Learning outcomes

Dutch-taught Master of Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy: Elderly

Healthcare professional

1. The Master has specialised knowledge of and insight in domain-specific health problems in different target groups.

2. The Master can communicate orally and in writing in a professional way with patients and other concerned parties within a multidisciplinary context.

3. The Master can do a screening and a physiotherapeutical examination for complex and/or specific conditions, taking international frameworks and evidence based practice into account.

4. The Master can stimulate health enhancing behaviour in various target groups in the framework of preventative health care.

5. The Master can make a physiotherapeutical diagnosis and draw up, execute and evaluate a treatment/action plan in an ethically sound way in case of a complex pathology and for various target groups, taking international frameworks and evidence based practice into account.

Healthcare manager

6. The Master can apply legal, deontological and organisational aspects for the start-up or management of a physiotherapy practice or department.

7. The Master is organised and reflects individually and in a team in function of optimal (quality) care in a multidisciplinary setting.

8. The Master can critically reflect on the policy with regard to the offer of physiotherapeutical care and service, taking into account the broader social context.

Profession developer and scientific researcher

9. The Master can perform scientific research related to the domain of rehabilitation sciences and physiotherapy.

10. The Master can evaluate research results, indicate its limitations and propose solution-oriented adjustments to make a contribution to the international scientific research or the physiotherapeutical professional practice.

11. The Master can communicate the own research in the field of rehabilitation science and physiotherapy in a clear and structured way, both orally and in writing.

12. The Master constantly acquires new insights in the domain of physiotherapy in function of self-development and of making a contribution to the further development of the field.