Study Programme of the Master of Teaching: Economic Policy
Option A: student chooses two teaching methodologies
Option B: student chooses one teaching methodology and a profile.
Model Path
90 ECTS-credits
Domain specific component (36 ECTS-credits)
Compulsory: 18 ECTS-credits
Applied Econometrics
Macroeconomic Policy
Applied Welfare Economics
18 ECTS-credits to choose from
Industrial Organisations
- Jan Bouckaert
- Chen Li
Labour Economics
Monetary Economics
Public finance
Teaching component: Education theory
Option A: Students take the following 3 courses
Option B: Students take only "Classroom management" and "School, policy and society".
All these courses are offered in different semesters and on different campuses.
Classroom Management
Classroom Management
School, Policy and Society
School, Policy and Society
Teaching component: Teaching methodology and in school training: completion
Option A: Students take "teaching methodology economics" and a second teaching methodology for which they have permisson. They also take the two corresponding in-school training: completion courses.
Option B: Students take "teaching methodology economics" and the two in school training economics: completion courses. They also have to take a profiling course and project (see profiling)
Teaching Methodology Economics with Practice Sessions
In-school Training: Completion Economics with Supervision
In-school Training: Completion Economics 2 with Supervision
Teaching Methodology General Subjects for Technical and Vocational Education with Practice Sessions
Teaching Methodology Mathematics with Practice Sessions
In-school Training: Completion Mathematics with Supervision
Teaching component: Profiling course
Only students in option B choose one profiling course from the list below.
Theoretical and Practical Specialization: Multilingual Education
Theoretical and Practical Specialization: Caring and Inclusive Education
Teaching component: Elective course
Only students in option B choose one course from the list below.
Introduction Teaching Methodology General Subj. for Techn. and Vocational Ed. with Practice Sessions
Introduction teaching methodology general sub. for techn. and vocational ed. with practice sessions
School in a Super Diverse Society
Student Counselling
Teaching component: In school/company training: expertise
Option A: students take the specialization project.
Option B: students choose one of the two other projects.
In-school Training: Specialization
In-school Training: Multilingual Education
In-school Training: Caring and Inclusive Education
Master's Thesis
Compulsory: 18 ECTS-credits
Master's Thesis Part I: Methodological Seminars
Master's Thesis Part II: Dissertation
Master's Thesis Part III: Practical Case (1st Sem + 2nd Sem)
- - NNB
- Annick De Vylder
Option A: student chooses two teaching methodologies
Option B: student chooses one teaching methodology and a profile.
Model Path
90 ECTS-credits
Domain specific component (36 ECTS-credits)
Compulsory: 18 ECTS-credits
Applied Econometrics
Macroeconomic Policy
Applied Welfare Economics
18 ECTS-credits to choose from
Industrial Organisations
- Jan Bouckaert
- Chen Li
Labour Economics
Monetary Economics
Public finance
Teaching component: Education theory
Option A: Students take the following 3 courses
Option B: Students take only "Classroom management" and "School, policy and society".
All these courses are offered in different semesters and on different campuses.
Powerful Learning Environments
Powerful Learning Environments
Classroom Management
Classroom Management
School, Policy and Society
School, Policy and Society
Teaching component: Teaching methodology and in school training: completion
Option A: Students take "teaching methodology economics" and a second teaching methodology for which they have permisson. They also take the two corresponding in-school training: completion courses.
Option B: Students take "teaching methodology economics" and the two in school training economics: completion courses. They also have to take a profiling course and project (see profiling)
Teaching Methodology Economics with Practice Sessions
In-school Training: Completion Economics with Supervision
In-school Training: Completion Economics 2 with Supervision
Teaching Methodology General Subjects for Technical and Vocational Education with Practice Sessions
Teaching Methodology Mathematics with Practice Sessions
In-school Training: Completion Mathematics with Supervision
Teaching component: Profiling course
Only students in option B choose one profiling course from the list below.
Theoretical and Practical Specialization: Multilingual Education
Theoretical and Practical Specialization: Caring and Inclusive Education
Teaching component: Elective course
Only students in option B choose one course from the list below.
Introduction Teaching Methodology General Subj. for Techn. and Vocational Ed. with Practice Sessions
Introduction teaching methodology general sub. for techn. and vocational ed. with practice sessions
Cognitive and Learning Processes
School in a Super Diverse Society
Student Counselling
Teaching component: In school/company training: expertise
Option A: students take the specialization project.
Option B: students choose one of the two other projects.
In-school Training: Specialization
In-school Training: Multilingual Education
In-school Training: Caring and Inclusive Education
Master's Thesis
Compulsory: 18 ECTS-credits
Master's Thesis Part I: Methodological Seminars
Master's Thesis Part II: Dissertation
Master's Thesis Part III: Practical Case (1st Sem + 2nd Sem)
- - NNB
- Annick De Vylder
Option A: student chooses two teaching methodologies
Option B: student chooses one teaching methodology and a profile.
Model Path
90 ECTS-credits
Domain specific component (36 ECTS-credits)
Compulsory: 18 ECTS-credits
Applied Econometrics
Macroeconomic Policy
- Tim Buyse
Applied Welfare Economics
18 ECTS-credits to choose from
Industrial Organisations
- Jan Bouckaert
- Chen Li
Labour Economics
Monetary Economics
Public Finance
Teaching component: Education theory
Option A: Students take the following 3 courses
Option B: Students take only "Classroom management" and "School, policy and society".
All these courses are offered in different semesters and on different campuses.
Powerful Learning Environments
Powerful Learning Environments
Classroom Management
Classroom Management
School, Policy and Society
School, Policy and Society
Teaching component: Teaching methodology and in school training: completion
Option A: Students take "teaching methodology economics" and a second teaching methodology for which they have permisson. They also take the two corresponding in-school training: completion courses.
Option B: Students take "teaching methodology economics" and the two in school training economics: completion courses. They also have to take a profiling course and project (see profiling)
Teaching Methodology Economics with Practice Sessions
In-school Training: Completion Economics with Supervision
In-school Training: Completion Economics 2 with Supervision
Teaching Methodology General Subjects for Technical and Vocational Education with Practice Sessions
Teaching Methodology Mathematics with Practice Sessions
In-school Training: Completion Mathematics with Supervision
Teaching component: Profiling course
Only students in option B choose one profiling course from the list below.
Theoretical and Practical Specialization: Multilingual Education
Theoretical and Practical Specialization: Caring and Inclusive Education
Teaching component: Elective course
Only students in option B choose one course from the list below.
Cognitive and Learning Processes
School in a Super Diverse Society
Student Counselling
Teaching component: In school/company training: expertise
Option A: students take the specialization project.
Option B: students choose one of the two other projects.
In-school Training: Specialization
In-school Training: Multilingual Education
In-school Training: Caring and Inclusive Education
Master's Thesis
Compulsory: 18 ECTS-credits
Master's Thesis Part I: Methodological Seminars
Master's Thesis Part II: Dissertation
Master's Thesis Part III: Practical Case (1st Sem + 2nd Sem)
- - NNB
- Annick De Vylder
Option A: student chooses two teaching methodologies
Option B: student chooses one teaching methodology and a profile.
Model Path
90 ECTS-credits
Domain specific component (36 ECTS-credits)
Compulsory: 18 ECTS-credits
Applied econometrics
Macroeconomic policy
- Tim Buyse
Applied welfare economics
18 ECTS-credits to choose from
Industrial organisations
Labour economics
Monetary economics
Public finance
Teaching component: Education theory
Option A: Students take the following 3 courses
Option B: Students take only "Classroom management" and "School, policy and society".
All these courses are offered in different semesters and on different campuses.
Powerful learning environments
Powerful learning environments
Classroom management
Classroom management (2nd semester)
School, policy and society
School, policy and society
Teaching component: Teaching methodology and in school training: completion
Option A: Students take "teaching methodology economics" and a second teaching methodology for which they have permisson. They also take the two corresponding in-school training: completion courses.
Option B: Students take "teaching methodology economics" and the two in school training economics: completion courses. They also have to take a profiling course and project (see profiling)
Teaching methodology economics with practice sessions
In-school training: completion economics with supervision
In-school training: completion economics 2 with supervision
Teaching methodology general subjects for technical and vocational education with practice sessions
- Jan T'Sas
- Maarten De Beucker
- Martine Mol
- Eva Verlinden
In-school training: completion general subjects for technical and vocational education
- Jan T'Sas
- Maarten De Beucker
- Martine Mol
- Eva Verlinden
Teaching methodology mathematics with practice sessions
In-school training: completion mathematics with supervision
Teaching component: Profiling course
Only students in option B choose one profiling course from the list below.
Theoretical and practical specialization: multi lingual education
Theoretical and practical specialization: caring and inclusive education
Teaching component: Elective course
Only students in option B choose one course from the list below.
Cognitive and learning processes
School in a superdiverse society
Student counselling
Teaching component: In school/company training: expertise
Option A: students take the specialization project.
Option B: students choose one of the two other projects.
In-school training: specialization
In-school training: multi lingual education
In-school training: caring and inclusive education
Master's Thesis
Compulsory: 18 ECTS-credits
Master's thesis partim I: Seminar educational master in economics
Master's thesis part II: dissertation
Master's thesis part III: Practical case (1st sem + 2nd sem)
- - NNB
- Annick De Vylder
Model Path
90 ECTS-credits
Domain specific component (36 ECTS-credits)
Compulsory: 18 ECTS-credits
Applied econometrics
- Mewael Tesfaselassie
Applied welfare economics
18 ECTS-credits to choose from
Industrial organisations
Labour economics
Monetary economics
Public finance
Component teaching (36 studiepunten)
The students enroll for all mandatory courses of the component 'teaching'. Additionally the students chooses a second teaching methodology under the condition of meeting the access requirements or the student replaces the second teaching methodology by a profiling course.
Compulsory: 25 ECTS-credits
Concepts in Education 1
Concepts in Education 2
Teaching methodology economics with practice sessions
In-school training: completion 1 economics
In-school/company training: expertise
Choice option 1: second teaching methodology with corresponding internship (11 ECTS-credits)
In case the student chooses a teaching methodology, the student also enrolls for the corresponding internship.
Teaching methodology computer science with practice sessions
In-school training: completion 1 computer science
Teaching methodology general subjects for technical and vocational education with practice sessions
- Jan T'Sas
- Maarten De Beucker
- Martine Mol
- Eva Verlinden
In-school training: completion 1 general subjects for technical and vocational education
- Jan T'Sas
- Maarten De Beucker
- Martine Mol
- Eva Verlinden
Teaching methodology mathematics with practice sessions
In-school training: completion 1 mathematics
Choice option 2: profiling course and 'Groeistage 2 economie'
Profiling course with practical exercises: multi_lingual education
Profiling course with practical exercises: educational design
Profiling course with practical exercises: STEM
- Annie Pinxten
- Leen Goovaerts
- Ellen Vandervieren
Profiling course with practical exercises: Care
In-school training: completion 2 economics
Master's Thesis
Compulsory: 18 ECTS-credits
Master's thesis partim I: Seminar educational master in economics
Master's thesis part II: dissertation
Master's thesis part III: Practical case (1st sem + 2nd sem)
- - NNB
- Annick De Vylder
Model Path
90 ECTS-credits
Domain specific component (36 ECTS-credits)
Compulsory: 18 ECTS-credits
Applied econometrics
- Roland Winkler
Applied welfare economics
18 ECTS-credits to choose from
Industrial organisations
Labour economics
Monetary economics
- Roland Winkler
Public finance
Component teaching (36 studiepunten)
The students enroll for all mandatory courses of the component 'teaching'. Additionally the students chooses a second teaching methodology under the condition of meeting the access requirements or the student replaces the second teaching methodology by a profiling course.
Compulsory: 25 ECTS-credits
Concepts in Education 1
Concepts in Education 2
Teaching methodology economics with practice sessions
In-school training: completion 1 economics
In-school/company training: expertise
Choice option 1: second teaching methodology with corresponding internship (11 ECTS-credits)
In case the student chooses a teaching methodology, the student also enrolls for the corresponding internship.
Teaching methodology computer science with practice sessions
In-school training: completion 1 computer science
Teaching methodology general subjects for technical and vocational education with practice sessions
In-school training: completion 1 general subjects for technical and vocational education
Teaching methodology mathematics with practice sessions
In-school training: completion 1 mathematics
Choice option 2: profiling course and 'Groeistage 2 economie'
Profiling course with practical exercises: Multi (-) lingual education
Profiling course with practical exercises: educational design
Profiling course with practical exercises: STEM
- Leen Goovaerts
- Annie Pinxten
- Ellen Vandervieren
Profiling course with practical exercises: Care
In-school training: completion 2 economics
Master's Thesis
Compulsory: 18 ECTS-credits
Master's thesis partim I: Seminar educational master in economics
Master's thesis partim III: Practical case (1st sem + 2nd sem)
- - NNB
- Annick De Vylder
Model Path
90 ECTS-credits
Domain specific component (36 ECTS-credits)
Compulsory: 18 ECTS-credits
Applied Econometrics
- Sofie Cabus
- Sunčica Vujić
- Roland Winkler
Applied Welfare Economics
18 ECTS-credits to choose from
Industrial Organisations
Labour Economics
Monetary Economics
- Roland Winkler
Public Finance
Component teaching (36 studiepunten)
The students enroll for all mandatory courses of the component 'teaching'. Additionally the students chooses a second teaching methodology under the condition of meeting the access requirements or the student replaces the second teaching methodology by a profiling course.
Compulsory: 25 ECTS-credits
Concepts in Education 1
Concepts in Education 2
Teaching methodology economics with practice sessions
In-school training: completion 1 economics
In-school/company training: expertise
Choice option 1: second teaching methodology with corresponding internship (11 ECTS-credits)
In case the student chooses a teaching methodology, the student also enrolls for the corresponding internship.
Teaching methodology computer science with practice sessions
In-school training: completion 1 computer science
Teaching methodology general subjects for technical and vocational education with practice sessions
- Paul Janssenswillen
- Gytha Burman
- Maarten De Beucker
- Sally Van Agtmael
In-school training: completion 1 general subjects for technical and vocational education
- Paul Janssenswillen
- Gytha Burman
- Maarten De Beucker
- Sally Van Agtmael
Teaching methodology mathematics with practice sessions
In-school training: completion 1 mathematics
Choice option 2: profiling course and 'Groeistage 2 economie'
Profiling course with practical exercises: Multi (-) lingual education
Profiling course with practical exercises: educational design
Profiling course with practical exercises: STEM
- Leen Goovaerts
- Annie Pinxten
- Ellen Vandervieren
Profiling course with practical exercises: Care
In-school training: completion 2 economics
Master Project
Compulsory: 18 ECTS-credits
Master Project Partim I: Seminar Educational master in Economics
- - NNB
Master's thesis partim II: dissertation (12 ECTS-credits)
- - NNB
- Annick De Vylder
Master's thesis partim III: Practical case (1st sem + 2nd sem)
- - NNB
- Annick De Vylder