Bridging programme
Compulsory Courses (54 ECTS-credits)
Behaviour and Organisation
Introduction to business administration
Introduction to financial reporting
Introduction to research methodology
International environment
Introduction to financial markets
Introduction to managing and organising
Quantitative research methods
Law and Corporation
Mathematical methods and techniques
Compulsory Courses (54 ECTS-credits)
Behaviour and Organisation
Introduction to business administration
Introduction to financial reporting
International environment
Introduction to financial markets
Quantitative research methods
Introduction to managing and organising
Introduction to research methodology
Law and Corporation
Mathematical methods and techniques
Compulsory Courses
54 ECTS-credits
Behaviour and Organisation
Introduction to business administration
Introduction to financial reporting
International environment
Introduction to financial markets
Quantitative research methods
Introduction to managing and organising
- Stefanie Weil
- Tim Peeters
- Dan Xiang
Introduction to research methodology
Law and Corporation
Mathematical methods and techniques
6 ECTS-credits (students have to take up one course)
For 'Inleiding tot de economie' of the Faculty of Business and Economics (5001TEWECO) enrolment is only possible when graduation in February is likely. All other students enrol for 'Algemene economie' of the Faculty of Social Sciences (1000PSWECP).
General Economics
Compulsory Courses (48 ECTS-credits)
Behaviour and organisation
Introduction to business administration
Introduction to financial reporting
International environment
Introduction to financial markets
Quantitative research methods
Introduction to managing and organising
- Stefanie Weil
- Tim Peeters
- Vicky Van Woensel
Introduction to research methodology
Law and corporation
Mathematical methods and techniques
6 ECTS-credits (students have to take up one course)
For 'Inleiding tot de economie' of the Faculty of Business and Economics (5001TEWECO) enrolment is only possible when graduation in February is likely. All other students enrol for 'Algemene economie' of the Faculty of Social Sciences (1000PSWECP).
General Economics
Compulsory Courses (48 ECTS-credits)
Behaviour and organisation
Introduction to business administration
Introduction to financial reporting
International environment
Introduction to financial markets
Quantitative research methods
Management and organisation
- Margareta Asselbergh
- Freija Kleijnen
Research methodology
- Mathematics' or 'Mathematics 1'
- 'Descriptive statistics and probability theory'
Law and corporation
Mathematical methods and techniques
6 ECTS-credits (students have to take up one course)
For 'Economie' of the Faculty of Business and Economics (5001TEWECO) enrolment is only possible when graduation in February is likely. All other students enrol for 'Algemene economie' of the Faculty of Social Sciences (1000PSWECP).
General Economics
Compulsory Courses (48 ECTS-credits)
European and international environment
Introduction to business administration
Introduction to financial markets 1
Introduction to financial reporting
Introduction to psychology
Introduction to sociology
Quantitative research methods
Management and organisation
- Margareta Asselbergh
- Freija Kleijnen
Research methodology
Law and corporation
Mathematical methods and techniques
6 ECTS-credits (students have to take up one course)
For 'Economie' of the Faculty of Business and Economics (5001TEWECO) enrolment is only possible when graduation in February is likely. All other students enrol for 'Algemene economie' of the Faculty of Social Sciences (1000PSWECP).
General Economics
- Eve Vanhaecht
- Jona Claes
- Christine Schauw
Compulsory Courses
48 ECTS-credits
European and International Environment
Introduction to Business Administration
Introduction to Financial Markets 1
Introduction to Financial Reporting
Introduction to Psychology
Introduction to Sociology
Management and Organisation
- Margareta Asselbergh