Study Programme of the Master of Teaching: Dutch-German
- Option A: student chooses two teaching methodologies
- Option B: student chooses one teaching methodology and a profile.
In the language component you take 60 ECTS-credits:
- 1 compulsory general course, 6 ECTS-credit,
- 24 or 30 ECTS-credits Dutch with at least 6 ECTS-credits in each subdomain,
- 24 or 30 ECTS-credits German with at least 6 ECTS-credits in each subdomain.
Verplicht algemeen opleidingsonderdeel
Compulsory course of 6 ECTS-credits that count as a part of one of the chosen languages.
Compulsory general course
Compulsory course 6 ECTS-credits
Literature and Education
24 or 30 ECTS-credits and at least 6 ECTS-credits in each subdomain: proficiency, cultural studies, linguistics, literary theory. If you take 30 ECTS-credits in the Dutch language you also select 6 ECTS- credits from the electives.
Dutch Proficiency
Compulsory course 6 ECTS-credits
Dutch Language Proficiency: Writing and Speaking in a Changing Society
Dutch Cultural Studies
6 ECTS-credits to choose from
Renaissance Literature and Culture
A Crumbling Evening Country? The Image of Europe in Dutch Literature
- - NNB
Broken Time: Dutch Literature during World War II
- - NNB
- Valerie Rousseau
Dutch Linguistics
6 ECTS-credits to choose from
The Sociolinguistics of Online Communication
Dutch corpus linguistics
- Dirk Pijpops
- Melissa Schuring
Middle Dutch medical texts through a linguistic microscope
Dutch Literary Theory
6 ECTS-credits to choose from
Chivalric Romance in Middle Dutch
Religious Literature in the Middle Ages and in the Early Modern Period
Mystical Authors
Contemporary Dutch Literature
Dutch-language Drama in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Period
Dutch: Electives
optional: 6 ECTS-credits to choose if you take 30 ECTS-credits Dutch
Chivalric Romance in Middle Dutch
Religious Literature in the Middle Ages and in the Early Modern Period
Mystical Authors
Renaissance Literature and Culture
Dutch-language Drama in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Period
A Crumbling Evening Country? The Image of Europe in Dutch Literature
- - NNB
Contemporary Dutch Literature
Broken Time: Dutch Literature during World War II
- - NNB
- Valerie Rousseau
The Sociolinguistics of Online Communication
Dutch corpus linguistics
- Dirk Pijpops
- Melissa Schuring
Middle Dutch medical texts through a linguistic microscope
24 or 30 ECTS-credits and at least 6 ECTS-credits in each subdomain: proficiency, cultural studies, linguistics, literary theory. If you take 30 ECTS-credits in the German language you also select 6 ECTS- credits from the electives.
German Proficency
6 ECTS-credits to choose
German: Translation and Revision
German as a Foreign Language
German Cultural Studies
6 ECTS-credits to choose from
German: Area Studies
German: Society and German Film
German Linguistics
6 ECTS-credits to choose
Language and Gender
Language Dynamics: Regional Language Research of Modern Sociology and German Dialect
German Literary Theory
6 ECTS-credits to choose
Literature and Politics
Electives: German
optional: 6 ECTS-credits to choose if you take 30 ECTS-credits German
Literature and Politics
Language and Gender
Language Dynamics: Regional Language Research of Modern Sociology and German Dialect
Teaching component
36 ECTS-credits
There are 2 options in the teaching component
Option A: student chooses two teaching methodologies
Option B: student chooses one teaching methodology and a profile.
Option A: Students take the following 3 courses
Option B: Students take only "Classroom management" and "School, policy and society".
Classroom Management
Classroom Management
School, Policy and Society
School, Policy and Society
Teaching methodology and in-school training
Option A: Students take "teaching methodology economics" and a second teaching methodology for which they have permisson. They also take the two corresponding in-school training: completion courses.
Option B: Students take "teaching methodology economics" and the two in school training economics: completion courses. They also have to take a profiling course and project (see profiling)
Teaching Methodology German with Practice Sessions
Teaching Methodology English with Practice Sessions
Teaching Methodology French with Practice Sessions
Teaching Methodology Dutch with Practice Sessions
Teaching Methodology Spanish with Practice Sessions
Teaching Methodology Dutch as a Second Language with Practice Sessions
Teaching Methodology General Subjects for Technical and Vocational Education with Practice Sessions
Teaching Methodology Cultural Sciences with Practice Sessions
In-school Training: Completion German with Supervision
In-school Training: Completion English with Supervision
In-school Training: Completion French with Supervision
In-school Training: Completion Dutch with Supervision
In-school Training: Completion Spanish with Supervision
In-school Training: Completion German 2 with Supervision
In-school Training: Completion English 2 with Supervision
In-school Training: Completion French 2 with Supervision
In-school Training: Completion Spanish 2 with Supervision
In-school Training: Completion Dutch 2 with Supervision
In-school Training: Completion Dutch as a Second Language 2 with Supervision
In-school Training: Completion General Subjects for Technical Education 2 with Supervision
In-school Training: Completion Cultural Sciences 2 with Supervision
Option A: students take the in-school training: specialization
Option B: students choose one of the two theoretical and practical specializations and the corresponding In-school training.
In-school Training: Specialization
In-school Training: Caring and Inclusive Education
In-school Training: Multilingual Education
Theoretical and Practical Specialization: Multilingual Education
Theoretical and Practical Specialization: Caring and Inclusive Education
Elective course
Only students in option B choose one course from the list below.
Student Counselling
Student Counselling
School in a Super Diverse Society
School in a Super Diverse Society
Master's thesis
24 ECTS-credits
Master's Thesis Part I: Methodological Seminars
Master's Thesis Part II: Dissertation
Master's Thesis Part III: Practical Case (1st sem)
- Option A: student chooses two teaching methodologies
- Option B: student chooses one teaching methodology and a profile.
In the language component you take 60 ECTS-credits:
- 1 compulsory general course, 6 ECTS-credit,
- 24 or 30 ECTS-credits Dutch with at least 6 ECTS-credits in each subdomain,
- 24 or 30 ECTS-credits German with at least 6 ECTS-credits in each subdomain.
Verplicht algemeen opleidingsonderdeel
Compulsory course of 6 ECTS-credits that count as a part of one of the chosen languages.
Compulsory general course
Compulsory course 6 ECTS-credits
Literature and Education
24 or 30 ECTS-credits and at least 6 ECTS-credits in each subdomain: proficiency, cultural studies, linguistics, literary theory. If you take 30 ECTS-credits in the Dutch language you also select 6 ECTS- credits from the electives.
Dutch Proficiency
Compulsory course 6 ECTS-credits
Dutch Language Proficiency: Writing and Speaking in a Changing Society
Dutch Cultural Studies
6 ECTS-credits to choose from
Renaissance Literature and Culture
A Crumbling Evening Country? The Image of Europe in Dutch Literature
- - NNB
Broken Time: Dutch Literature during World War II
- - NNB
- Valerie Rousseau
Dutch Linguistics
6 ECTS-credits to choose from
The Sociolinguistics of Online Communication
Dutch corpus linguistics
- Dirk Pijpops
- Melissa Schuring
Middle Dutch medical texts through a linguistic microscope
Dutch Literary Theory
6 ECTS-credits to choose from
Chivalric Romance in Middle Dutch
Religious Literature in the Middle Ages and in the Early Modern Period
Mystical Authors
Contemporary Dutch Literature
Dutch-language Drama in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Period
Dutch: Electives
optional: 6 ECTS-credits to choose if you take 30 ECTS-credits Dutch
Chivalric Romance in Middle Dutch
Religious Literature in the Middle Ages and in the Early Modern Period
Mystical Authors
Renaissance Literature and Culture
Dutch-language Drama in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Period
A Crumbling Evening Country? The Image of Europe in Dutch Literature
- - NNB
Contemporary Dutch Literature
Broken Time: Dutch Literature during World War II
- - NNB
- Valerie Rousseau
The Sociolinguistics of Online Communication
Dutch corpus linguistics
- Dirk Pijpops
- Melissa Schuring
Middle Dutch medical texts through a linguistic microscope
24 or 30 ECTS-credits and at least 6 ECTS-credits in each subdomain: proficiency, cultural studies, linguistics, literary theory. If you take 30 ECTS-credits in the German language you also select 6 ECTS- credits from the electives.
German Proficency
6 ECTS-credits to choose
German: Translation and Revision
German as a Foreign Language
German Cultural Studies
6 ECTS-credits to choose from
German: Area Studies
German: Society and German Film
German Linguistics
6 ECTS-credits to choose
Language and Gender
Language Dynamics: Regional Language Research of Modern Sociology and German Dialect
German Literary Theory
6 ECTS-credits to choose
Literature and Politics
Electives: German
optional: 6 ECTS-credits to choose if you take 30 ECTS-credits German
Literature and Politics
Language and Gender
Language Dynamics: Regional Language Research of Modern Sociology and German Dialect
Teaching component
36 ECTS-credits
There are 2 options in the teaching component
Option A: student chooses two teaching methodologies
Option B: student chooses one teaching methodology and a profile.
Option A: Students take the following 3 courses
Option B: Students take only "Classroom management" and "School, policy and society".
Classroom Management
Classroom Management
School, Policy and Society
School, Policy and Society
Powerful Learning Environments
Powerful Learning Environments
Teaching methodology and in-school training
Option A: Students take "teaching methodology economics" and a second teaching methodology for which they have permisson. They also take the two corresponding in-school training: completion courses.
Option B: Students take "teaching methodology economics" and the two in school training economics: completion courses. They also have to take a profiling course and project (see profiling)
Teaching Methodology German with Practice Sessions
Teaching Methodology English with Practice Sessions
Teaching Methodology French with Practice Sessions
Teaching Methodology Dutch with Practice Sessions
Teaching Methodology Spanish with Practice Sessions
Teaching Methodology Dutch as a Second Language with Practice Sessions
Teaching Methodology General Subjects for Technical and Vocational Education with Practice Sessions
Teaching Methodology Cultural Sciences with Practice Sessions
In-school Training: Completion German with Supervision
In-school Training: Completion English with Supervision
In-school Training: Completion French with Supervision
In-school Training: Completion Dutch with Supervision
In-school Training: Completion Spanish with Supervision
In-school Training: Completion German 2 with Supervision
In-school Training: Completion English 2 with Supervision
In-school Training: Completion French 2 with Supervision
In-school Training: Completion Spanish 2 with Supervision
In-school Training: Completion Dutch 2 with Supervision
In-school Training: Completion Dutch as a Second Language 2 with Supervision
In-school Training: Completion General Subjects for Technical Education 2 with Supervision
In-school Training: Completion Cultural Sciences 2 with Supervision
Option A: students take the in-school training: specialization
Option B: students choose one of the two theoretical and practical specializations and the corresponding In-school training.
In-school Training: Specialization
In-school Training: Caring and Inclusive Education
In-school Training: Multilingual Education
Theoretical and Practical Specialization: Multilingual Education
Theoretical and Practical Specialization: Caring and Inclusive Education
Elective course
Only students in option B choose one course from the list below.
Cognitive and Learning Processes
Cognitive and Learning Processes
Student Counselling
Student Counselling
School in a Super Diverse Society
School in a Super Diverse Society
Master's thesis
24 ECTS-credits
Master's Thesis Part I: Methodological Seminars
Master's Thesis Part II: Dissertation
Master's Thesis Part III: Practical Case (1st sem)
Option A: student chooses two teaching methodologies
Option B: student chooses one teaching methodology and a profile.
The student takes 30 ECTS-credits.
Dutch Proficiency
Compulsory Course 6 ECTS-credits
Dutch Language Proficiency: Writing and Speaking in a Changing Society
Dutch Cultural Studies
6 ECTS-credits to choose from
Renaissance Literature and Culture
A Crumbling Evening Country? The Image of Europe in Dutch Literature
Broken Time: Dutch Literature during World War II
- Gwennie Debergh
- Kris Humbeeck
- Valerie Rousseau
Dutch Linguistics
6 ECTS-credits to choose from
Language Contact and Language Dynamics
Sense and Meaning
Dutch Literary Theory
6 ECTS-credits to choose from
Chivalric Romance in Middle Dutch
Religious Literature in the Middle Ages and in the Early Modern Period
Mystical Authors
Contemporary Dutch Literature
Dutch-language Drama in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Period
Electives: Dutch
6 ECTS-credits to choose from
Chivalric Romance in Middle Dutch
Religious Literature in the Middle Ages and in the Early Modern Period
Mystical Authors
Renaissance Literature and Culture
Dutch-language Drama in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Period
Sense and Meaning
Language Contact and Language Dynamics
A Crumbling Evening Country? The Image of Europe in Dutch Literature
Contemporary Dutch Literature
Broken Time: Dutch Literature during World War II
- Gwennie Debergh
- Kris Humbeeck
- Valerie Rousseau
30 ECTS-credits
German Proficency
6 ECTS-credits
German: Translation and Revision
German as a Foreign Language
German Cultural Studies
6 ECTS-credits
German: Area Studies
German: Society and German Film
German Linguistics
6 ECTS-credits to choose from
Language and Gender
Language Dynamics: Regional Language Research of Modern Sociology and German Dialect
German Literary Theory
6 ECTS-credits to choose from
Literature and Politics
Electives: German
6 ECTS-credits to choose from
Literature and Politics
Language and Gender
Language Dynamics: Regional Language Research of Modern Sociology and German Dialect
Teaching component
36 ECTS-credits
There are 2 options in the teaching component
Option A: student chooses two teaching methodologies
Option B: student chooses one teaching methodology and a profile.
Option A: Students take the following 3 courses
Option B: Students take only "Classroom management" and "School, policy and society".
Classroom Management
Classroom Management
School, Policy and Society
School, Policy and Society
Powerful Learning Environments
Powerful Learning Environments
Teaching methodology and in-school training
Option A: Students take "teaching methodology economics" and a second teaching methodology for which they have permisson. They also take the two corresponding in-school training: completion courses.
Option B: Students take "teaching methodology economics" and the two in school training economics: completion courses. They also have to take a profiling course and project (see profiling)
Teaching Methodology German with Practice Sessions
Teaching Methodology English with Practice Sessions
Teaching Methodology French with Practice Sessions
Teaching Methodology Dutch with Practice Sessions
- Jordi Casteleyn
- Dorien Meskens
- Judith Milh
- Jan T'Sas
Teaching Methodology Spanish with Practice Sessions
Teaching Methodology Dutch as a Second Language with Practice Sessions
Teaching Methodology General Subjects for Technical and Vocational Education with Practice Sessions
Teaching Methodology Cultural Sciences with Practice Sessions
In-school Training: Completion German with Supervision
In-school Training: Completion English with Supervision
In-school Training: Completion French with Supervision
In-school Training: Completion Dutch with Supervision
- Jordi Casteleyn
- Dorien Meskens
- Judith Milh
- Jan T'Sas
In-school Training: Completion Spanish with Supervision
In-school Training: Completion German 2 with Supervision
In-school Training: Completion English 2 with Supervision
In-school Training: Completion French 2 with Supervision
In-school Training: Completion Spanish 2 with Supervision
In-school Training: Completion Dutch 2 with Supervision
- Jordi Casteleyn
- Dorien Meskens
- Judith Milh
- Jan T'Sas
In-school Training: Completion Dutch as a Second Language 2 with Supervision
In-school Training: Completion General Subjects for Technical Education 2 with Supervision
In-school Training: Completion Cultural Sciences 2 with Supervision
Option A: students take the in-school training: specialization
Option B: students choose one of the two theoretical and practical specializations and the corresponding In-school training.
In-school Training: Specialization
In-school Training: Caring and Inclusive Education
In-school Training: Multilingual Education
Theoretical and Practical Specialization: Multilingual Education
Theoretical and Practical Specialization: Caring and Inclusive Education
Elective course
Only students in option B choose one course from the list below.
Cognitive and Learning Processes
Cognitive and Learning Processes
Student Counselling
Student Counselling
School in a Super Diverse Society
School in a Super Diverse Society
Master's thesis
24 ECTS-credits
Master's Thesis Part I: Methodological Seminars
Master's Thesis Part II: Dissertation
Master's Thesis Part III: Practical Case (1st sem)
Option A: student chooses two teaching methodologies
Option B: student chooses one teaching methodology and a profile.
The student takes 30 ECTS-credits.
Dutch Proficiency
Compulsory Course 6 ECTS-credits
Dutch language proficiency: Writing and speaking in a changing society
Dutch Cultural Studies
6 ECTS-credits to choose from
Renaissance literature and culture
A crumbling evening country? The image of Europe in Dutch literature
Broken time: Dutch Literature during World War II
- Gwennie Debergh
- Kris Humbeeck
- Valerie Rousseau
Dutch Linguistics
6 ECTS-credits to choose from
Speaking and hearing
Language contact and language dynamics
Sense and meaning
Dutch Literary Theory
6 ECTS-credits to choose from
Chivalric Rom. in Middle Dutch
Religious literature in the Middle Ages and in the early modern period
Mystical authors
Contemporary Dutch literature
Dutch-language drama in the Middle Ages and early modern period
Electives: Dutch
6 ECTS-credits to choose from
Chivalric Rom. in Middle Dutch
Religious literature in the Middle Ages and in the early modern period
Mystical authors
Renaissance literature and culture
Dutch-language drama in the Middle Ages and early modern period
Speaking and hearing
Sense and meaning
Language contact and language dynamics
A crumbling evening country? The image of Europe in Dutch literature
Contemporary Dutch literature
Broken time: Dutch Literature during World War II
- Gwennie Debergh
- Kris Humbeeck
- Valerie Rousseau
30 ECTS-credits
German Proficency
6 ECTS-credits
German: Translation and Revision
German as a foreign language
German Cultural Studies
6 ECTS-credits
German: Area Studies
German: Society and German Film
German Linguistics
6 ECTS-credits to choose from
Language and gender
Language Dynamics: regional language research of modern sociology and German dialect
German Literary Theory
6 ECTS-credits to choose from
Literature and politics
Literary Productivity: concepts and practices
- Jana Vijayakumaran
Electives: German
6 ECTS-credits to choose from
Literature and politics
Language and gender
Language Dynamics: regional language research of modern sociology and German dialect
Teaching component
36 ECTS-credits
There are 2 options in the teaching component
Option A: student chooses two teaching methodologies
Option B: student chooses one teaching methodology and a profile.
Option A: Students take the following 3 courses
Option B: Students take only "Classroom management" and "School, policy and society".
Classroom management
Classroom management (2nd semester)
School, policy and society
School, policy and society
Powerful learning environments
Powerful learning environments
Teaching methodology and in-school training
Option A: Students take "teaching methodology economics" and a second teaching methodology for which they have permisson. They also take the two corresponding in-school training: completion courses.
Option B: Students take "teaching methodology economics" and the two in school training economics: completion courses. They also have to take a profiling course and project (see profiling)
Teaching methodology German with practice sessions
Teaching methodology English with practice sessions
- Tom Smits
- Tim Berghmans
- Hans Ihmsen
- Nele Kempenaers
- Rozemarijn Maris
Teaching methodology French with practice sessions
Teaching methodology Dutch with practice sessions
Teaching methodology Spanish with practice sessions
Teaching methodology Dutch as a second language with practice sessions
Teaching methodology general subjects for technical and vocational education with practice sessions
- Jan T'Sas
- Maarten De Beucker
- Martine Mol
- Eva Verlinden
Teaching methodology cultural sciences with practice sessions
In-school training: completion German with supervision
In-school training: completion English with supervision
- Tom Smits
- Tim Berghmans
- Hans Ihmsen
- Nele Kempenaers
- Rozemarijn Maris
In-school training: completion French with supervision
In-school training: completion Dutch with supervision
In-school training: completion Spanish with supervision
In-school training: completion German 2 with supervision
In-school training: completion English 2 with supervision
- Tom Smits
- Tim Berghmans
- Hans Ihmsen
- Nele Kempenaers
- Rozemarijn Maris
In-school training: completion French 2 with supervision
In-school training: completion Spanish 2 with supervision
In-school training: completion Dutch 2 with supervision
In-school training: completion Dutch as a second language 2 with supervision
In-school training: completion general subjects for technical education 2 with supervision
- Jan T'Sas
- Maarten De Beucker
- Martine Mol
- Eva Verlinden
In-school training: completion cultural sciences 2 with supervision
Option A: students take the in-school training: specialization
Option B: students choose one of the two theoretical and practical specializations and the corresponding In-school training.
In-school training: specialization
In-school training: caring and inclusive education
In-school training: multi lingual education
Theoretical and practical specialization: multi lingual education
Theoretical and practical specialization: caring and inclusive education
Elective course
Only students in option B choose one course from the list below.
Cognitive and learning processes
Cognitive and learning processes
Student counselling
Student counselling
School in a superdiverse society
School in a super diverse society
Master's thesis
24 ECTS-credits
Master's thesis part I: methodological seminars
Master's thesis part II: dissertation
Master's thesis part III: Practical case (1st sem)
The student takes 30 ECTS-credits.
Dutch Proficiency
Compulsory Course 6 ECTS-credits
Dutch language proficiency: Writing and speaking in a changing society
Dutch Cultural Studies
6 ECTS-credits to choose from
Renaissance literature and culture
Dutch Linguistics
6 ECTS-credits to choose from
Speaking and hearing
- Jolien Faes
- Steven Gillis
- Jo Verhoeven
Language contact and language dynamics
Language acquisition
- Jolien Faes
- Steven Gillis
Sense and meaning
Dutch Literary Theory
6 ECTS-credits to choose from
Chivalric Rom. in Middle Dutch
Religious literature in the Middle Ages and in the early modern period
Mystical authors
Contemporary Dutch literature
Broken time: Dutch Literature during World War II
- Gwennie Debergh
- Kris Humbeeck
- Valerie Rousseau
Electives: Dutch
6 ECTS-credits to choose from
Chivalric Rom. in Middle Dutch
Religious literature in the Middle Ages and in the early modern period
Mystical authors
Renaissance literature and culture
Speaking and hearing
- Jolien Faes
- Steven Gillis
- Jo Verhoeven
Sense and meaning
Language contact and language dynamics
Language acquisition
- Jolien Faes
- Steven Gillis
Contemporary Dutch literature
Broken time: Dutch Literature during World War II
- Gwennie Debergh
- Kris Humbeeck
- Valerie Rousseau
30 ECTS-credits
German Proficency
6 ECTS-credits
German: Translation and Revision
German as a foreign language
German Cultural Studies
6 ECTS-credits
German: Area Studies
German: Society and German Film
German Linguistics
6 ECTS-credits to choose from
Language and gender
Language Dynamics: regional language research of modern sociology and German dialect
German Literary Theory
6 ECTS-credits to choose from
Literature 1: literature and politics
Electives: German
6 ECTS-credits to choose from
Literature 1: literature and politics
Language and gender
Language Dynamics: regional language research of modern sociology and German dialect
Teaching component
36 ECTS-credits
Concepts in education 1
1 course to choose from
Educational Science 2: Learning and Living Environments (1ste semester)
Educational Science 3: Educational Technology and Innovation
Concepts in Education 1
Concepts in Education 1
Concepts in education 2
1 course to choose from
Concepts in Education 2
Educational Science 4: School and Society
Concepts in Education 2
Teaching methodology with practice sessions language 1
Choose the course with the language that you have taken in the bachelor.
Teaching methodology German with practice sessions
Teaching methodology English with practice sessions
- Tom Smits
- Tim Berghmans
- Nele Kempenaers
- Rozemarijn Maris
Teaching methodology French with practice sessions
Teaching methodology Dutch with practice sessions
Teaching methodology Spanish with practice sessions
In-school training: completion language 1
Choose the course with the language that you have taken in the bachelor.
In-school training: completion 1 German
In-school training: completion 1 English
- Tom Smits
- Tim Berghmans
- Nele Kempenaers
- Rozemarijn Maris
In-school training: completion 1 French
In-school training: completion 1 Dutch
In-school training: completion 1 Spanish
Teaching methodology with practice sessions language 2
Choose the course with the language that you have taken in the bachelor.
Teaching methodology German with practice sessions
Teaching methodology English with practice sessions
- Tom Smits
- Tim Berghmans
- Nele Kempenaers
- Rozemarijn Maris
Teaching methodology French with practice sessions
Teaching methodology Dutch with practice sessions
Teaching methodology Spanish with practice sessions
In-school training: completion language 2
Opleidingsonderdeel taal te kiezen voortbouwend op de taal van de bachelor
In-school training: completion 2 German
In-school training: completion 2 English
- Tom Smits
- Tim Berghmans
- Nele Kempenaers
- Rozemarijn Maris
In-school training: completion 2 French
In-school training: completion 2 Spanish
In-school training: completion 2 Dutch
In-school training: completion 2 Dutch as a second language
In-school/company training: expertise
Compulsory course
In-school/company training: expertise
In-school/company training: expertise multi (-) lingual education
Profiling Internship: Global Teachership
Master's thesis
24 ECTS-credits
Master's thesis part I: methodological seminars
Master's thesis part II: dissertation
Master's thesis part III: Practical case (1st sem)
The student takes 30 ECTS-credits.
Dutch Proficiency
Compulsory Course 6 ECTS-credits
Dutch language proficiency: Writing and speaking in a changing society
Dutch Cultural Studies
6 ECTS-credits to choose from
Renaissance literature and culture
A crumbling evening country? The image of Europe in Dutch literature
Dutch Linguistics
6 ECTS-credits to choose from
Speaking and hearing
- Jolien Faes
- Steven Gillis
- Jo Verhoeven
Language contact and language dynamics
Language acquisition
- Jolien Faes
- Steven Gillis
Sense and meaning
Dutch Literary Theory
6 ECTS-credits to choose from
Chivalric Rom. in Middle Dutch
Religious literature in the Middle Ages and in the early modern period
Mystical authors
Contemporary Dutch literature
From scaffold to theatre: theatre in the Low Countries from the 17th till the 20th century
Broken time: Dutch Literature during World War II
- Kris Humbeeck
- Valerie Rousseau
Electives: Dutch
6 ECTS-credits to choose from
Chivalric Rom. in Middle Dutch
Religious literature in the Middle Ages and in the early modern period
Mystical authors
Renaissance literature and culture
From scaffold to theatre: theatre in the Low Countries from the 17th till the 20th century
Speaking and hearing
- Jolien Faes
- Steven Gillis
- Jo Verhoeven
Sense and meaning
Language contact and language dynamics
Language acquisition
- Jolien Faes
- Steven Gillis
A crumbling evening country? The image of Europe in Dutch literature
Contemporary Dutch literature
Broken time: Dutch Literature during World War II
- Kris Humbeeck
- Valerie Rousseau
30 ECTS-credits
German Proficency
6 ECTS-credits
German: Translation and Revision
German as a foreign language
- Tanja Mortelmans
- Tom Smits
- Alex Haider
- Liselotte Van der Gucht
German Cultural Studies
6 ECTS-credits
German: Area Studies
German: Society and German Film
German Linguistics
6 ECTS-credits to choose from
Language and gender
Language Dynamics: regional language research of modern sociology and German dialect
German Literary Theory
6 ECTS-credits to choose from
Austrian 20th century literature
- Vivian Liska
- Geert Crauwels
Literature 1: literature and politics
Electives: German
6 ECTS-credits to choose from
Literature 1: literature and politics
Austrian 20th century literature
- Vivian Liska
- Geert Crauwels
Language and gender
Language Dynamics: regional language research of modern sociology and German dialect
Teaching component
36 ECTS-credits
Concepts in education 1
1 course to choose from
Concepts in Education 1
Concepts in Education 1
Concepts in education 2
1 course to choose from
Concepts in Education 2
Concepts in Education 2
Teaching methodology with practice sessions language 1
Choose the course with the language that you have taken in the bachelor.
Teaching methodology German with practice sessions
- Tom Smits
- Gorik Hageman
- Goedroen Olieslagers
- Marise Van Tendeloo
Teaching methodology English with practice sessions
- Tim Berghmans
- Tom Smits
- Nele Kempenaers
- Rozemarijn Maris
Teaching methodology French with practice sessions
Teaching methodology Dutch with practice sessions
Teaching methodology Spanish with practice sessions
In-school training: completion language 1
Choose the course with the language that you have taken in the bachelor.
In-school training: completion 1 German
- Tom Smits
- Gorik Hageman
- Goedroen Olieslagers
- Marise Van Tendeloo
In-school training: completion 1 English
- Tom Smits
- Tim Berghmans
- Nele Kempenaers
- Rozemarijn Maris
In-school training: completion 1 French
In-school training: completion 1 Dutch
In-school training: completion 1 Spanish
Teaching methodology with practice sessions language 2
Choose the course with the language that you have taken in the bachelor.
Teaching methodology German with practice sessions
- Tom Smits
- Gorik Hageman
- Goedroen Olieslagers
- Marise Van Tendeloo
Teaching methodology English with practice sessions
- Tim Berghmans
- Tom Smits
- Nele Kempenaers
- Rozemarijn Maris
Teaching methodology French with practice sessions
Teaching methodology Dutch with practice sessions
Teaching methodology Spanish with practice sessions
In-school training: completion language 2
Opleidingsonderdeel taal te kiezen voortbouwend op de taal van de bachelor
In-school training: completion 2 German
- Tom Smits
- Gorik Hageman
- Goedroen Olieslagers
- Marise Van Tendeloo
In-school training: completion 2 English
- Tom Smits
- Tim Berghmans
- Nele Kempenaers
- Rozemarijn Maris
In-school training: completion 2 French
In-school training: completion 2 Spanish
In-school training: completion 2 Dutch
In-school training: completion 2 Dutch as a second language
- Jordi Casteleyn
- Hanane Dauwe
- Helga Van Loo
- Nele Van Mieghem
In-school/company training: expertise
Compulsory course
In-school/company training: expertise
Master's thesis
24 ECTS-credits
Master's thesis partim I: methodological seminars
Master's thesis partim III: Practical case (1st sem)
The student takes 30 ECTS-credits.
Dutch Proficiency
Compulsory Course 6 ECTS-credits
Dutch language proficiency: Writing and speaking in a changing society
Dutch Cultural Studies
6 ECTS-credits to choose from
Renaissance literature and culture
A crumbling evening country? The image of Europe in Dutch literature
Dutch Linguistics
6 ECTS-credits to choose from
Speaking and hearing
- Jolien Faes
- Steven Gillis
- Jo Verhoeven
Language contact and language dynamics
Language acquisition
- Jolien Faes
- Steven Gillis
- Hanne Kloots
Sense and meaning
Dutch Literary Theory
6 ECTS-credits to choose from
Chivalric Rom. in Middle Dutch
Religious literature in the Middle Ages and in the early modern period
Mystical authors
Contemporary Dutch literature
From scaffold to theatre: theatre in the Low Countries from the 17th till the 20th century
Broken time: Dutch Literature during World War II
- Kris Humbeeck
- Valerie Rousseau
Electives: Dutch
6 ECTS-credits to choose from
Chivalric Rom. in Middle Dutch
Religious literature in the Middle Ages and in the early modern period
Mystical authors
Renaissance literature and culture
From scaffold to theatre: theatre in the Low Countries from the 17th till the 20th century
Speaking and hearing
- Jolien Faes
- Steven Gillis
- Jo Verhoeven
Sense and meaning
Language contact and language dynamics
Language acquisition
- Jolien Faes
- Steven Gillis
- Hanne Kloots
A crumbling evening country? The image of Europe in Dutch literature
Contemporary Dutch literature
Broken time: Dutch Literature during World War II
- Kris Humbeeck
- Valerie Rousseau
30 ECTS-credits
German Proficency
6 ECTS-credits
German: Translation and Revision
German as a foreign language
- Tanja Mortelmans
- Tom Smits
- Alex Haider
German Cultural Studies
6 ECTS-credits
German: Area Studies
German: Society and German Film
German Linguistics
6 ECTS-credits to choose from
Language and gender
Language Dynamics: regional language research of modern sociology and German dialect
German Literary Theory
6 ECTS-credits to choose from
Austrian 20th century literature
- Thorsten Ries
Literature 1: literature and politics
Electives: German
6 ECTS-credits to choose from
Literature 1: literature and politics
Austrian 20th century literature
- Thorsten Ries
Language and gender
Language Dynamics: regional language research of modern sociology and German dialect
Teaching component
36 ECTS-credits
Concepts in education 1
1 course to choose from
Concepts in Education 1
Concepts in Education 1
Concepts in Education 1
Concepts in education 2
1 course to choose from
Concepts in Education 2
Concepts in Education 2
Concepts in Education 2
Teaching methodology with practice sessions language 1
Choose the course with the language that you have taken in the bachelor.
Teaching methodology German with practice sessions
- Tom Smits
- Filip De Nys
Teaching methodology English with practice sessions
- Tim Berghmans
- Tom Smits
- Hanane Dauwe
- Nele Kempenaers
Teaching methodology French with practice sessions
Teaching methodology Dutch with practice sessions
Teaching methodology Spanish with practice sessions
In-school training: completion language 1
Choose the course with the language that you have taken in the bachelor.
In-school training: completion 1 German
- Tom Smits
- Filip De Nys
In-school training: completion 1 English
- Tom Smits
- Tim Berghmans
- Nele Kempenaers
In-school training: completion 1 French
In-school training: completion 1 Dutch
In-school training: completion 1 Spanish
Teaching methodology with practice sessions language 2
Choose the course with the language that you have taken in the bachelor.
Teaching methodology German with practice sessions
- Tom Smits
- Filip De Nys
Teaching methodology English with practice sessions
- Tim Berghmans
- Tom Smits
- Hanane Dauwe
- Nele Kempenaers
Teaching methodology French with practice sessions
Teaching methodology Dutch with practice sessions
Teaching methodology Spanish with practice sessions
In-school training: completion language 2
Opleidingsonderdeel taal te kiezen voortbouwend op de taal van de bachelor
In-school training: completion 2 German
- Tom Smits
- Filip De Nys
In-school training: completion 2 English
- Tom Smits
- Tim Berghmans
- Nele Kempenaers
In-school training: completion 2 French
In-school training: completion 2 Spanish
In-school training: completion 2 Dutch
In-school training: completion 2 Dutch as a second language
- Jordi Casteleyn
- Helga Van Loo
- Nele Van Mieghem
In-school/company training: expertise
Compulsory course
In-school/company training: expertise
Master's thesis
24 ECTS-credits
Master's thesis partim I: methodological seminars
Master's thesis partim II: dissertation (18 ECTS-credits)
- - NNB
- Annick De Vylder
Master's thesis partim III: Practical case (1st sem)
- - NNB
- Annick De Vylder