Global Engagement: USOS India Exposure

A group of students from the LL.M programme and Social Sciences Faculty students participated the India exposure between 20 July and 22 August 2023 with the guidance of two staff members of the Law faculty. The exposure is part of the preparation of students' master's thesis. The Law students also carried out their legal internship in India, specifically with law firm Hoffman Law Associates and with the NGO Environics Trust. The exposure revolved around adivasis' rights. After a week of introductory classes at the National Law University (NLU) Delhi, the group headed to Jharkand state for their research. Through Xavier's Institute of Social Sciences (XISS), each student was assigned a local mentor. At the end, the students were able to attend an international conference organised by NLU Delhi and the Law and Development Research Network.

More images of the exposure can be found here.