Study programme
Model Path over 2 years: specialisation Nanophysics
The student has to acquire a minimum of 120 ECTS-credits.
Compulsory courses in general physics (30 ECTS-credits)
The student has to acquire all 30 ECTS-credits from the list below.
Advanced quantum mechanics
Atom and molecule structure
Mathematical methods in theoretical physics
Statistical and mathematical physics
Symmetry in physics
Master thesis (30 ECTS-credits)
Master project in physics (30 ECTS-credits)
Master thesis physics
Compulsory courses in nanophysics (18 ECTS-credits)
The student has to acquire all 18 ECTS-credits from the list below.
Computational Materials Physics
- Stefaan Cottenier
- Bart Partoens
Microscopy and Spectroscopy of Nanosystems
Physics of Low-Dimensional Systems
Optional courses in nanophysics (42 ECTS-credits)
The student has to choose a total of 42 ECTS-credits either from the list below, optional courses from another research module of the Dutch master programme, the general list of optional courses of the Dutch master programme, or from another master's programme (upon approval).
Academic Literacies for Scientists
Computational Neuroscience and Neuroinformatics
Path Integrals in Quantum Mechanics
Superconductivity and Superfluidity
Advanced Electron Microscopy
Biosensors and Bioelectronics
- Jeroen Lammertyn
Computational Physics
Device Physics
Project microscopy and spectroscopy
Project in low-dimensional systems and electronic structure calculations
Quantum Many-body Theory of the Solid State
Surface Physics
Advanced X-ray (Micro)tomography
Model Path over 2 years: specialisation Nanophysics
The student has to acquire a minimum of 120 ECTS-credits.
Compulsory courses in general physics (30 ECTS-credits)
The student has to acquire all 30 ECTS-credits from the list below.
Advanced quantum mechanics
Atom and molecule structure
Mathematical methods in theoretical physics
Statistical and mathematical physics
Symmetry in physics
Master thesis (30 ECTS-credits)
Master project in physics (30 ECTS-credits)
Master thesis physics including internship
Compulsory courses in nanophysics (18 ECTS-credits)
The student has to acquire all 18 ECTS-credits from the list below.
Computational Materials Physics
- Stefaan Cottenier
- Bart Partoens
Microscopy and Spectroscopy of Nanosystems
Physics of Low-Dimensional Systems
Optional courses in nanophysics (42 ECTS-credits)
The student has to choose a total of 42 ECTS-credits either from the list below, optional courses from another research module of the Dutch master programme, the general list of optional courses of the Dutch master programme, or from another master's programme (upon approval).
Academic Literacies for Scientists
Computational Neuroscience and Neuroinformatics
Path Integrals in Quantum Mechanics
Superconductivity and Superfluidity
Advanced Electron Microscopy
Biosensors and Bioelectronics
- Jeroen Lammertyn
Computational Physics
Device Physics
Project microscopy and spectroscopy
Project in low-dimensional systems and electronic structure calculations
Quantum Many-body Theory of the Solid State
Surface Physics
Advanced X-ray (Micro)tomography
Model Path over 2 years: specialisation Nanophysics
The student has to acquire a minimum of 120 ECTS-credits.
Compulsory courses in general physics (30 ECTS-credits)
The student has to acquire all 30 ECTS-credits from the list below.
Advanced quantum mechanics
Atom and molecule structure
Mathematical methods in theoretical physics
Statistical and mathematical physics
Symmetry in physics
Master thesis (30 ECTS-credits)
Master project in physics (30 ECTS-credits)
Master thesis physics including internship
Compulsory courses in nanophysics (18 ECTS-credits)
The student has to acquire all 18 ECTS-credits from the list below.
Computational Materials Physics
- Stefaan Cottenier
- Bart Partoens
Microscopy and Spectroscopy of Nanosystems
- Thomas Altantzis
- Sofie Cambré
- Joke Hadermann
Physics of Low-Dimensional Systems
Optional courses in nanophysics (42 ECTS-credits)
The student has to choose a total of 42 ECTS-credits either from the list below, optional courses from another research module of the Dutch master programme, the general list of optional courses of the Dutch master programme, or from another master's programme (upon approval).
Academic Literacies for Scientists
Computational Neuroscience and Neuroinformatics
Path Integrals in Quantum Mechanics
Superconductivity and Superfluidity
Advanced Electron Microscopy
- Timothy Pennycook
Biosensors and Bioelectronics
- Jeroen Lammertyn
Computational Physics
Device Physics
Project microscopy and spectroscopy
- Timothy Pennycook
- Wim Wenseleers
Project physics of low-dimensional systems
Selected topics in differential geometry
Quantum Many-body Theory of the Solid State
Surface Physics
Advanced X-ray (Micro)tomography
Model Path over 2 years: specialisation Nanophysics
The student has to acquire a minimum of 120 ECTS-credits.
Compulsory courses in general physics (30 ECTS-credits)
The student has to acquire all 30 ECTS-credits from the list below.
Advanced quantum mechanics
Atom and molecule structure
Mathematical methods in theoretical physics
Statistical and mathematical physics
Symmetry in physics
Master thesis (30 ECTS-credits)
Master project in physics (30 ECTS-credits)
Master thesis physics including internship
Compulsory courses in nanophysics (18 ECTS-credits)
The student has to acquire all 18 ECTS-credits from the list below.
Computational Materials Physics
- Stefaan Cottenier
- Bart Partoens
Microscopy and spectroscopy of nanosystems
- Thomas Altantzis
- Sofie Cambré
- Joke Hadermann
Physics of low-dimensional systems
Optional courses in nanophysics (42 ECTS-credits)
The student has to choose a total of 42 ECTS-credits either from the list below, optional courses from another research module of the Dutch master programme, the general list of optional courses of the Dutch master programme, or from another master's programme (upon approval).
Academic Literacies for Scientists
Computational Neuroscience and Neuroinformatics
Path Integrals in Quantum Mechanics
Superconductivity and superfluidity
Advanced electron microscopy
- Armand Béché
- Timothy Pennycook
Biosensors and bioelectronics
- Jeroen Lammertyn
Computational physics
Device physics
Project microscopy and spectroscopy
- Timothy Pennycook
- Wim Wenseleers
Project physics of low-dimensional systems
Selected topics in differential geometry
- Marta Farre Puiggali
- Tom Mestdag
Quantum many-body theory of the solid state
Surface physics
X-ray (micro)tomography
Model Path over 2 years: specialisation Nanophysics
The student has to acquire a minimum of 120 ECTS-credits.
Compulsory courses in general physics (30 ECTS-credits)
The student has to acquire all 30 ECTS-credits from the list below.
Advanced quantum mechanics
Atom and molecule structure
Mathematical methods in theoretical physics
Statistical and mathematical physics
Symmetry in physics
Master thesis (30 ECTS-credits)
Master project in physics (30 ECTS-credits)
Master thesis physics including internship
Compulsory courses in nanophysics (18 ECTS-credits)
The student has to acquire all 18 ECTS-credits from the list below.
Computational Materials Physics
- Stefaan Cottenier
- Bart Partoens
Microscopy and spectroscopy of nanosystems
- Thomas Altantzis
- Sofie Cambré
- Joke Hadermann
Physics of low-dimensional systems
Optional courses in nanophysics (42 ECTS-credits)
The student has to choose a total of 42 ECTS-credits either from the list below, optional courses from another research module of the Dutch master programme, the general list of optional courses of the Dutch master programme, or from another master's programme (upon approval).
Academic Literacies for Scientists
Computational Neuroscience and Neuroinformatics
Path Integrals in Quantum Mechanics
Superconductivity and superfluidity
Advanced electron microscopy
- Armand Béché
- Timothy Pennycook
Biosensors and bioelectronics
- Jeroen Lammertyn
Computational physics
Device physics
Project microscopy and spectroscopy
- Timothy Pennycook
- Wim Wenseleers
Project physics of low-dimensional systems
Selected topics in differential geometry
- Marta Farre Puiggali
- Tom Mestdag
Quantum many-body theory of the solid state
Surface physics
X-ray (micro)tomography
Model Path over 2 years: specialisation Nanophysics
The student has to acquire a minimum of 120 ECTS-credits.
Compulsory courses in general physics (30 ECTS-credits)
The student has to acquire all 30 ECTS-credits from the list below.
Advanced quantum mechanics
Atom and molecule structure
Mathematical methods in theoretical physics
Statistical and mathematical physics
Symmetry in physics
Master thesis (30 ECTS-credits)
Master project in physics (30 ECTS-credits)
Master thesis physics including internship
Compulsory courses in nanophysics (18 ECTS-credits)
The student has to acquire all 18 ECTS-credits from the list below.
Computational Materials Physics
- Stefaan Cottenier
- Bart Partoens
Microscopy and spectroscopy of nanosystems
- Thomas Altantzis
- Sofie Cambré
- Joke Hadermann
Physics of low-dimensional systems
Optional courses in nanophysics (42 ECTS-credits)
The student has to choose a total of 42 ECTS-credits either from the list below, optional courses from another research module of the Dutch master programme, the general list of optional courses of the Dutch master programme, or from another master's programme (upon approval).
Academic Literacies for Scientists
Advanced electron microscopy
- Armand Béché
- Timothy Pennycook
Biosensors and bioelectronics
- Jeroen Lammertyn
Neuro Data Processing
- Georgios A. Keliris
- Winnok De Vos
- Reinoud Maex
Computational physics
Device physics
Path Integrals in Quantum Mechanics
Project microscopy and spectroscopy
- Timothy Pennycook
- Wim Wenseleers
Project physics of low-dimensional systems
Solid state physics
Selected topics in differential geometry and analysis
Superconductivity and superfluidity
Surface physics
X-ray (micro)tomography
Model Path over 2 years: specialisation Nanophysics
The student has to acquire a minimum of 120 ECTS-credits.
Compulsory courses in general physics (30 ECTS-credits)
The student has to acquire all 30 ECTS-credits from the list below.
Advanced quantum mechanics
Atom and molecule structure
Mathematical methods in theoretical physics
Statistical and mathematical physics
Symmetry in physics
Master thesis (30 ECTS-credits)
Master project in physics (30 ECTS-credits)
Master thesis physics including internship
Compulsory courses in nanophysics (15 ECTS-credits)
The student has to acquire all 15 ECTS-credits from the list below.
Electronic structure calculations
Microscopy and spectroscopy of nanosystems
- Thomas Altantzis
- Sara Bals
- Etienne Goovaerts
- Joke Hadermann
Physics of low-dimensional systems
Optional courses in nanophysics (45 ECTS-credits)
The student has to choose a total of 45 ECTS-credits either from the list below, optional courses from another research module of the Dutch master programme, the general list of optional courses of the Dutch master programme, or from another master's programme (upon approval).
Academic Literacies for Scientists
Advanced electron microscopy
Biosensors and bioelectronics
- Jeroen Lammertyn
Computational Neuroscience
- Michele Giugliano