Learning outcomes

1. The Master has a specialised and research-based knowledge of and insight in teaching methodologies specific to primary education, with special attention to language development and the development of mathematical thinking. The Master translates these towards class and school practices.

2. The Master has a specialised and research-based knowledge of and insight in educational themes relevant to primary education, with special attention to curriculum development and inclusive education. The Master translates these towards class and school practices.

3. The Master has a specialised and research-based knowledge of and insight in organisation policy and learning and translates these towards school practices.

4. The Master can develop, execute and evaluate a scientifically founded action plan for multiple complex challenges in learning and development processes of primary school children.

5. Based on up-to-date and specialised knowledge of pedagogical and educational theories and insights the Master can contribute to the development of pupils, the school and the teaching profession. The master integrates a variety of prespectives.

6. The Master can substantiate and evaluate educational practices and innovations using scientific insights. The Master can enter into a dialogue about this with colleagues and other stakeholdes in education and in society. Based on this, the Master can improve class and school practice.

7. The Master can select, develop and apply targeted strategies and interventions that enhance the pedagogical-didact actions of the teaching team.

8. The Master can contributes to a reflective, collaborative and learning climate at school. The Master can support school development, qualtity assurance, innovation and professionalisation at school and focuses on design, implementation and evaluation.

9. The Master can identify and analyze complex problems in education practice. The Master performs practice-oriented scientific research in a methodically correct manner and this independently or in a team.

10. The Master can argue how a design or intervention is attuned to their own practice context as well as to general scientific insights from various domains.

11. The Master is data literate and possesses the methodological skills to take responsibility to collect, save, analyse and report on data in an ethical and deontologically correct manner.

12. The Master takes initiative to experiment in complex and unpredictable contexts using the scientific knowledge basis.