Frequently Asked Questions
How can I enroll in the Master of Electronics and ICT Engineering Technology?
As an international student you have to apply first. An Admission Board will then check whether or not you meet the entry requirements. You can only enroll once you’ve received a Letter of Acceptance.
Applications are done online. You can find all information and the deadlines to apply on the admission and enrolment webpage.
Do I meet the entry requirements for the Master of Electronics and ICT Engineering Technology? Will I be admitted in the Master of Electronics and ICT Engineering Technology when I have a bachelor in X?
We can’t give you a correct answer to that question without evaluating your application first. With just the title of your previous degree it’s impossible to tell whether or not you’ll be admitted. It all depends on the content of your previous programme. Programmes with the same name don’t always have the same content in all different universities worldwide.
We don’t evaluate applications through e-mail, you have to use the procedure for international degree students. Applying is free of charge, so just send in your application through the online platform. An Admission Board will then check your application and decide whether or not you’re eligible to start.
You can find all information on how and when to apply and a link to the application platform on the admission and enrolment webpage
The Admission Board will evaluate your knowledge and skills in three main domains: electronics, ICT and communication technology. You should have in-depth knowledge on an academic level in all three of these domains. The Admission Board will also take into account other aspects like your GPA, possible work experience in a certain field, extra certificates you’ve obtained, your motivation, ….
I’ve applied for the Master of Electronics and ICT Engineering Technology, but didn’t receive an answer yet. When will I get a response?
Don’t worry, all applications will receive an answer. It can take 4-6 weeks to receive an answer to your application.
Can I get a scholarship to study the Master of Electronics and ICT Engineering Technology?
The University of Antwerp itself doesn’t offer any scholarships. The Flemish government does give a limited number of Master Mind scholarships. You can find all information about this scholarship here.
What is the tuition fee for the Master of Electronics and ICT Engineering Technology?
Information about tuition fees can be found on the admission and enrolment webpage.
What are the ‘course descriptions’ that I have to upload in my application?
A course in electronics in one university might not have the same content as a course in electronics at another university. That’s why we need course descriptions. For all courses mentioned on your Transcript of Records we need descriptions: what were the learning outcomes, which items were tackled, theory/practice, reference materials used, ….