Are you an expert, entrepreneur or researcher with a promising idea that is yet to be further developed? Do you lack the time to do so yourself, or are you just passionate about coaching promising international students and entrepreneurs-to-be?
Then contributing to this summer school might be something for you!

Innovation & (Intra)-Entrepreneurship bootcamp: a hands-on case-based experience
The University of Antwerp, Antwerp University Association, the City of Antwerp and Verhaert organise for the sixth consecutive year this intensive introduction to entrepreneurship, based on eight theoretical sessions, visits and testimonials and an intensive group work. During this hands-on summer school, students will be introduced in the theoretical framework of a business idea by focusing on different aspects of entrepreneurship. The topics range from ideation over intellectual property to market research and business modelling. Moreover, students will engage in a real-life based group work which will let them effectively apply the taught knowledge and skills.
This can be your business case.
A group work on your case
The goal of the group work is to develop (part of) a business plan, on the one hand by making use of the content taught during the theoretical sessions and on the other hand through intensive coaching by experts and tutors.
For an overview of previous year’s cases, please visit this page.
What's in it for you/your organisation?
> Realise and develop promising ideas
> Prospect new markets with the help of native speakers
> Attend lectures by internationally renowned speakers
> Train and coach tomorrow’s entrepreneurs
> Recruit possible trainees for your organisation
Who, where and when?
Master students or Bachelor students in their last year who are interested in discovering entrepreneurship. The summer school is interdisciplinary by nature; students from all disciplines are encouraged to apply.
But also young professionals that might be interested in getting some entrepreneurial skills, be it to start something on their own, or to boost and eventually realise an innovation within the employer’s company.
TAKEOFFANTWERP | University of Antwerp, Belgium
22 August – 2 Sept. 2022
What do we expect?
As an expert, you and/or your company/organisation will be asked to introduce and supervise a group during these two weeks. We ask each expert to be present/available during (at least) 3 moments during these two weeks. The cases can be supervised either in person, or electronically.
> Monday 22 August, afternoon: short pitch and introduction to the case. Lunch provided by the organising team for those able to be present.
> Monday 29 August, afternoon: intermediary follow-up
> Friday 2 September, afternoon: presentation group works and feedback
Next to these 3 sessions, you are strongly encouraged to remain available for students for other questions and queries. Moreover, groups will be coached and tutored by (internationally) renowned experts coming from both the academic and the business.
English is the language of instruction of the summer school. We therefore expect all idea owners to be fluent in English (both speaking and writing).
> By Friday 29 April: submit your business case via this form
> End of May: jointly optimise the conceptualisation with the organising committee
> Early June: accepted students will receive an overview of all cases and will be asked to give their preference
> June: composition of interdisciplinary and international groups. Not all cases might be selected. This depends on the number of applications and the profile of the applicants. A preparatory meeting with effectively selected cases will be organized.
In order to stimulate interaction between students, teachers and experts, and to maximise the exchange of knowledge, proposed business cases cannot be subject to non-disclosure. All people involved in the summer school will however be asked to sign a declaration on honour.
More information & contact
Kirby Van den Brande - Antwerp Summer University Office
0032 3 265 43 82