Programme info

Micro-credential: Transport innovation, digitalisation and entrepreneurship

Course content

The course of Transport innovation, digitalisation and entrepreneurship foresees the following three types of complementary activities:

  • A set of 6 theoretical courses in the begining of the semesters about: digital technologies, innovation, entrepreneurship, business models used for digital solutions
  • The students will have 2 workshops on process mapping and calculating the benefits of digital products
  • A set of 5-6 industry practical guest lectures regarding sector challenges and solutions with the focus on triggering the entrepreneurial skills of the students
  • Towards the end of the semester will have 3 working sessions on very specific cases to develop an entrepreneurial strategy and sell a digital product

The course starts by giving an introduction to what digital solutions are, what is the status quo of digitalization in transportation and logistics, and how researchers expect that this trend will evolve within 10 to 15 years from now. Consequently, the course focuses on discussing each digital trend in detail. Namely, a set of lectures are going to be developed around one digital trend providing insights on what are different solutions linked to that trend, what is the impact of each solution on supply chains and transport operations, which specific challenges and opportunities they are facing, and what are types of costs and benefits that they generate to the involved stakeholders. These lectures are focused on trends like blockchain, digital twin, AI, IoT, robotics and unmanned (automatic indoor and outdoor) assets, synchromodality, big data and supply chain control centers. Concrete concepts and applications will be illustrated for the various modes of transport or their combination, including maritime transport, seaports, air transport, airports, trucking, rail freight and inland navigation. The course will be composed of conceptual academic sessions combined with and illustrated by guest lectures from practice speakers. The students will be challenged as well to develop their entrepreneurial skill by picking up a challenge related to the sector, documenting it, identifying a digital solution to it and pitch it as one would try to collect investment funds. The later would simulated in a work group the skills of students of collaborating, assigning tasks and think practically towards placing a solution in the market.

Learning outcomes

This micro-credential focuses on the following learning outcomes.

1. The participant has analytical insight in transport innovation and entrepreneurship.

2. The participant has ready knowledge of transport innovation and entrepreneurship at management level.

3. The participant masters the generic laws and research methods in transport innovation and entrepreneurship.

4. The participant can answer questions on transport innovation and entrepreneurship in a clear and structured way.

Practical organisation

Contact moments:

  • Lectures
  • Exercise sessions
  • Seminars
  • Group assignments
  • Guided self-study
  • Group project

The planning of the lessons is communicated via Blackboard.


The examination is carried out both during the semester and at the end of the course. The examination is done as follows:

  • Group assignment with oral presentation (40%): the students will receive at the beginning of semester a group assignment. The students will need to submit report and prepare a presentation that will summarize the work they have done. The report and presentation are built around a case-study of identifying a sector challenge, and propose and sell a digital solution. This group assignment challenges the students to develop their entreprenorial skills to identifying a sector challenge, conceptualizing it, identifying a solution and simulating the steps that are needed to be taken to place it in the market.
  • Written exam with open questions (60%): the students will need to take a closed book examen with open questions. This examen is built to test the theoretical knowledge that the students have accumulated during the courses.

Upon request, an alternative form of evaluation can be provided for working students or people abroad.