


Soort activiteit

Soort activiteit

Faculteit of facultaire onderzoeksgroep

Faculteit of facultaire onderzoeksgroep

Centra of instituten

Centra of instituten



(Re)Claiming Human Rights: A Critical Realist Exploration of Right-Based Social Work

PhD defence Didier Boost (Department of Sociology)

4 dec

A Digital Twin Approach to Support the Evolution of Cyber-Physical Systems

Doctoraatsverdediging van Joost Mertens (Faculteit Toegepaste Ingenieurswetenschappen)

5 dec

Analyse van gerichte therapie effecten in ROS1+ NSCLC met behulp van genomisch gemanipuleerde cellijnen afkomstig uit patiëntenmateriaal

Doctoraatsverdediging Marc Terrones Bernat - Departement Biomedische Wetenschappen

9 dec

Unlocking the T cell receptor repertoire for personalized cancer immunotherapies

Doctoraatsverdediging Sofie Gielis - Departement Informatica

10 dec

Framing French Consumers into Citizens: A comparative discourse analysis of debates on luxury and consumption in French parliament and the press in the Age of Revolution (1789-1848)

Doctoraatsverdediging Charris De Smet (Departement Geschiedenis)

10 dec

Product liability in Vietnam: a comparative study from EU and US perspective.

PhD defence Phuc Nguyen Huu - Faculty of Law

10 dec

Organizational Engagement with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):Theoretical Perspectives and Empirical Insights in a Public Sector Context

PhD defence Björn Mestdagh (Department of Management)

11 dec

Methylation Biomarkers for Pleural Mesothelioma: From Epigenetic Landscape Analysis to Diagnostic Assay Development

PhD defence - Janah Vandenhoeck - Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences

11 dec

Ontwikkeling van spoiled gradiënt echo sequenties voor MRI-relaxometrie

Doctoraatsverdediging Marco Andrea Zampini - Departement Biomedische Wetenschappen

12 dec

The interaction of pre- and postnatal obesogenic environments in affecting daughter’s metabolic health and oocyte quality: fundamental insights for sustainable advice

PhD defence Inne Xhonneux - Department Veterinary Sciences

12 dec

Association between HIV integrase strand transfer inhibitor use and type 2 diabetes mellitus

PhD defence Frank Mulindwa - Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences

12 dec

Connecting the Docs: De kloof overbruggen tussen digitale archieven en kritische edities

Doctoraatsverdediging Felix Hermans (Departement Letterkunde)

13 dec

Municipal green bonds: climate finance amidst climate injustices

PhD defence Héctor Herrera

13 dec

Wage differentials, economic shocks and government wage regulation – a gender based emperical analysis of labour market outcomes in Canada

PhD defence Patrick Ndlovu (Department of Economics)

13 dec

Elucidation of the clinical relevance and potential mechanisms of persistence in Streptococcus pneumoniae

Public defense Nele Geerts - Department Pharmaceutical Sciences

13 dec

A Tale of Two Processes: The Dynamic Interplay Between Emotion and Cognition When Learning from Text

PhD defence Yi-Lun Zheng (OOW)

16 dec

"Les armes de la critique": Het sociaal-cultureel narratief van de muziekjournalist: Belgische muziek- en kunsttijdschriften en hun melomaan publiek (1830-1880)

Doctoraatsverdediging Joanna Van der Heyden (Departement Geschiedenis)

16 dec

Avoiding repetitive reform injury in the public sector. Can leadership behavior reduce the damaging effect of repetitive reforms?

Phd defence Dries Van Doninck (Department of Management)

18 dec

Extensive cardiac assessment in cancer patients treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors

PhD defence Danielle Delombaerde - Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences

18 dec

Physical healthcare for persons with a severe mental illness in mental health outreach teams for long term care

PhD defence Nicolaas Martens - Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences

6 jan

Innovatieve diagnostische en therapeutische maatregelen voor een betere diagnose en behandeling van multiresistente tuberculose (MDR-TB) in Conakry, Guinee

Doctoraatsverdediging Souleymane Hassane Harouna - Departement Biomedische Wetenschappen

9 jan

Turnaround in Endgames

PhD defence Hendrik Leder (Department of Management)

20 jan