The website makes optimal use of database information. 

Overview databases

Where do we manage certain types of automatic content on the website? The website makes optimal use of information from:


  • Contact and role details on personal pages;
  • personnel search;
  • membership lists on subsites of official research units.

Academic bibliography

  • Publications on the personal pages of academic personnel;
  • lists of publications on research units’ pages.

ANTIGOON research database

  • Membership lists on the subsites of official research units;
  • expert lists on the subsites of official research units;
  • research missions on the subsites of official research units;
  • data in the 'Research' section on the personal pages of academic personnel.


  • Study programmes and module descriptions on the programme pages;
  • data in the 'Education' section on the personal pages of academic personnel;
  • edited module descriptions on the personal pages of academic personnel.


  • Publication of example timetables on the programme pages.

Who can you contact to (have) database content edited on the website?

Personal pages


The publications are retrieved from the academic library.

  • Are there publications missing, or missing details, in the academic bibliography? Contact
  • Are there publications missing from the list of publications online, that are in the academic bibliography? Contact



Research, Innovation & Valorisation Antwerp (RIVA) manages all data under 'Research' in the Antigoon research database. Contact: Ilse Poels​​

Internal memberships

Internal memberships and roles are managed by contacts in each faculty.

Official research groups

Research mission, projects and members

Research, Innovation and Valorisation Antwerp (RIVA) manages all data under 'Research' in the Antigoon research database. Contact: 


The Expertise section is also retrieved from the Antigoon research database. You can make changes yourself using the selfservice for researchers in Peoplesoft.


The publications are retrieved from the academic library.

  • Are there publications missing, or missing details, in the academic bibliography? Contact
  • Are there publications missing from the list of publications online, that are in the academic bibliography? Contact


Study programmes

Study programmes are managed by the faculties' educational secretariats in SisA.

Course information

Course information is mainly managed by the lecturers themselves on See: Pintra - Course information

Model timetables

The model timetables are managed by the faculties' educational secretariats in Syllabus.

Learning outcomes

Learning outcomes are managed in SisA by the Department of Education. Contact: Bianca Roseaux