1. Call and objectives
Within this project, UAntwerp invites its academic and administrative staff (lecturers, researchers, faculty members, etc.) to organize events that aim to sensitize, inspire, inform and train the UAntwerp community with regard to Global Engagement in one or more of the following categories:
- Awareness raising and training of staff and students
Networking events @UAntwerp with focus on enhancing integration of scholars from the Global South
- Initiatives aimed at alumni from the Global South
- Seed money for Global Engagement research
The purpose of the call is:
- Fostering critical global citizenship
- Advancing relevant thinking for 21st century global challenges
- Strengthening inclusion and interconnectedness in our university, society and worldwide
- Promoting international justice and solidarity with the Global South
- Advancing knowledge exchange in a Global context of inequality and intercultural differences
Deadline: Permanently open – candidates will receive the selection results within five weeks of submission.
Examples proposals
Category | Examples (inspirational, not limited to) |
1. Awareness raising and training of staff in topics related to Global Engagement |
2. Networking events for staff that enhance the interaction and integration of researchers/staff (focus on inclusion of people from the Global South) |
3. Initiatives/activities aimed at maintaining continuous contact with alumni from the Global South after their studies |
4. Seed money for researchers who wish to expand their current ongoing research with a focus on the Global South | Important: this action is limited to ZAP & BAP academic staff
2. Requirements and evaluation
This call is open to all UAntwerp affiliated staff (ZAP, BAP, ATP): individuals including professors, researchers, teachers, lecturers, administrative staff, are eligible to apply under the following conditions:
- They must maintain their affiliation with the institution for at least the entire scheduled duration of the project, initiative, or action.
- They must be the (co-)organizer of the initiative.
The proposals will be evaluated by the Bureau of Global Engagement based on:
- Its alignment with the goals described in the GE Strategic framework
- The quality and relevance of the proposed event
- Its value for money with regard to the size and diversity of the target audience
- Proposals are valued that are innovative, inclusive, and that involve multiple perspectives about Global Engagement.
- A collaboration between various actors and disciplines within the University is encouraged. Collaboration with partners within the AUHA (KdG, AP, HZS) is encouraged, and colleagues from other institutions within AUHA can participate as co-promotor in proposals submitted by their UAntwerp counterparts, provided these meet the criteria as described above. However, only funding can be awarded to staff affiliated with UAntwerp.
The proposal should include:
- A clear description of the project, its objectives and expected outcomes
- A budget proposal, a timeline and a plan for evaluation.
- A final report on the outcomes of the event/initiative/action will have to be submitted within a month after completion.
We provide an answer 5 weeks after submission of your proposal. As such, projects may not start earlier than 5 weeks after submission.
3. Financing and deadline
This call is for proposals to be submitted in AY2024-25 and will remain open throughout that academic year.
The awarded budget must be used within one year of receiving the selection result. Budget transfers beyond this period will not be allowed. Candidates will receive the selection results within five weeks of submission of their project proposal.
Chosen proposals may receive a contribution of maximum 3.500 EUR for category 1, 2 & 3, and maximum 10.000 EUR for category 4. If well justified, certain structural or recurring activities may be allocated a higher budget.
All costs have to fit within the ‘operational costs’category as explained in the financial framework of VLIR-UOS. The framework should be consulted for the eligibility of costs. Under no condition can the budget granted under this call be used to cover salary/personnel costs. All costs need to be specified through a financial report and are invoiced based.
VLIR-UOS Global Mind Countries
For all categories: focus is on enhancing Global Engagement within the UAntwerp. Should it be necessary in the framework of the activity to organize an event/have costs in a GS country, only costs related to activities organized in one or more of the following VLIR-UOS Global Minds countries are eligible:
- Africa: Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, DR Congo, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Madagascar, Morocco, Mozambique, Niger, Rwanda, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe
- Asia: Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Philippines, Palestina, Sri Lanka, Vietnam
- Latin America: Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Haiti, Nicaragua, Peru, Suriname
This project was made possible by Global Minds funding from VLIR-UOS.