The From Mine to Finger - A Deep Dive into the World of Diamonds programme is a collaborative effort of three distinguished partners: the Antwerp World Diamond Centre (AWDC), the University of Antwerp, and the renowned Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS).  

Prepare to be captivated by an immersive experience, featuring fascinating site visits including a mine visit, thought-provoking lectures, interactive workshops, and enlightening keynotes delivered by globally acclaimed academics and industry experts. Whether you are a final year Bachelor or Master student from any discipline, a junior professional, or a dedicated researcher, this winter school is your gateway to a comprehensive understanding of the world of diamonds in every aspect.  

This isn't your ordinary winter or summer school; it is an extraordinary opportunity to delve deeply into the multifaceted diamond industry, all set against the captivating backdrop of South Africa, a nation deeply connected to the allure of these precious gems. 

Learning outcomes

By the end of the programme, participants will:

  • obtain profound insights into various subjects related to the diamond pipeline.
  • be able to approach societal (e.g., sustainability, ecological awareness) and economic trends (e.g., globalisation) holistically and evaluate their impact on strategic policymaking.
  • be able to critically select and use sufficient relevant information (from lectures, keynote sessions, workshops, academic literature, etc.) for their group report.
  • be able to conduct research for their group report in a scientifically accurate manner.
  • demonstrate an open and collaborative mindset when working in an interdisciplinary and international group.

Target group

The programme is designed for final year Bachelor students and Master students from different disciplines, as well as for junior professionals and researchers, interested in deepening their knowledge about diamonds and its industry.  Participants looking for a relevant mixture of theoretical, empirical and practical insights from an interdisciplinary perspective are warmly encouraged to apply. The course is open to students and graduates from different disciplines. 

English is the language of instruction. As active participation is compulsory in the course, English proficiency is required. 

Preparatory track

The course will be anticipated by an interesting preparatory online programme that equips you with essential insights. These preparatory talks, readings, and clips can be absorbed at your own pace, ensuring that every participant is well-prepared for the upcoming course. A shared starting point in understanding will foster collaboration and enhance knowledge transfer during the winter school. This track will be launched mid-January. 

Group work, deliverables and Study Credits (ECTS)

In addition to various theoretical lectures, inspirational talks, field visits and workshops, participants will be involved in practical group work. This group work will require them to integrate and apply prior knowledge along with the knowledge and skills they have gained during the winter school sessions.  

Successful completion of the winter school can be awarded with 3 credits according to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). Credits will be awarded by the University of Antwerp on the base of attending the preparatory track, 100 % (active) participation during the course and group work and submission of an individual paper after the course. 

To include the credits in the curriculum at the home institution, participants need an agreement with the responsible person at their university. A certificate will be awarded at the end of the programme. All certificates of completion are issued as a micro-credential.