Inter- and Transdisciplinary Research | Summer School | Antwerp Summer University

Summer School | 18 - 22 August 2025

The ITDR summer school aims to train researchers and research support staff to become an expert in interdisciplinarity. The format is a 5-day intensive and interactive course, based on theoretical insights in the process of creating interdisciplinary research and how to apply these insights in practice.

The summer school invites you in an interactive way to explore the process of building your own research project. Participants will not only learn in theory and practice on how to set up an interdisciplinary (or transdisciplinary including stakeholders) project, the course should also result in an inter- or transdisciplinary project proposal or research plan (in case the project has already started). At the end of the course participants will present their ITDR case.

More info.

This summer school is organised by a collaboration of the central research department (RIVA) of the University of Antwerp, with interdisciplinary research institutes IMDO (Institute for Environment and Sustainable Development), USI (Urban Studies Institute) and the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Science and the faculty of Arts.