Workflow maintenance cycle
- Unpublished pages
Pages of which the web components and underlying pages have not been modified in the past 9 months (274 days) and have the status 'unpublished' are automatically moved to the 'trash' after this period. Once a page is in the 'trash,' it will remain there for an additional 3 months (90 days) before being permanently deleted.
- Calendar and news items are deleted from their respective modules 455 days after ending.
An item in the web component ‘event’ or ‘news’; the page on which the event or news info was published remains. A maximum of 15 versions of each web component ‘event’ or ‘news’ is stored.
How to save or export webpages
If you want to prevent your pages from being deleted by the automatic maintenance cycle, you can first export (archive) them before setting them to 'not published'.
How to export
See manual page 70: archiving webpages or subsites
- An export takes all components including images, call-to-actions, photo albums,... and compresses them into a json file.
- These json files do not have a preview functionality.
- If you want to actually view the web pages, take some screenshots and paste them into a Word document.
- For large websites, an archive copy can be made. Info: webredactie