Learning outcomes
The general objectives of the programme are to
- bring students to an advanced level of scientific knowledge, skills and insights on safety
- enable them to function in an expert and value-conscious way in the studied domains of the different sectors of the labour market to which the programme gives access
- enable them to deliver new, original and innovative contributions and improvements to the knowledge society, starting from the existing knowledge generated through scientific research and with the necessary critical attitude for safety/well-being, security, environment, quality and social safety.
The learning outcomes translate for the students in competences in knowledge, skills and attitudes. The competences have a strong affinity with the scientific research in the studied domains of safety.
The graduates will master the following learning outcomes:
1. The Master knows the different safety theories, among which the -based on damage theory- interdisciplinary safety theory of Viaene. He/she can place these theories, frame them and apply them on the five domains of safety.
2. The Master has a fundamental knowledge of the basic concepts, theories and methods for legal, medical, economic, technological, psychological, organisational, criminological and sociological sciences that are relevant for the five domains of safety. He/she is able to unite the knowledge from the different disciplines.
3. The Master has insight in recent developments (legal, medical, economic, technological, psychological, organisational, criminological and sociological) concerning safety questions and can place these in the contemporary, national, European and international policy context.
4. The Master is able to develop the acquired knowledge and insights and to apply these to a concrete national, European or international safety question.
5. The Master is able to easily collect scientific information (literature and other source material) on safety questions. He/she can critically process it and reflect on it with the intention to use it to solve safety questions and communicate the solution(s).
6. The Master is able to independently set up and execute scientific research on a safety question. He/she can formulate a problem, draft a research plan, execute and thematically develop the research, synthesize and critically evaluate the results and report on them.
7. The Master has the ability to think and act interdisciplinary, integral and future-oriented. He/she can develop new ideas and insights on safety from existing, scientifically generated knowledge and is able to develop, offer and discuss sustainable solution directions.
8. The Master can work independently in a multidisciplinary team. He/she has the required social and communicative skills to take on a leading safety function on business or with the government and transfer his/her knowledge on safety.
9. The Master is communicative, orally as well as in writing. He/she is able to listen actively. He/she is able to clearly report on his/her findings, knowledge and experience about his/her safety research to a scientific audience of colleagues but also to a broader audience of policy makers, clients and people on the floor.
10. The Master has an enthusiastic and dynamic attitude and is able to think and act proactively. He/she shows that he/she can take on responsibility at any time.
11. The Master has an open, creative and critical mind and attitude aimed at a professional approach and application of his/her knowledge and insight in safety. He/she can learn from others to find the best practice.
12. The Master is open to new ideas. He/she can reflect on his/her own thinking and acting with the aim to come to innovation, alternative actions and/or adequate solutions in safety issues.
13. The Master is open to a cultural context, scientific findings and discussions, lifelong learning, social signals and changes.
14. The Master has the ability to integrate and ethically apply his/her knowledge and insights in the context of sustainable development and socially responsible entrepreneurship.