Enrolment and tuition fees

Start application

You start your application procedure by applying at YUFE Virtual Campus where you can specify your preferred starting university, e.g. the University of Antwerp. You will be asked to demonstrate you meet the entry requirements and some questions will probe your motivation to participate in this bachelor's programme. After completion of the form, you will be contacted by a YUFE admission officer to guide you through the further application process. 

Please note that application deadlines vary according to your starting university.

Continue your admission and enrolment

To start at UAntwerp, Belgian students with a secondary education degree from the Flemish-speaking, French-speaking or German-speaking community, and candidates with a degree mentioned on www.uantwerpen.be/admission can enrol directly as of 1 July 2025

If the degree of secondary education is not mentioned or if you need to apply for a visa, you will need to follow an additional procedure through the online application tool Mobility Online to determine if your degree can be accepted for enrolment and/or to obtain a letter of acceptance required for a visa. Applications for the academic year 2025-2026 can be submitted in Mobility Online from early november 2024 onwards. 

Application deadlines to submit an application through Mobility Online  

  • For non-EEA* nationals and for students who need to apply for a visa: before 1 March 2025  
  • For EEA nationals: before 1 June 2025  

Tuition fees

The amounts below are valid for the academic year 2024-2025.

Tuition fees are calculated based on the number of credits you take and are indexed every year.
Be sure to read the detailed page on tuition fees among other things to learn more about how to pay.​

Belgian or other EEA* nationality

If you have a nationality of an EEA* member state, you  will pay a flat rate of 288 euro + 13.8 euro/credit, i.e. 1157 euro for 60 credits.

If you receive a study grant from the Flemish Community for the academic year in question, you will pay 131.5 euro, regardless of the number of credits taken.

*European Economic Area (EEA): Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Malta, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden (or other nationalities who become EEA-nationals before 01/01 of the academic year concerned or with a valid permanent Belgian residence permit dated before 01/01 of the academic year concerned, this means either valid for at least 5 years in the case of type B, C, D, E(+) F(+), M cards or type A card with the following reasons of stay: refugee, family reunification, humanitarian visa, victim of human trafficking or subsidiary protection)

Other nationalities

Students with any other nationality (non-EEA** member states) pay the increased rate of 400 euro + 45 euro/credit, i.e. 3100 euro for 60 credits.

**Non-EEA nationals without a permanent Belgian residence permit can only enrol in credit contracts if they are already enroled in a degree programme or if they do not reside in Belgium on the basis of a student visa.