Preparatory programme
Compulsory Courses (16 ECTS-credits)
For students starting the prepapartory programme in the first semester.
Introduction to business administration
Introduction to economics
Introduction to financial reporting
Quantitative research methods
For students starting the preparatory programme in the second semester.
Introduction to economics
Introduction to financial reporting
Statistics 2
Compulsory Courses (16 ECTS-credits)
For students starting the prepapartory programme in the first semester.
Introduction to business administration
Introduction to economics
Introduction to financial reporting
Quantitative research methods
For students starting the preparatory programme in the second semester.
Industrial Economics
Introduction to economics
Introduction to financial reporting
Statistics 2
Compulsory Courses (18 ECTS-credits)
For students starting the prepapartory programme in the first semester.
Introduction to business administration
Introduction to economics
Introduction to financial reporting
Quantitative research methods
For students starting the preparatory programme in the second semester.
Industrial Economics
Introduction to financial reporting
Statistics 2
- Leen Marynissen
- Wim Christiaens
- Danny Rouckhout
Compulsory Courses (18 ECTS-credits)
For students starting the prepapartory programme in the first semester.
Introduction to business administration
Introduction to economics
Introduction to financial reporting
Quantitative research methods
For students starting the preparatory programme in the second semester.
Industrial Economics
Introduction to financial reporting
Statistics 2
- Karel Neels
- Wim Christiaens
- Danny Rouckhout
Compulsory Courses (18 ECTS-credits)
For students starting the prepapartory programme in the first semester.
Introduction to business administration
Introduction to economics
Introduction to financial reporting
Quantitative research methods
For students starting the preparatory programme in the second semester.
Students choose either 'Statistiek II' of 'Beschrijvende statistiek en kansrekenen' ànd 'Verklarende statistiek'.
Industrial Economics
Introduction to financial reporting
Statistics 2
- Karel Neels
- Wim Christiaens
- Danny Rouckhout
Descriptive statistics and probability theory
Inferential statistics
Compulsory Courses
Introduction to business administration
Introduction to financial reporting
Quantitative research methods
Compulsory Courses
18 ECTS-credits