This programme will not be offered this year. If you want to stay tuned about the launch of next edition, please sign up for our newsletter.
Target group
Final year BA in Hispanic Studies or related subject, Master & PhD students, postdocs, early career researchers and researchers in the field of Hispanic literature. Participants should have a basic familiarity of literature in Spanish and a working knowledge of Spanish.
Estudiantes de último año de grado en Estudios Hispánicos o similar, estudiantes de Máster en literaturas, doctorandos en ramas afines a las tratadas en el curso, e investigadores e investigadoras en el campo de las literaturas hispánicas. Los y las participantes deben tener una familiaridad básica con la literatura en español y conocimientos de español. Las clases serán impartidas en español.
Micro-credentials and study credits (ECTS)
Successful completion of the summer school can be awarded with 6 credits according the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). This includes, besides the contact hours, self work hours invested in reading, visualizing previous materials (flipped classrooms) and preparing the assignments.
To include the credits in the curriculum at the home institution, participants need an agreement with the responsible person at the home institution.
A certificate will be awarded at the end of the programme. All certificates of completion are issued as a micro-credential.
Social programme
Participants will be able to get in touch with peers attending other summer or winter schools at Antwerp Summer and Winter University. A visit to the beautiful city hall, a networking reception, a guided city walk, a quiz night, a football game and a day-trip to another Belgian city such as Bruges or Brussels are only some examples of these activities. All activities of the social programme are offered free of charge, in some cases participants will be asked for a deposit which will be reimbursed upon participation to the activity.
Specific social activities in the days around and during the summer school on 'The Margins of Global Hispanophone Literature' will be announced close to the start of the programme.