Evaluation Capacity Development (ECD) Seminar
20 scholarships funded by the Belgian Development Cooperation’s Special Evaluation Office (SEO)

Selection process
The seminar sets out to strengthen NES/VOPE to be able to play a stimulating role in strengthening the national M&E system. Eight to ten country teams, each composed of a maximum of three M&E experts ideally from different sectors (government, civil society, academia, etc.), will be selected and granted a scholarship. Evaluation societies should thus encourage several of their members to apply.
Admission requirements for the SEO scholarship participants
- Applicants must hold a university degree.
- Applicants must have professional expertise in M&E; mid-level to high-level professionals in the government sector, civil society, academia, think tanks, parliament, audit offices.
- Applicants must be proficient in English.
- Age limit: 50
- Applicants should be members of a National Evaluation Society or commit to become an active member.
- Applicants should be nationals from one of the 14 Belgian development partner countries: Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, DR Congo, Guinea, Mali, Morocco, Mozambique, Niger, Palestinian Territories, Rwanda, Senegal, Tanzania and Uganda.
For self-financing participants the same conditions apply, except for the age limit.