A digital twin approach to support the evolution of cyber-physical systems

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Eight caring technology principles : development and implementation of a framework for responsible health technology innovation

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Continuous evolution of digital twins using the DarTwin notation

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An Excel Motion Profile Optimization (MoPO) Tool for 1-DOF Mechatronic Systems

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Synchronisation of a multimodal sensing setup for analysis of conservatory pianists

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Reusing model validation methods for the continuous validation of digital twins of cyber-physical systems

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De BBC Micro en de Archimedes, twee Acornn Computers

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Elevated fluid and glycosaminoglycan content in the Achilles tendon contribute to higher intratendinous pressures : implications for Achilles tendinopathy

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    Lauren Pringels, Gert-Jan Van Valckenborgh, Patrick Segers, Amélie Chevalier, Hedwig Stepman, Evi Wezenbeek, Arne Burssens, Luc Vanden Bossche

Educational advancement of an industrial automation course : combining simulation with physical experience

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Simulation-informed Gaussian processes for accelerated Bayesian optimisation

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Geometric validation of a pediatric upper airways model made using a mainstream desktop 3D printer.

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Live coupling coefficient calculation method for capacitive wireless power transfer with multiple receivers

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