The Antwerp Social Lab provides a range of Tobii eye tracking systems that can be used for both screen-based and wearable eye tracking studies. The screen-based systems focus on tracking eye movements in relation to digital displays, whereas the wearable eye tracking systems are designed for real-life contexts that demand greater flexibility.
Tobii X3-120
The Tobii Pro X3-120 tracks eye movements at 120 Hz. It is a mobile and ultraslim system that can be attached to a computer or laptop, making it operational for both in- and outside the lab environment. This eye tracker is used on a laptop (DELL precision 7710) with the Tobii Pro Studio Software package, which is used to design the experiments, to visualise, to analyse and to extract data.
Amount: 1
How can I use Tobii X3-120?
Click here for an online manual on how to use Tobii Pro X3-120 eye tracker. Related software such as Tobii Pro Lab can be downloaded here. Related software such as Tobii Pro Lab can be downloaded here.

Tobii Pro Fusion
The Tobii Pro Fusion tracks eye movements at 250 Hz. Similar to the Tobii X3-120, this eye tracking system is a mobile system that can be attached to a computer or laptop, making it operational for both in- and outside the lab environment. It can also be used on one of our laptops or desktops, together with the Tobii Pro Lab Software package to design the experiments, to visualise, to analyse and to extract data.
Amount: 2
How can I use the Tobii Pro Fusion?
A user manual can be found here. Related software such as Tobii Pro Lab can be downloaded here.

Tobii Pro Spectrum
The Tobii Pro Spectrum is a screen integrated system recording at up to 1200 Hz. This eye tracker enables a more in depth study of micro-processes related to eye movement behavior. It is used as a fixed setup (on a Dell Precision 3630 desktop) with the Tobii Pro Lab Software Package. This software packages is used to design and conduct eye tracking experiments, and to visualise, analyse and extract data. This setup allows us to integrate eye tracking data with EDA measures (such as Shimmer 3, Biopack and iMotions) in order to measure cognitive and emotional processes on a computer screen.
Amount: 1
How can I use Tobii Pro Spectrum?
A user manual can be found here. Related software such as Tobii Pro Lab can be downloaded here.

Tobii Pro Glasses 3
These Tobii Pro Glasses 3 are able to track eye tracking movement up to 100Hz. They can be used in real-world environment and settings, enabling participants to act naturally. They record a detailed first-person perspective, so you can stand back while observing on a screen in real-time and collecting quality data.
The Tobii Glasses are made available through a collaborative effort with research group TricS of the Department of Applied Linguistics, Translation and Interpreting Studies at the University of Antwerp.
Amount: 8
How can I use the Tobii Glasses 3?
A user manual can be found here. Related software such as Tobii Pro Lab can be downloaded here.

Pupil Labs Neon
Next to our Tobii eye trackers, the Antwerp Social Lab has one eye tracker from Pupil Labs, the Pupil Labs Neon. This eye tracker has two eye cameras, one for each eye, running at 200Hz. The camera has a wide field of view (132° x 81°), capturing full HD video with a resolution of 1600 x 1200px. It provides several features such as:
- Real-time monitoring on other devices
- Automatic fixation detection based on an algorithm specifically designed for head-mounted eye trackers
- Integrated 9-DOF IMU that allows researchers to track head movements at 110 Hz and to estimate the absolute pose of the head including its pitch, roll, and yaw
- Integrated stereo microphones that capture high quality audio
- Guaranteed access to all raw, intermediate, and final data - no special licenses are required
Amount: 1

HTC Vive Pro Eye
A virtual reality headset developed with integrated eye-tracking technology. Eye tracking allows for a more immersive experience by enabling foveated rendering, where the system focuses on rendering high-quality graphics only in the area where the user is currently looking, thus optimizing performance.
Amount: 1
How can I use the HTC VIve Pro Eye?
A user manual is provided by HTC and can be viewed online.