followed.
Master's thesis
Master project
General literary theory
Two courses to choose:
Writers at work: Textual Genetics and Text editing
Readers at Work: Post-Classical Narratology
Creative writing and literary section of the followed languages from the bach
6 credits to choose: creative writing and literary section of the followed languages from the bachelor
Creative Writing: The Narrative Essay
- Luc Herman
- Tom Naegels
Constructing Age in Modern Literature
- Vanessa Joosen
- Mahlu Mertens
- Sonali Kulkarni
Contemporary trends in French literary criticism
Contemporary Dutch literature
Spanish-language texts Literature and Culture 2
- María del Rocío Ortuño Casanova
- Nettah Yoeli-Rimmer
English linguistics and literature
18 ECTS-credits to choose of which at least one course in literature and one course in linguistics
Beckett seminar
Stevens Seminar
The American historical novel after 1950
New York City in Twentieth-Century Literature
Women Writers in Modern British Literature
- Vanessa Joosen
- Andrea Davidson
- Sonali Kulkarni
Constructing Age in Modern Literature
- Vanessa Joosen
- Mahlu Mertens
- Sonali Kulkarni
Joyce Seminar
Children's Literature Summer School
Digital Humanities Summer School
Phonetics and phonology
Language and the City
Curriculum and syllabus design
- Marilize Pretorius
- Kris Van De Poel
- Sophie Demesmaeker
Language Variation and Change in Adults
English Sociolinguistics
Fieldwork in English Linguistics
Text editing: making Texts Communicate Effectively
Electives/Free choice
Students choose 6 ECTS-credits from the courses belonging to the Master¹s programme in Linguistics and Literature on the condition that these courses are related to their Bachelor¹s language combinations.
Courses that belong to a different master¹s programme than ³Linguistics and Literature", including master¹s programmes organised by another Faculty, will first have to be approved by the Education Board.
Scientific internship
The students take, in addition to the master's thesis (18 credits), electives (6 credits), Theory of Literature (12 credits), creative writing and literary course of the followed languages from the bachelor (6 credits) and 18 credits for English, wherein at least one course English literature and linguistics one course should be followed.
Master's thesis
Master project
General literary theory
Two courses to choose:
Writers at work: Textual Genetics and Text editing
Readers at Work: Post-Classical Narratology
Creative writing and literary section of the followed languages from the bach
6 credits to choose: creative writing and literary section of the followed languages from the bachelor
Creative Writing: The Narrative Essay
- Luc Herman
- Tom Naegels
Constructing Age in Modern Literature
Contemporary trends in French literary criticism
Contemporary Dutch literature
Spanish-language texts Literature and Culture 2
English linguistics and literature
18 ECTS-credits to choose of which at least one course in literature and one course in linguistics
Beckett seminar
Stevens Seminar
The American historical novel after 1950
New York City in Twentieth-Century Literature
Women Writers in Modern British Literature
Constructing Age in Modern Literature
Joyce Seminar
Children's Literature Summer School
Digital Humanities Summer School
Phonetics and phonology
Language and the City
Curriculum and syllabus design
- Marilize Pretorius
- Kris Van De Poel
- Sophie Demesmaeker
Language Variation and Change in Adults
English Sociolinguistics
Fieldwork in English Linguistics
Text editing: making Texts Communicate Effectively
Electives/Free choice
Students choose 6 ECTS-credits from the courses belonging to the Master¹s programme in Linguistics and Literature on the condition that these courses are related to their Bachelor¹s language combinations.
Courses that belong to a different master¹s programme than ³Linguistics and Literature", including master¹s programmes organised by another Faculty, will first have to be approved by the Education Board.
Scientific internship
The students take, in addition to the master's thesis (18 credits), electives (6 credits), Theory of Literature (12 credits), creative writing and literary course of the followed languages from the bachelor (6 credits) and 18 credits for English, wherein at least one course English literature and linguistics one course should be followed.
Master's thesis
Master project
General literary theory
Two courses to choose:
Writers at work: Textual Genetics and Text editing
Readers at Work: Post-Classical Narratology
Creative writing and literary section of the followed languages from the bach
6 credits to choose: creative writing and literary section of the followed languages from the bachelor
Creative Writing: The Narrative Essay
- Luc Herman
- Tom Naegels
Austrian 20th century literature
- Vivian Liska
- Geert Crauwels
Constructing Age in Modern Literature
Contemporary trends in French literary criticism
Contemporary Dutch literature
Spanish-language texts Literature and Culture 2
English linguistics and literature
18 ECTS-credits to choose of which at least one course in literature and one course in linguistics
Beckett seminar
Stevens Seminar
The American historical novel after 1950
New York City in Twentieth-Century Literature
Women Writers in Modern British Literature
Constructing Age in Modern Literature
Joyce Seminar
Children's Literature Summer School
Digital Humanities Summer School
Phonetics and phonology
Curriculum and syllabus design
- Marilize Pretorius
- Kris Van De Poel
- Sophie Demesmaeker
Language Variation and Change in Adults
English Sociolinguistics
Fieldwork in English Linguistics
Electives/Free choice
Students choose 6 ECTS-credits from the courses belonging to the Master¹s programme in Linguistics and Literature on the condition that these courses are related to their Bachelor¹s language combinations.
Courses that belong to a different master¹s programme than ³Linguistics and Literature", including master¹s programmes organised by another Faculty, will first have to be approved by the Education Board.
Scientific internship
The students take courses for 36 ECTS-credits from two sections: select 18 ECTS-credits for literary theory and 18 ECTS-credits for English of which at least one course in linguistics and one course in literature.
Master's thesis
Master project
General literary theory
Three courses to choose:
Writers at work: Textual Genetics and Text editing
Digital Text Analysis and Literary Theory
Text and story: Postclassical narratology
English linguistics and literature
18 ECTS-credits to choose of which at least one course in literature and one course in linguistics
Beckett seminar
Stevens Seminar
The American historical novel after 1950
New York City in Twentieth-Century Literature
- Bart Eeckhout
- Laura Michiels
Women Writers in Modern British Literature
Constructing Age in Modern Literature
Joyce Seminar
Children's Literature Summer School
Phonetics and phonology
Curriculum and syllabus design
- Kris Van De Poel
- Marilize Pretorius
- Sophie Demesmaeker
Language Variation and Change in Adults
- Peter Petré
- Lynn Anthonissen
- Sara Budts
English Sociolinguistics
Fieldwork in English Linguistics
Digital Humanities Summer School
Electives/Free choice
Students choose 6 ECTS-credits from the courses belonging to the Master¹s programme in Linguistics and Literature on the condition that these courses are related to their Bachelor¹s language combinations.
Courses that belong to a different master¹s programme than ³Linguistics and Literature", including master¹s programmes organised by another Faculty, will first have to be approved by the Education Board.