Bridging programme

The bridging programme (45 ECTS) allows students with a professional Bachelor degree in Physiotherapy to acquire the necessary knowledge and competences which they will need to proceed to the Master of Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy. 

The bridging programme takes one academic year and is taught in English. There is only one intake per academic year (September) and it is a part-time programme. This means that classes are concentrated on two (and occasionally three) days per week. This is illustrated in the model timetable.  

Starting in academic year 2024-2025, the first eight weeks of the bridging programme will be offered exclusively online. There will be a total of approximately 60 hours of online teaching, primarily on Tuesdays and Thursdays. From mid-November onwards, all courses will take place on campus with no online alternatives. On-campus classes will build on the online material, making participation in online classes essential. Students are expected to travel to Antwerp before the academic year starts and to participate in the online courses based in Antwerp. The latest recommended arrival is in early November. 

Students cannot apply for the bridging programme separately. Based on the documents submitted during the application procedure, the Admission Board will decide whether a candidate can start in the Master's programme directly or whether they need to do the bridging programme first. The Board cannot make this decision based on an email with attachments. So please do not send us emails to ask if you have to start in the bridging programme, but complete the admission procedure instead. 

Students who pass the bridging programme do not receive a diploma, but a certificate. This certificate gives permission to register for the Master's programme.