Study programme
Dutch-taught Master of Mathematics: Fundamental Mathematics
Model Path over 2 years
Core courses
The student chooses 6 courses of the lists: 'core courses UA' and/or 'core courses VUB'
Core courses UA
Field Arithmetic
Integrable Hamiltonian Systems
Algebraic Geometry
Homological Algebra
Global analysis and geometry
Core courses VUB
Associative Algebra
- Leandro Vendramin
Permutation Groups and Incident Geometry
- P. Cara
Functional Analysis
- Kenny De Commer
Foundations of Mathematics
- Mark Sioen
- Bob Lowen
Riemmanian geometry
- - NNB
Specialisation courses
The student chooses 54 ECTS-credits from the list below.
Algebraic Function Fields
Antwerp Summer University ALGAR: Algebra and Arithmetic
Quadratic Forms
Algebra, Geometry and Number Theory Seminar
ASU Summer graduate school on noncommutative algebraic geometry
- Wendy Lowen
- Lander Hermans
- Arne Mertens
- Michel Van den Bergh
Central Simple Algebras and Involutions
Category Theory
- Ana Agore
Hopf Algebras and Quantumgroups
- S. Caenepeel
- Joost Vercruysse
Knot Theory
- Michel Van den Bergh
Non-commutative algebra
- Leandro Vendramin
Representation theory of algebras
- Leandro Vendramin
Topics in number theory
- Michel Van den Bergh
- - NNB
Analysis and differential geometry
Analysis in Dynamics
- - NNB
Clifford Algebras and Conformal Function Theory
Banach and C*-algebras
- Kenny De Commer
Symplectic Geometry
- Simone Gutt
Introduction to Integrable PDEs: the Korteweg-de Vries equation
Analysis & Geometry Seminar I
Analysis & Geometry Seminar II
Seminar Analysis and Topology
- Mark Sioen
Selected topics in Analysis: Curvature and comparison theorems in Riemannian geometry
Applied Mathematics
Finite Difference Methods and Financial Mathematics
Mathematical Foundations of Reinforcement Learning
Numerical Optimisation
Statistical learning
Convex Analysis and Optimization
Academic Literacies for Scientists
History of Science and Society
Mathematical Logic
Master thesis
Master thesis Fundamental Mathematics
Model Path over 2 years
Core courses
The student chooses 6 courses of the lists: 'core courses UA' and/or 'core courses VUB'
Core courses UA
Field Arithmetic
Integrable Hamiltonian Systems
Algebraic Geometry
Homological Algebra
Global analysis and geometry
Core courses VUB
Associative Algebra
- Leandro Vendramin
Permutation Groups and Incident Geometry
- P. Cara
Functional Analysis
- Kenny De Commer
Foundations of Mathematics
- Mark Sioen
- Bob Lowen
Riemmanian geometry
- - NNB
Specialisation courses
The student chooses 54 ECTS-credits from the list below.
Algebraic Function Fields
Antwerp Summer University ALGAR: Algebra and Arithmetic
Quadratic Forms
Algebra, Geometry and Number Theory Seminar
Category Theory
- Ana Agore
Hopf Algebras and Quantumgroups
- S. Caenepeel
- Joost Vercruysse
Knot Theory
- Michel Van den Bergh
Non-commutative algebra
- Leandro Vendramin
Representation theory of algebras
- Leandro Vendramin
Topics in number theory
- Michel Van den Bergh
- - NNB
Central Simple Algebras and Involutions
Analysis and differential geometry
Analysis in Dynamics
Clifford Algebras and Conformal Function Theory
Banach and C*-algebras
- Kenny De Commer
Symplectic Geometry
- Simone Gutt
Introduction to Integrable PDEs: the Korteweg-de Vries equation
Analysis & Geometry Seminar I
Analysis & Geometry Seminar II
Selected topics in Analysis: Curvature and comparison theorems in Riemannian geometry
Causal machine learning
Applied Mathematics
Finite Difference Methods and Financial Mathematics
Mathematical Foundations of Reinforcement Learning
Numerical Optimisation
Statistical Data Science
Convex Analysis and Optimization
Categoric Topology
Advanced Topology
Seminar Analysis and Topology
- Mark Sioen
Academic Literacies for Scientists
History of Science and Society
Mathematical Logic
Master thesis
Master thesis Fundamental Mathematics incl. Internship
Model Path over 2 years
Core courses
The student chooses 6 courses of the lists: 'core courses UA' and/or 'core courses VUB'
Core courses UA
Field Arithmetic
Integrable Hamiltonian Systems
Algebraic Geometry
Homological Algebra
Core courses VUB
Associative Algebra
- Leandro Vendramin
Advanced Calculation of Probability
- Uwe Einmahl
Functional Analysis
- Kenny De Commer
Foundations of Mathematics
- Mark Sioen
- Bob Lowen
Specialisation courses
The student chooses 54 ECTS-credits from the list below.
Algebraic Function Fields
Antwerp Summer University ALGAR: Algebra and Arithmetic
Quadratic Forms
Algebra Seminar
- - NNB
Category Theory
- Ana Agore
Hopf Algebras and Quantumgroups
- S. Caenepeel
- Joost Vercruysse
Knot Theory
- Michel Van den Bergh
Non-commutative algebra
- Leandro Vendramin
Representation theory of algebras
- Leandro Vendramin
Topics in number theory
- Michel Van den Bergh
- - NNB
Central Simple Algebras and Involutions
Analysis and differential geometry
Analysis in Dynamics
Clifford Algebras and Conformal Function Theory
Banach and C*-algebras
- Kenny De Commer
Symplectic Geometry
- Simone Gutt
Introduction to Integrable PDEs: the Korteweg-de Vries equation
Selected topics in differential geometry
Analysis & Geometry Seminar I
- Sonja Hohloch
- - NNB
Analysis & Geometry Seminar II
Selected topics in Analysis: Characteristic Classes
- Sonja Hohloch
- Aldo Witte
Seminar Algebraic Geometry
- - NNB
Permutation Groups and Incident Geometry
- P. Cara
Lévy Processes and their Applications
- Uwe Einmahl
Robust Statistics
Applied Mathematics
Finite Difference Methods and Financial Mathematics
Mathematical Foundations of Reinforcement Learning
Numerical Optimisation
Statistical Data Science
Convex Optimisation: theory and algorithms
Categoric Topology
Advanced Topology
Seminar Analysis and Topology
- Mark Sioen
Academic Literacies for Scientists
History of Science and Society
Mathematical Logic
Master thesis
Master thesis Fundamental Mathematics incl. Internship
Model Path over 2 years
Core courses
The student chooses 6 courses of the lists: 'core courses UA' and/or 'core courses VUB'
Core courses UA
Field Arithmetic
Integrable Hamiltonian systems
Algebraic topology
- Jens Hemelaer
Homological Algebra
Core courses VUB
Associative algebra
- Leandro Vendramin
Advanced calculation of probability
- Uwe Einmahl
Functional analysis
- Kenny De Commer
Foundations of mathematics
- Mark Sioen
- Bob Lowen
Specialisation courses
The student chooses 54 ECTS-credits from the list below.
Algebraic function fields
Antwerp Summer University ALGAR: Algebra and Arithmetic
Quadratic forms
Algebra Seminar
- Jens Hemelaer
Category theory
- Ana Agore
Hopf algebras and quantumgroups
- S. Caenepeel
- Joost Vercruysse
Knot theory
- Michel Van den Bergh
Non-commutative algebra
- Leandro Vendramin
Representation theory of algebras
- Leandro Vendramin
Seminar Homological Algebra
Topics in number theory
- Michel Van den Bergh
- - NNB
Central Simple Algebras and involutions
Applied Mathematics
Finite difference methods and financial mathematics
Mathematical Foundations of Reinforcement Learning
Numerical Optimisation
Statistical Data Science
Convex Optimisation: theory and algorithms
Analysis and differential geometry
Analysis in Dynamics
Clifford algebras and conformal function theory
Banach and C*-algebras
- Kenny De Commer
Symplectic geometry
- Simone Gutt
Introduction to Integrable PDEs: the Korteweg-de Vries equation
Selected topics in differential geometry
- Marta Farre Puiggali
- Tom Mestdag
Analysis & Geometry Seminar I
Analysis & Geometry Seminar II
Selected topics in topology
Categoric topology
Advanced topology
Seminar Analysis and Topology
- Mark Sioen
Algebraic Geometry
- - NNB
Seminar Algebraic Geometry
- Jens Hemelaer
Permutation groups and incident geometry
- P. Cara
Simple groups
- Lieven Le Bruyn
Lévy processes and their applications
- Uwe Einmahl
Robust Statistics
- Tim Verdonck
- Pieter Segaert
Academic Literacies for Scientists
History of science and society
Mathematical logic
Master thesis
Master thesis Fundamental Mathematics incl. Internship
Model Path over 2 years
Core courses
The student chooses 6 courses of the lists: 'core courses UA' and/or 'core courses VUB'
Core courses UA
Field Arithmetic
Integrable Hamiltonian systems
Algebraic topology
- Jens Hemelaer
Homological Algebra
Core courses VUB
Associative algebra
- Leandro Vendramin
Advanced calculation of probability
- Uwe Einmahl
Functional analysis
- Kenny De Commer
Foundations of mathematics
- Mark Sioen
- Bob Lowen
Specialisation courses
The student chooses 54 ECTS-credits from the list below.
Algebraic function fields
Antwerp Summer University ALGAR: Algebra and Arithmetic
Quadratic forms
Algebra Seminar
- Karim Johannes Becher
- Jens Hemelaer
Category theory
- Ana Agore
Hopf algebras and quantumgroups
- S. Caenepeel
- Joost Vercruysse
Knot theory
- Michel Van den Bergh
Non-commutative algebra
- Leandro Vendramin
Representation theory of algebras
- Leandro Vendramin
Seminar Homological Algebra
Topics in number theory
- Michel Van den Bergh
- - NNB
Central Simple Algebras and involutions
Applied Mathematics
Finite difference methods and financial mathematics
Mathematical Foundations of Reinforcement Learning
Numerical Optimisation
Convex Optimisation: theory and algorithms
Analysis and differential geometry
Analysis in Dynamics
Clifford algebras and conformal function theory
Banach and C*-algebras
- Kenny De Commer
Symplectic geometry
- Simone Gutt
Introduction to Integrable PDEs: the Korteweg-de Vries equation
Selected topics in differential geometry
- Marta Farre Puiggali
- Tom Mestdag
Analysis & Geometry Seminar I
Analysis & Geometry Seminar II
Selected topics in topology
Categoric topology
Advanced topology
Seminar Analysis and Topology
- Mark Sioen
Algebraic Geometry
- - NNB
Seminar Algebraic Geometry
- Jens Hemelaer
- Lieven Le Bruyn
Advanced Algebraic Topology
- - NNB
- Boris Shoykhet
Non-commutative geometry
- - NNB
Permutation groups and incident geometry
- P. Cara
Simple groups
- Lieven Le Bruyn
Lévy processes and their applications
- Uwe Einmahl
Robust Statistics
Academic Literacies for Scientists
History of science and society
Mathematical logic
Master thesis
Master thesis Fundamental Mathematics incl. Internship
Model Path over 2 years
Core courses
The student chooses 6 courses of the lists: 'core courses UA' and/or 'core courses VUB'
Core courses UA
Field Arithmetic
Integrable Hamiltonian systems
Algebraic topology
- Boris Shoykhet
Homological Algebra
Core courses VUB
Associative algebra
- E. Jespers
- Lieven Le Bruyn
Advanced calculation of probability
- Uwe Einmahl
Functional analysis
- Kenny De Commer
Foundations of mathematics
- Mark Sioen
- Bob Lowen
Specialisation courses
The student chooses 54 ECTS-credits from the list below.
Algebraic function fields
Antwerp Summer University ALGAR: Algebra and Arithmetic
Quadratic forms
- Karim Johannes Becher
- Shira Gilat
Algebra Seminar
Central Simple Algebras and involutions
Category theory
- Ana Agore
Hopf algebras and quantumgroups
- S. Caenepeel
- Joost Vercruysse
Knot theory
- Michel Van den Bergh
Non-commutative algebra
- E. Jespers
Representation theory of algebras
- E. Jespers
Seminar Homological Algebra
Topics in number theory
- Michel Van den Bergh
- - NNB
Analysis, Differential Geometry and Applied Mathematics
Analysis in Dynamics
Banach and C*-algebras
- Kenny De Commer
Clifford algebras and conformal function theory
Finite difference methods and financial mathematics
Symplectic geometry
- Simone Gutt
Geometry and Dynamics of Hamiltonian Lie group actions
- Marine Fontaine
Advanced numerical methods
Numerical Optimisation
Analysis & Geometry Seminar I
Analysis & Geometry Seminar II
Selected topics in differential geometry and analysis
Selected topics in topology
Categoric topology
Advanced topology
Seminar Analysis and Topology
- Mark Sioen
Advanced Algebraic Topology
- Boris Shoykhet
Algebraic Geometry
- Lieven Le Bruyn
Non-commutative geometry
- Boris Shoykhet
Permutation groups and incident geometry
- P. Cara
Seminar Algebraic Geometry
- Lieven Le Bruyn
Simple groups
- Lieven Le Bruyn
Lévy processes and their applications
- Uwe Einmahl
Robust Statistics
Academic Literacies for Scientists
History of science and society
Mathematical logic
Master thesis
Master thesis Fundamental Mathematics incl. Internship
- - NNB
Model Path over 2 years
Core courses
The student chooses 6 courses of the lists: 'core courses UA' and/or 'core courses VUB'
Core courses UA
Algebraic topology
- Boris Shoykhet
Field Arithmetic
Homological methods
Integrable Hamiltonian systems
Core courses VUB
Associative algebra
- E. Jespers
- Lieven Le Bruyn
Functional analysis
- Kenny De Commer
Advanced calculation of probability
- Uwe Einmahl
Foundations of mathematics
- Mark Sioen
- Bob Lowen
Specialisation courses
The student chooses 54 ECTS-credits from the list below.
Algebraic function fields
Algebra Seminar
Algebras with involution
Antwerp Summer University ALGAR: Algebra and Arithmetic
Category theory
- Ana Agore
Hopf algebras and quantumgroups
- S. Caenepeel
- Joost Vercruysse
Knot theory
- Michel Van den Bergh
Non-commutative algebra
- E. Jespers
Quadratic forms
- Karim Johannes Becher
- Shira Gilat
Representation theory of algebras
- E. Jespers
Seminar Homological Algebra
Topics in number theory
- Michel Van den Bergh
- - NNB
Analysis, Differential Geometry and Applied Mathematics
Analysis in Dynamics
- Joseph Palmer
Banach and C*-algebra
- Kenny De Commer
Clifford algebras and conformal function theory
Finite difference methods and financial mathematics
Symplectic geometry
- Simone Gutt
Geometry and Dynamics of Hamiltonian Lie group actions
- Marine Fontaine
Advanced numerical methods
Numerical Optimisation
Analysis & Geometry Seminar I
Analysis & Geometry Seminar II
Selected topics in differential geometry and analysis
Selected topics in topology
Categoric topology
Advanced topology
Seminar Analysis and Topology
- Mark Sioen
Advanced Algebraic Topology
- Boris Shoykhet
Algebraic Geometry
- Lieven Le Bruyn
Non-commutative geometry
- Boris Shoykhet
Permutation groups and incident geometry
- P. Cara
Seminar Algebraic Geometry
- Lieven Le Bruyn
Simple groups
- Lieven Le Bruyn
General theory of empirical processes
- Uwe Einmahl
Lévy processes and their applications
- Tetyana Kadankova
Academic Literacies for Scientists
History of science and society
Mathematical logic
Master thesis
Master thesis Fundamental Mathematics incl. Internship
- - NNB