How to improve the ranking of your website or web pages as a web editor?
Check out these 6 golden tips
1. Content is king!
Providing useful, up-to-date and qualitative content for your target audience = an absolute must
How do you do this?
- Clearly keep in mind who your target audience is and what they visit the website for. Think outside-in.
- Provide current and useful content, focus on the future.
- Provide content pages that fully answer a search query.
- Don't get lost in archives or records of past activities.
- Your website is not an archive for internal administration!
- Update pages instead of creating new ones all the time.
2. User-friendly websites
What do you need?
- Logical navigation, easy to use
- Clear overview
- Easy to complete top tasks
- Good web editing
- Up-to-date, solid content
How do you do this?
- Stick to one system of navigation
- Maximum of 7 items in one navigation level. At the first level a maximum 5 to 6 is better
- Focus on the top task for each web page, and avoid information overload
- Don't be afraid of some white space, it makes you feel calm
3. How long should online texts be?
‘As short as possible, but as long as necessary.’ – Online texts don’t always have to be short!
How do you do this?
- For a longer text, a good structure is especially important: title and sub-titles, one idea per paragraph, important words in bold, bulleted lists, etc.
- Provide the info needed to complete the top task on each web page
- Make a distinction between transition pages (functional) and landing pages (content).
- Good landing pages (content pages) should be over 1500 words
- Use good web copy to give the most complete answer to a visitor’s query
4. Search queries and top tasks
are the top tasks of my website and which words or phrases do potential
visitors use to find info?
How do you do this?
- Determine the most important search term for which you want to be found
- Think of synonyms and other variations
- Using all of these keywords and other entities, rewrite your pages. Make sure that the text stays logical and readable
5. Links
Links = sign for Google that a web page is interesting.
How do you do this?
Build a links policy, that gives you links on many different, relevant, qualitative websites based on your important keywords.
6. Metadata fields
What do you need?
Page title and page meta description are both important elements for search engine optimisation.
- Page title is the title that is displayed in Google search results and in the tab of your browser.
- Page meta description appears as a description under the page title, if it is filled in.

How do you do this?
- The page title is constructed automatically, based on: ‘Header 1 of the page | Navigation title of the homepage | University of Antwerp’
- The page meta description can be added via the web part 'MetaText' in the Hidden section. In this web part you can also add meta keywords: these are especially useful for the internal search function.