Learning outcomes

1. The Master is able to independently situate and evaluate a scientific problem and to formulate a question. The Master has the knowledge and skills to answer these questions within the context of the current level of scientific knowledge.

2. Their scientific knowledge allows the Master to draft a problem solving strategy of theoretical calculations and/or experiments. The Master has the skills to execute this systematically.

3. Within the discipline as well as in an interdisciplinary context the Master can lead or perform experiments in order to obtain data and process these into new insights.

4. The Master can synthesise a complex, possibly incomplete series of (multidisciplinary) data in order to come to a well-considered evaluation of a chemical problem.

5. The Master is aware of the line between objectivity and subjectivity, of the possibilities and the limitations set by technology and knowledge. The Master acts as a thinking and reflective scientist in all their activities.

6. The Master has a sense of professional responsibility as a scientist and will try to contribute to the development of general knowledge by using their capacity for originality and creativity.

7. The Master is able to independently perform scientific research at the level of junior researcher and so develop and sharpen their research skills. Alternatively, the Master can independently use their scientific knowledge at the level of a junior professional and autonomously acquire additional insights and skills that are relevant to the situation.

8. The Master has a thorough knowledge of and insight in the behaviour and characteristics of chemical compounds and materials and in the way in which they can be analysed and synthesised.

9. The Master has a sense of social responsibility: the Master can relate chemistry to the social, ethical and technological aspects of society and can estimate the consequences of their own and other’s chemical actions.

10. The Master can summarize, communicate and interpret their findings on chemical questions on different levels: to peers, to a large audience and to policy makers. The Master can do this in English.

11. Based on their knowledge and insight in the different chemical sub-disciplines the Master can autonomously specialize in research or start a career in the chemical industry, with the government or in (higher) education.

12. The Master has the attitude to keep following the scientific evolution in chemistry (or in their own sub-discipline) in order to maintain their professional level and direct their own lifelong learning curve.

13. The Master has international and intercultural skills in order to function in an international context.