Learning Outcomes of the Master of Teaching: Philosophy

Discipline-specific component

Masters of Philosophy
• [core competence 1: philosophical frame of reference] have a thorough knowledge of historical and current developments and debates in a number of the main philosophical disciplines;
• [core competence 2: philosophical-critical thinking] can independently critically read and interpret philosophical texts, form a judicious point of view on a philosophical theme and defend this in a balanced way;
• [core competence 3: research skills] can independently develop a specific philosophical problem, deepen their philosophical frame of reference in doing so and articulate and defend the results of this research in a scientifically sound way;
• [core competence 4: broadening and realization] can check their philosophical insights against current social developments and let them be enriched by it, they can apply and further develop their philosophical training in various social contexts.

The above-mentioned core competences are developed further into 12 competences representing a whole of knowledge, skills and attitudes.

1. The Master has a specialized and in depth knowledge of a number of central themes and questions in different disciplines of systematic philosophy and of the main international debates on the subject.

2. The Master has thorough insight in the mutual relations between the main philosophical disciplines and methods.

3. The Master can independently analyse philosophical texts, interpret them, place them in their historical, social and cultural context and critically evaluate them.

4. The Master can independently clarify philosophical problems, critically evaluate convictions, points of view and theories and test the validity, the rationality and the reasonableness of arguments.

5. The Master can critically question their own points of view and convictions and justify these in dialogue and in debate with other points of view and convictions.

6. The Master can expound and/or develop their knowledge and insight in function of a philosophical and/or social question, taking into account recent (international) developments in philosophy.

7. The Master can independently formulate a philosophical problem, constitute a scientifically sound and up-to-date corpus of scientific sources and develop a research strategy to develop the problem.

8. The Master can write a clear and coherent text on a general philosophical topic for a large audience.

9. The Master can write a thesis or an argumentative text on a specialised topic and justify this in a discussion with colleagues.

10. The Master can situate philosophical theories against the approach of other scientific disciplines and let his/her own insight be impregnated by these.

11. The Master can analyse current social developments and debates from a philosophical reference framework and an interdisciplinary approach and participate in the philosophical and social debate.

12. The Master can apply and further develop their philosophical training in the work field and in various other social contexts.

Teaching component

Frame of reference

13. The Master of Teaching masters specialized theoretical and practical knowledge, skills and attitudes that support the basic competences of teachers as formulated in the "Decision of the Flemish Government of 8 June 2018 concerning the basic competences of teachers", pedagogically as well as with regards to the teaching methodology.

14. The Master of Teaching has profound knowledge in the subject matter of the discipline as made explicit in the discipline-specific learning outcomes.

15. The Master of Teaching can independently extend, update, broaden and deepen the educational, didactical and domain-specific knowledge and connect it with current social topics and developments. The Master of Teaching can independently apply and integrate this knowledge and use it to create challenging learning environments for learners. Based on the acquired competences, the Master of Teaching can develop new ideas for the educational practice and check these against reality.

Class level

16. The Master of Teaching can map the initial situation and the specific educational needs of a learning group and of individual learners. The Master of Teaching can create a learning environment that connects in all its didactical components (learning objectives, content, learning material, work and grouping methods, evaluation and feedback) with the initial situation and that is inclusive and responsive with regards to the diversity in the learning group.

17. The Master of Teaching has class management skills to create a positive learning and living environment. The Master of Teaching can support the broad personal, intellectual and social development of students through targeted activities and formal and informal interactions.

18. The Master of Teaching can cope with diversity and with the context of a metropolitan environment.

19. The Master of Teaching can make a short or long term plan for the organisation of teaching and learning activities with a view to creating a structured, efficient, safe and stimulating learning environment, based on scientific evidence.

Collaboration with partners

20. The Master of Teaching can communicate with parents or carers with different backgrounds in various language situations with a view to exchanging information, to stimulating the involvement and participation and to developing constructive solutions together to support and stimulate the learning of the learners.

21. The Master of Teaching can collaborate constructively with external partners with a view to enriching the education and training offer and to facilitating the flow between education levels and the job market.

Inquisitive attitude

22. The Master of Teaching can independently access available (inter)national scientific research in the domain of the teaching profession in general or in their discipline in particular, approach it in a critical-reflective way and apply the insights in their own class and school context.

23. The Master of Teaching knows the possibilities and the limits of different theoretical paradigms in educational, didactical and discipline-specific research.

24. The Master of Teaching treats information, education practices, methodologies and learning tools critically and reflectively, based on scientific evidence. The Master of Teaching is aware of gaps in the empirical evidence to fill the teaching role appropriately.

25. The Master of Teaching can complete a research cycle on a topic relevant to education whereby they can make a contribution to the developments in education based on theoretical and practice-oriented insights.

26. The Master of Teaching can contribute to school policy and school development based on an active and inquisitive attitude to professional innovation.

27. The Master of Teaching can adjust their functioning as a teacher through inquisitive learning and critical self-evaluation and thus give direction and innovation to their professional practice and development.

School and society

28. The Master of Teaching has insight in the organisational principles of schools and of good school policy.

29. The Master of Teaching can collaborate constructively with colleagues in a school team. The Master of Teaching can initiate, participate in and lead disciplinary and interdisciplinary team meetings and activities beyond the classroom.

30. The Master of Teaching can communicate with colleagues and other stakeholders in education about educational topics, the teaching profession and solutions they have has developed for the educational practice and can participate as professional in the social debate.