Elevate your skills in our intensive one-week summer school on Pandemic Preparedness. 

The University of Antwerp and the Antwerp University Hospital invite you to engage in an exclusive one-week summer school to boost your knowledge on pandemic preparedness.  

During our dynamic course, we foresee a combination of thematic lectures and interactive/hands-on sessions on different aspects of pandemic preparedness, including surveillance and epidemiology, modelling, strategic preparedness planning, effective outbreak management, ethical issues, persuasive risk communication, and bolstering vaccine confidence. Guided by renowned experts from across Europe, immerse yourself in interactive sessions and lectures that dissect these pivotal subjects.  

As we navigate an era where global health challenges demand exceptional preparedness, this course stands as your gateway to mastering the art and science of pandemic response. Join us for a transformative educational journey, where you'll emerge not just informed but empowered to make a significant impact in the field of pandemic management. ​

  • Language course: English
  • Dates: 25 - 29 August 2025
  • Location: University of Antwerp, Campus Drie Eiken, Universiteitsplein 1, 2610 Antwerp
  • Partners: The course is jointly organized by the IDEALiTER (Université de Paris Cité, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, UMC Utrecht, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf) and FiLi-Vi-X (Antwerp University Hospital, Institute of Tropical Medicine and Radboud UMC) project partners.

Target Group

This summer school offers an additional course to the current curricula of medical (5th or 6th year) or paramedical undergraduate students; and postgraduate students in (para)medical sciences. This course is also open to (para)-medical professionals. 

The following minimum criteria will be considered:

  • Studying or working in Europe
  • Basic knowledge of and keen interest in infectious diseases and vaccines
  • Medical (5th or 6th year) or paramedical undergraduate student, postgraduate student in (para)medical sciences (epidemiology, nursing, public health, …) or (para-)medical professionals 

In addition, we appreciate highly motivated candidates. It is therefore important to elaborate on your specific interest in your application file. 

A maximum of thirty participants is allowed, and the audience is balanced for gender and nationality.

Study Credits (ECTS)

Successful completion of the summer school can be awarded with 3 credits according to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). Credits will be awarded by the University of Antwerp. Students will be evaluated continuously throughout the course. The assessment will be based on their active participation and input during simulation exercises, case-based exercises, interactive sessions and role plays. Constructive feedback and advice from the lecturers will be provided at the end of each session or exercise. A presence of at least 80% is required to receive a certificate of attendance. A positive evaluation (pass/fail system) is required to receive the 3 ECTS credits and a certificate of completion.  

To include the credits in the curriculum at the home institution, participants need an agreement with the responsible person at their university. A certificate will be awarded at the end of the programme.

​ Students of the University of Antwerp who wish to include the ECTS credits earned during an Antwerp Summer or Winter University programme as part of their study programme must register via Mobility Online and SisA.

All certificates of completion are issued as a micro-credential.


This summer school takes place at Campus Drie Eiken (Universiteitsplein 1, 2610 Wilrijk) of the University of Antwerp. This campus can be reached from the city center by bike or public transport. Please be sure to check the distances before you book accomodation.

Learning outcomes

  • Introduction to High-Consequence Infectious Diseases (HCIDs): 
    • Basic knowledge about detection, disease transmission, pathology of high consequence infectious diseases 
    • Insights into clinical and diagnostic decisions for high consequences pathogens 
  • The concept ‘pandemic preparedness’ 
    • Understanding the definition of pandemic preparedness 
    • Proficiency in accurate implementation of infection control countermeasures 
  • Epidemiology and surveillance 
    • Understanding the principles of epidemiology and methods used for analysis of epidemiological data  
    • Knowledge of surveillance systems to monitor and track potential outbreaks. 
  • Global and historical perspectives on pandemics:  
    • Knowledge of past pandemics and their impact on societies. 
    • Understanding the silent pandemic of antimicrobial resistance 
  • The impact of pandemics: understanding  
    • The economic impact of a pandemic 
    • The chronic impact of a pandemic 
    • The psychological impact of a pandemic 
  • Risk communication and crisis management 
    • Skills in effective communication during a crisis, including with the public, media, and relevant stakeholders. 
    • Skills in decision making processes with different stakeholders   
    • Ability to disseminate accurate information and counter misinformation. 
  • Ethical considerations  
    • Understanding ethical considerations in resource allocation, public health interventions and research during a pandemic. 
  • Interdisciplinary collaboration 
    • Ability to work collaboratively with professionals from diverse fields, including healthcare, government, and community organizations. 
    • Understanding the importance of a coordinated response involving various sectors 
  • Preparedness planning 
    • Skills in developing and implementing pandemic preparedness plans at various levels (individual, community, organizational, governmental). 
    • Knowledge of best practices in preparedness, including tabletop exercises and simulations. 
  • Outbreak management: knowledge of 
    • Different steps undertaken during outbreak investigation 
    • Socio economic management during outbreak 
    • Data modelling 
    • Hospital outbreak management 
    • Community outbreak management 
    • High Level Isolation unit activities 
  • Vaccination: knowledge of 
    • Vaccine manufacturing and vaccine safety 
    • Vaccination in a public health crisis  
    • Vaccination in specific hosts 
    • The concept ‘vaccine confidence’ 
  • Conducting research during a pandemic: knowledge of 
    • Research design and methodology  
    • Data security and privacy 
    • Access and recruitment 
    • Community engagement 
    • Public health relevance 
    • Collaborations and networking 
    • Dissemination of findings 
    • Getting research into practice (GRIPP) 
    • Research allocation 


FiLi-Vi-X project partners

IDEALiTER partners