Woldegebriel Dagne Admasu
Research cluster: Global mobility and migration research
Research topics: Urban refugees; Refugees’ Right to work; Refugees’ livelihood; Refugee integration; Ethiopia

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Sarah Anschütz
Research cluster: Global mobility and migration research
Research topics: Transnational migration and mobility; Migrant youth; Digital media; Social networks; West-Africa; Ethnography; Creative methods

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Joelle Badran
Research cluster: Social Work and Welfare Studies
Research topics: Refugees & asylum; Solidarity; Recognition; Diversity; Childhood Studies; Social work

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Milena Belloni
Research cluster: Social Work and welfare studies, Global mobility and migration research
Research topics: Refugeeand asylum seekers; Family reunification policies; Street level bureaucracy; Horn of Africa; Migration; Civic stratification

dr. Anne Bergmans 
Research cluster: Science and Society; Urban and Environmental studies
search topics: Environmental sociology; Sociology of safety and risk; Science and technology studies; Risk governance; Societal resilience; Sustainability; Radioactive waste management; Emergency planning 

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Didier Boost
​Research cluster: Social work and welfare studies
​Research topics: Social Work; Realist Evaluation; Cricital Realism; Evidence-based practice; Organizational Integration​

​Johan Boxstaens
​Research cluster: Social work and welfare studies
​Research topics: Social work; Criminal justice; Community supervision; Theory of social work; Social work methods​


Aaron Brusseel
Research cluster: Social Work and welfare studies
Research topics: Civil society; Public-nonprofit collaborations; Civic engagement; Policy advocacy; Evaluation studies; Behavioral public administration

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Tori Ceusters
Research cluster: Science and society
Research topics: Holistic safety; Uncertainty; Security risk management; Organisational resilience; Robust thinking

​Jill Coene
​Research cluster: Social work and welfare studies
​​Research topics: Poverty; Social Policy; Energy Poverty​

Dries Coertjens
​Research cluster: Urban and Environmental Studies
​Research topics: Environment; Risk Perception; Risk Communication; Participation; Environmental governance​

​dr. Pieter Cools
​Research cluster: Urban and Environmental Studies; Social Work and welfare studies; Science and society
​​Research topics: Need politics; Social innovation; Participation; Welfare reform; Organizational hybridity​

dr. Ann Crabbé
​Research cluster: Urban and Environmental Studies; Science and society
Research topics: Envronmental policy sciences; Policy arrangements; Policy evaluation; Multi-actor governance; Water policy; Participation; Knowledge arrangements


Hanne Dallenes
Research cluster: Urban and environmental Studies
Research topics: Environmental sociology; Climate change; Energy security; Sustainability transitions; Environmental concerns

Petra De Braal 
Research cluster: Urban and Environmental Studies; Social work and welfare studies
Research topics: Ethics of care; Social innovation; Privileged irresponsibility; Participation; Solidarity; Decentralisation​


Tina De Jaeger
Research cluster: Social Work and Welfare Studies
Research topics: Poverty; Social Network Theory; Social support ; Mixed Methods ; Agency

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Eline De Jong
Research cluster: Social Work and Welfare Studies; Science and society
Research topics: Solidarity; Diversity; Social enterprises; Intersectionality; Social transformation

Harm Deleu
Research cluster: Social work and welfare studies; Urban and environmental studies
Reserach topics: Social work; Homelessness, Informal support; Non-profit organisations; Hidden homelessness​

​Anke De Malsche
​Research cluster:
​Research topics:​


Koen Desmet

Silke de Troyer
Research cluster: Social Work and welfare studies
Research topics: Social Work; Solidarity; Religion; Welfare State Institutions; Faith-based organisations; Welfare Stte; Inequality


Lien Dieleman
Research cluster: Urban and Environmental Studies
Research topics: Tap water; Value of water; Price perception; Sustainable consumption; Theories of practice​

​Benoït El-Achkar
​Research cluster: Urban and Environmental Studies; Science and Society
​​Research topics: Environmental sociology; Science and Technology Studies; Sustainability transitions; Urban Sociology; Public sociology; Political ecology​


Cory Fletcher
Research cluster: Urban & Environmental Studies; Science and Society
Research topics:

​Robbe Geerts
​Research cluster:  Urban and Environmental Studies; Science and society
​​Research topics: Environmental sociology; Social class; Sustainability; Risk perception; Sociology of science and knowledge; Water consumption and production​

​Dirk Holemans
​Research cluster: Urban and Environmental Studies
​​Research topics: Commons; Political Economy; Political and Social Sciences; Political Ecology; Transition theory​


Amalia Innocenti
Research cluster: Global Mobility and Migration Research
Research topics: Migration; Death; Mediterranean sea

Minseong Kim
Research cluster:
Research topics: 

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​Imane Kostet
Research cluster: Urban and Environmental Studies; Global mobility and migration research
​​Research topics: Identity studies; Diversity; Educational inequality; Culture and stratification; Sociology of childhood; Cultural sociology​

​Fatima Laoukili
​Research cluster: Urban and Evironmental Studies; Social work and welfare studies
​​Research topics: Urban sociology; Diversity; Migrants; Civil Society; Social work; Social changes​

​Prof. dr. Ilse Loots
​Research cluster: Urban and Environmental Studies; Science and society
​​Research topics: Environmental policy sciences; Interdisciplinary environmental sciences; Risk Communication and governance; Knowledge arrangements; Environmental health; Science-policy interface; Stakeholder mapping​

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Sarah Maes
Research cluster: Social Work and Welfare Studies
Research topics: Social Work; Faith-based organisations; Solidarity; Religion; Welfare State Institutions

​Prof. dr. Pieter Maeseele (geassocieerd lid)
​Research cluster: Science and society
​​Research topics: Media Sociology; Democratic theory; Journalism; Science and Environmental communication; Discourse analysis​


Reda Mahajar
Research Cluster: Urban and Environmental Studies; Science and Society
Research topics: Social Theory; Postcolonial Studies; Nationalism Studies; Research Methodologies ; Poststructuralism; Migration

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​Elien Mathys
Research cluster: Social Work and welfare studies
Research topics: Impact evaluation; Practice development; Accountability; Impact-driven Action; Social Work​


Amal Miri
Research cluster: Science and society; Social work and welfare studies, Global mobility and migration research
Research topics: Gender and diversity; (Family) migration; Participatory research; Intersectionality; Integration policies; Migrant motherhood 

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Athina Moroglou
Research cluster:
Research topics:

​Prof. dr. Stijn Oosterlynck
​Research cluster: Urban and Environmental Studies; Social work and welfare studies
​Research topics: Urban sociology; Diversity; Poverty; Social Innovation; Community development​


Loubna Ou-Salah
Research cluster:
Research topics:

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Mandy Paauw
Research cluster: Urban and Environmental Studies
Reserach topics: Sustainable development; Nature-based solutions; Environmental policy; Environmental justice; Adaptive governance; Socio-ecological resilience

Giovanni Penna
Research cluster: Global mobility and migration research
Research topics: Migration ; Visa policy; Visa outsourcing; Border externalisation; Ethnography; Refugee families

​Prof. dr. Peter Raeymaeckers
​Research cluster: Social work and welfare studies
​Research topics: Social work; Governance; Public-nonprofit collaborations; evaluation studies​

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Lena Richter
Research cluster: Global mobility and migration research
Research topics: Nonreligion; Mobility; Morocco; Intersectionality; Asylum


Hannah Robinson
Research cluster: Urban and environmental Studies
Research topics: Urban studies; Poverty; Environment; Health and wellbeing; Migration

​Prof. dr. Mieke Schrooten
Research cluster: Social work and welfare studies; Global mobility and migration research
​Research topics: (trans)migration, informal social work practices, transnational social work, hidden homelessness​

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Ona Schyvens
Research cluster: Urban and Environmental Studies
Research topics: Integration policy; Local governance; Urban sociology; Political participation; Migration


Rune Sterckx
Research cluster: Urban and environmental studies
Research topics: Climate justice; Sustainability; Climate policies; Sociological and environmental justice

Lisa Suckert
Research cluster: Science and Society; Urban and Environmental Studies
Research topics: Economic Sociology; Climate Change; Imagined futures; Crisis; Discourse; Social Theory; Time and Temporality; Uncertainty


Yannis Tzaninis
Research cluster: Urban and Environmental Studies
Research topics: Urban Political Ecology; Social geography; Extended Urbanization; Climate change; More-than-human epistemologies

​dr. Sylvie Van Dam 

Research cluster: Social work and welfare studies; Urban and Environmental Studies
Research topics: Poverty; Diversity; Social work; Capabilities; Migrant organizations; Networks; Urban sociology


Martha Van den Bergh
Research cluster: Social Work and Welfare Studies
Research topics: Social Networks; Paid staff; Volunteers; Nonprofit organizations

Ewoud Vandepitte
​Research cluster: Urban and Environmental Studies; Science and society
​​Research topics: Environmental justice; Climate change; Public sociology; Social movements; Ethnography; Symbolic interactionism; Sociology of knowledge; Sociology of emotions​

​Prof. dr. Frédéric Vandermoere
​Research cluster: Urban and Environmental Studies; Science and society
​Research topics: Environmental sociology; Sustainability transitions; Science and technology studies; Public sociology; Risk and uncertainty; Sustainable consumption; Environmental activism​

​Bregje Van Deun
​Research cluster: Urban and Environmental Studies
​​Research topics: Cultural Sociology; Sociological Theory​


Lore Van Praag
Research cluster: Urban and Environmental Studies
Research topics: Migration; Environmental sociology; Climate; Religion; Gender; Education 


Elisabet Van Wymeersch
Research cluster: Urban and Environmental Studies
Research topics: Urban politics; Planning theory; Political Philosophy; Land use conflict; Social transformation

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Kyra Verbruggen
Research cluster: Urban and Environmental studies
Research topics: Sustainable development; Participation; Ideology; Justice; Systems


Dries Ver Elst
Research cluster:
Research topics: 


Linus Vermeulen
Research cluster: Urban and Environmental Studies
Research topics: Global Political Cities; Social Imaginaries; Public Policy Advice; Truth Spots; Policy Advisory Complexes

​Prof. dr. Gert Verschraegen
​Research cluster: Science and Society; Urban and Environmental studies
​Research topics: Cultural Sociology; Sociological Theory; Diversity and migration; Sociology of science and knowledge​


Eva Verschueren
Research cluster: Urban and Environmental Studies
Research topics: Cultural sociology; Superdiversity; Identity studies

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Elina Volodchenko
Research cluster: Urban and Environmental Studies
Research topics: Urban sociology; Environmental sociology; Community spaces; Sustainability; Intersectionality


Louis Volont
Research cluster: Urban and environmental studies
Research topics: Classical sociological theory; Architecture & aesthetics; Futures, time & temporality; The sociology of the sacred; Cultural commons


Rozemarijn Weyers
Research cluster:
Research topics:

Vrijwillig medewerkers


Imane Bendra
Research cluster: Global Mobility and Migration Research
Research topics: Migration and stay aspirations; Life aspirations; Senegalese street traders; Morocco; Ethnography; Life history

​Ariadne Driezen
​Research cluster: Urban and Environmental Studies
​​Research topics: Social identity studies; Symbolic boundary work; Education and youth; Cultural sociology; Sociology of religion; Diversity​​

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Björn Carré
Research cluster: Social work and welfare studies; Science and society
​Research topics: Civil society; Marketization; Advocacy; Nonprofit-business hybridity; Social Work

​Gaëlle Mortier
​Research cluster: Urban and Enviromental Studies; Social work and welfare studies
​Research topics: Solidarity in diversity; Integration policy; Active citizenship; Local governance; Migration; Volunteer work​

Syeda Rizvi
Research cluster: Urban and environmental Studies, Science and society, Global mobility and migration research
Research topics: Environment; Policy; Communications; Inclusion

Elias Storms

​Arne Saeys
​Research cluster: Urban and Environmental Studies
​​Research topics: Diversity; Urban sociology; Migration; Integration; Refugees; Cultural Studies; Media Studies; Psychology​

Peter Vervoort
Research cluster: Urban and Environmental studies
Research topics: Interdisciplinary environmental sciences; Health and wellbeing; Urban green space; Socio-spatial studies; Spatial planning

​Em. prof. dr. Jan Vranken
Research cluster: Social work and welfare studies; Science and Society; Urban and Environmental Studies
Reserach topics: Poverty & exclusion; Social stratification; Welfare State; Urban Sociology; Diversity; Migration; Sociological Theory