• Jaarlijks organiseert QUALUA een Summer School (5 dagen, laatste volle week van augustus) in het Engels. Theoretische sessies worden afgewisseld met workshops. Er is ook ruimte voor vragen over eigen (startende) projecten.

Summer School (edition 2024: FULLY BOOKED)

  • The Summerschool edition 2024 will take place from August 19 to August 23 in Antwerp. 
  • Guestspeaker: Dr. Sara Coemans is the coordinator for qualitative research at FLAMES KULeuven (an inter-university training network rooted in the five Flemish universities) and lecturer in the Child and Youth studies program at University College Leuven-Limburg. She holds a doctoral degree in Educational Sciences and a master in Social Pedagogy from the University of Leuven. Her methodological interests lie mainly in the following research areas: arts-based research, participatory methods, quality appraisal and scoping reviews.
    She will bring a workshop on photovoice and visual methods.
  • You can register from 15 February 2024.
  • For more information, please send an email to cil.leytens@uantwerpen.be.